Candle in the Wind

This Wednesday will mark the 14th anniversary of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. I, like many people, vividly remember where I was and what I was doing when the news first broke. Like millions of others, I watched as her grief-stricken sons walked that painful walk behind the lily-draped coffin in her funeral procession. In a loving tribute, Sir Elton John – though deeply pained by the untimely death of his dear friend – found the wherewithal to write and then sing at the funeral a remake of his original hit “Candle in the Wind”.

A little over ten years later in 2007, Sir Elton John was the featured act for the grand opening of Kansas City’s Sprint Center. My Mom and I were among the lucky 16,872 souls to witness his stellar performance from the Sprint Suite, mere yards away from the stage. With it being so close on the heels of the ten-year remembrance of Diana, I couldn’t help but think of her.

So this week as a little something extra, I’m posting photos of the table I set up for a little pre-concert dessert & coffee at my house.

Click here and scroll down for more lovely tea tables!

A full-length white linen hosts the Easterling china my Mom gave me a few years back. White cotton napkins are encircled with staid silver rings. The only flatware needed was a spoon for stirring our tea or coffee.

Diets be damned! Rich chocolate candies and assorted cookies were on the menu. The etched silver cordial cups are also from my Mom.

Sherry is served from a cut crystal decanter purchased years ago at Tuesday Morning.

I have absolutely no idea what the intended use of this beautiful velvet-lined silver cache is (jewelry, perhaps?), but I have always used it as a tea caddy to present tea at the table.

A cluster of tightly packed and highly fragrant fuchsia carnations made a sweet and simple centerpiece. The candles displayed in tri-level silver candlesticks flickered wildly against the evening sky and paid tribute to Diana on this fittingly breezy evening.

I got this fabulous silver urn at Tuesday Morning many years ago. The reticulated lip and base along with the ornate engraving captured my attention. Without question, this urn had me at hello!

And so, with that I remember a great song performed by a great singer in loving memory of a great humanitarian: Diana, Princess of Wales, “The People’s Princess”.

Thanks again for taking me to the concert, Mom!

Please remember to join hostess Susan and all my tablescaping blog buddies at Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday!!!

37 thoughts on “Candle in the Wind

  1. What a SIMPLE SETTING AND LOVELY COMMEMORATION TO PRINCESS DIANA……. The echo of her life came full circle with the amazing wedding of her son and I know she whould have been pleased. The glistening glow of the candlelight against that silver will be the perfect touch you are trying to achieve for the solemnity of this event…… WELL DONE MY DEAR!!!!!! Your silver collection is FAB…. I LUST for and now must have tall silver candlesticks…. Chu


    • Thank you, ma’am! Y’know, when William got married I couldn’t help but think how pleased Diana would have been, too. She was such a good Mom to those boys. As for the candlesticks, I sold BILLIONS of those when I closed my shop a couple of years ago. I wish I would have known!!! 😦


  2. The real treasure at this table was clearly your mom!!! What a cool lady. I do love everything else, as well. You know I’m so taken with pave carnations
    (I couldn’t find an accent mark!) Especially that shot of hot pink on this serenely elegant table. You ladies rock.


    • Hey, Miss Linda! Yeah, I hate it, too, that they don’t have an accent mark thingy on here! I love paved roses and carnations. It’s always such a clean look. To pave orchids takes a lot more skill and patience than I have to offer, but someday I may buckle down and try to go there! 🙂 Isn’t my Mom cool? She just danced and sang and had a grand ol’ time! We went back to see Elton with Billy Joel when they toured together. She and I also went to see Rod Stewart (he was SO much fun kicking soccer balls into the audience!) and Tina Turner (magnificent production!!!). She’s a good concert buddy! 🙂


  3. Remembering a beautiful and gracious lady such as Diana is a good thing to do! I love the colors and the hot pink in the carnations is perfect.. The tall candlesticks are stunning pieces as is the urn I wish I had gotten.. Love your decanter too.. I have one quite similar (insert smiley)… A perfect prelude with exquisite attention to detail to a lovely event attended by two lovely ladies! great job!! xo marlis


    • Thank you, Marlis! Isn’t that urn something? I love it! I remember snatching it off the shelf and deciding it was going to be mine no matter what it cost. Thank goodness it didn’t cost a fortune! I have since sold many other items that were equally beautiful that I got at great prices. 😦 I want it all back!!!!!!!


  4. Alycia, Your beautiful table is perfect for your sweet tribute to Princess Diana. The polished silver pieces so beautifully reflect the candle light and the fuchsia carnations are a wonderful pop of color.
    How fabulous that you and your mother were able to see Elton John’s concert, but the stars of the show are you and your mom. Two beautiful ladies. Love her glasses and your feather boa. Y’all are gor-ge-ous!


    • Thank you, Babs! I remember my Mom being just a tad reluctant to toss that feather boa on, so I swirled it around my shoulders. I never felt so elegant! She had a great time, and it surprised me that she knew the words to so many of the songs!!! She and I went to see him AGAIN when he came to KC with Billy Joel. Had a great time then, too! 🙂


  5. What a lovely table Alycia. I remember how excited you were to go to that concert and how much fun you had. My 14th anniversary is tomorrow and I remember that next day being such sad one. This is a wonderful tribute. Great job.


    • HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, Ebony!!!!!!! Wow…first Isaiah’s birthday and now you and Steve’s anniversary…it’s got to be a party house over there! 😉 I WAS excited to attend Elton’s concert, and my Mom, Sheri, and I actually went to see him again when he was here with Billy Joel. He was fantastic both times!


    • Thank you, Christine…that means a lot to me. I deeply admired Princess Diana, and this just seemed like something to help ease my sorrow on the anniversary of her death. I had these photos still around, so it worked out perfectly!


  6. Pingback: Cordial Glass Tea

  7. Pingback: Oopsy Daisy! « Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  8. Hi Alycia~ What a blast you & your mom must have had~ she looks like loads of fun 🙂 Love your elegant silver table with a punch of pink! My mom has a silver jar that belonged to my great aunt like yours. She referred to it as a biscuit barrel. I think they were used to offer cookies at the table for tea. How nice yours is felt lined for storage.


  9. So magical. What a beautiful rememberance to a wonderful woman, one that is truly missed by all. I adore all of your silver, I can see where the urn had you at hello, it is gorgeous. You and your mother are two beautiful women.. I know you had a great time at the concert.. hugs ~lynne~


  10. Beautiful sentiments, Alycia, expressed in an elegant, evocative setting!
    When you mentioned the year you did this, I thought, “Wow, that Alycia was tablescaping before I even knew there was a word for it!”

    You and your mom both look absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing your memories of what must have been a special evening indeed!



    • I so loved Princess Diana. I always sympathized (perhaps even empathized) with what she endured with her in-laws. My Mom is going to be all giddy when she sees your comment! At 82 years old she looks pretty doggone good and has WAY too much energy! Have a great weekend, and don’t do anything I would do! 😉


  11. A very beautiful table! I am in awe of the candlesticks….I love them. I love silver! I am sure Diana smiles down on all who remember her. It just is perfect….You and your mom looked so happy. I know you had a wonderful time at the concert. Treasure your friendship!
    Blessings My Friend,


    • Hi, Elaine!!! Many thanks!!! I certainly DO treasure the long-running friendship I have with my Mom. We have been partners in crime since I was a teen, and I love her very much. She’s a wild one!!! Thank you for stopping in, and have a beautiful weekend!


  12. So elegant…just like Diana. That is such a great picture of your mom and you. Looks like you two can get up so real fun!!! Your table is just beautiful. Love the color of the flowers and the candles are wonderful!


  13. What an elegant way to thank your beautiful mom for the treat of the concert tickets. How did I miss that urn at our Tuesday Morning? That’s a jewel for your table crowned by those amazing hot pink blossoms. The profusion of candlesticks is perfect for commemorating the world’s favorite royal. Thank you for sharing your delightful design. Cherry Kay


    • Thank you, Cherry Kay! I was a happy little person when I found that urn!!! I think I bought it about 10 or so years ago when I owned my wedding design. I thought it would be a nice display vessel for the bridal bouquet. When I sold my business, it was one of the many pieces I decided to keep because it was so unique. SO glad I did!!! I hope you and your family enjoy a nice holiday weekend. Thank you for stopping in!


  14. Pingback: My Sister’s Wedding China | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

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