It Comes in Threes

I am SO grateful and SO humbled by all of the wonderful and heartfelt well-wishes received during my recovery from the two spine surgeries I had already this year. I am equally appreciative of your patience with me getting back to blogging. My time has been spent with a LOT of physical therapy and just trying to adjust to the “new normal.” I have missed pulling out dishes and accessories to create, and I have missed even more the opportunity to visit the sites of so many fellow bloggers who turn out such incredible work week after week. Sitting at the computer for hours on end was just too uncomfortable.

SO NOW THE BAD NEWS: All of the aggressive, non-stop physical therapy over these past months has worked to aggravate my left shoulder’s torn rotator cuff and frayed labrum caused by yet another nasty bone spur. Those of you who have known me for a while know I just went through a similar surgery 2 short years ago for the right shoulder. But everything ugly comes in threes, and good ol’ Number 3 began Friday, July 17, as I underwent surgery for the third time this year.

So I went from this “new normal” in winter, spring and early summer…:Alycia Nichols, Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One,, “Down, But Not Out”

…to this which will be “the new new normal” through the fall:


Pre-op with the very handsome and wonderful Dr. Greg Van den Berghe. He's just yummy...and he does fantastic shoulder work!!!

Pre-op with the very handsome and wonderful Dr. Greg Van den Berghe. He’s just yummy…and he does fantastic shoulder work!!!

Feeling alert and pretty good after the 2-hr. surgery! Notice my stylish outfit!

Feeling alert and pretty good after the 2-hr. surgery! Notice my stylish outfit! You may also notice the still emaciated right leg that’s still getting PT along with my back.

Back home safe & sound, but the nerve block is starting to wear off. :-(

Back home safe & sound, but the nerve block is starting to wear off. 😦

My goal is to get back up on that horse and “get jiggy with it” sooner than later. I hope you all will hang in there with me a bit longer, and I promise I’ll be back as soon as I can move this arm a bit. My brain is TEEMING with tablescape ideas after all this time!

Thank you again for all the well-wishes, love and support over these past difficult months. I’ll see you soon in Blog Land!!!