It Comes in Threes

I am SO grateful and SO humbled by all of the wonderful and heartfelt well-wishes received during my recovery from the two spine surgeries I had already this year. I am equally appreciative of your patience with me getting back to blogging. My time has been spent with a LOT of physical therapy and just trying to adjust to the “new normal.” I have missed pulling out dishes and accessories to create, and I have missed even more the opportunity to visit the sites of so many fellow bloggers who turn out such incredible work week after week. Sitting at the computer for hours on end was just too uncomfortable.

SO NOW THE BAD NEWS: All of the aggressive, non-stop physical therapy over these past months has worked to aggravate my left shoulder’s torn rotator cuff and frayed labrum caused by yet another nasty bone spur. Those of you who have known me for a while know I just went through a similar surgery 2 short years ago for the right shoulder. But everything ugly comes in threes, and good ol’ Number 3 began Friday, July 17, as I underwent surgery for the third time this year.

So I went from this “new normal” in winter, spring and early summer…:Alycia Nichols, Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One,, “Down, But Not Out”

…to this which will be “the new new normal” through the fall:


Pre-op with the very handsome and wonderful Dr. Greg Van den Berghe. He's just yummy...and he does fantastic shoulder work!!!

Pre-op with the very handsome and wonderful Dr. Greg Van den Berghe. He’s just yummy…and he does fantastic shoulder work!!!

Feeling alert and pretty good after the 2-hr. surgery! Notice my stylish outfit!

Feeling alert and pretty good after the 2-hr. surgery! Notice my stylish outfit! You may also notice the still emaciated right leg that’s still getting PT along with my back.

Back home safe & sound, but the nerve block is starting to wear off. :-(

Back home safe & sound, but the nerve block is starting to wear off. 😦

My goal is to get back up on that horse and “get jiggy with it” sooner than later. I hope you all will hang in there with me a bit longer, and I promise I’ll be back as soon as I can move this arm a bit. My brain is TEEMING with tablescape ideas after all this time!

Thank you again for all the well-wishes, love and support over these past difficult months. I’ll see you soon in Blog Land!!!

41 thoughts on “It Comes in Threes

  1. How difficult!! I just recently found your blog and after reading all the past posts realized you were undergoing such difficulties!! I’m sure you will get through it all beautifully and I do wish you the best!


  2. So happy to see you are back at the computer and over the long recovery from your surgeries. I’m walking out the door for a church BBQ but I’m looking forward to reading everything you sent here this time around. May God continue to bless you with good health and no pain. Just learned my dear hubby of 42 yrs. has cancer. Prayers’ appreciated.



  3. Well come back. July 7 I had my right shoulder scoped and it has been a rough almost 2 weeks. I can really feel for you. My work goes on, but I have really been sleeping a lot during the day. Today I took off for a few hours to get out of the house and just look at pillows, decorations and getting some idea’s for late summer decorating and also to find candles for our 60th wedding anniversary.

    Prayers for a fast healing and no more surgery.


  4. Oh my goodness, Alycia! I’ve been thinking about you, wondering how you were doing. You have had quite the year. I’m hoping and praying that by Christmas you will be good as new. I miss your lovely tablescapes and that wonderful smile.


  5. You have certainly been on my mind and I’m so happy to see you are doing some blogging. Hope your recovery and rehab continue to help you and you are feeling better ASAP! Missed you and look forward to all the creativeness you have thought up while you recover. I’m sure we are in for inspirational tablescapes!


  6. Was wondering how you were doing. Sorry to hear about your setbacks but I’m wishing you the best. And I will hang in there with you. Prayers are going up in your behalf for healing. My thoughts are also with Beverly and her husband of 42 years. God be with you all.


  7. I am glad the surgery is over, and I hope the therapy, etc. will be easier this tie around. You are a real champ! Hang in there because we are all here for you.


  8. Just today, Alycia, I was thinking about you AGAIN 🙂 and wondering and hoping that you were better, and telling myself I needed to check my sent email, because I don’t remember if I answered your last one (yes, feeling awfully bad if I didn’t). I really miss you and your energy and your beautiful and inspiring tablescapes, and I’m really sorry to see you going through all this. My prayers continue, Alycia.


  9. So lovely to see your blog name show up in my email. I think of you and keep you in my prayers for you often. Your immense talent is missed and I look forward to the day when you will be able to play with your dishes once again.
    Hugs, Dawna


  10. as the old saying goes, Third times a charm! Let’s hope so. I was excited to see an email come across from you, but bummed to see that you are still having issues. I hope you are on the right path to recovery now, and my prayers will be with you for strength and healing. Take care, Ann


  11. What a wonderful surprise to see your blog post pop up on my email, Alycia! I’m so glad you are on “the other side” of your surgeries. I am using your smile for inspiration, because I just found out I’ll be having open heart surgery next month and I need all the inspiration I can get! Take care of yourself and know we’re all here waiting for your next post and wishing you all the best for quick healing and sending prayers your way. Fondly, Rosie


  12. Take your time healing. Having been there and done that……it is much better to take the time to heal properly or you just end up spinning your wheels and sometimes having to repeat the repair. The inspirations will still come and you will be back doing all your fantastic tablescapes soon. Get well and take care, Linda


  13. Alycia! So nice to see you in my inbox when we got home tonight! I do wish you a speedy recovery. Can’t wait to see what your teeming mind comes up with for your future tablescape projects:) My blog has been screwed up on the back end for quite a while, and I still need to deal with it, but we’re busy as usual–just auditioned for Macbeth, and then went to see another production of . . . wait for it . . .Macbeth tonight. Two different theatre companies. Then we’re doing The Venetian Twins, which is commedia dell ‘arte style, originated in Italy about the same time that Shakespeare was doing his thing, but it’s big broad slapstick comedy, which we adore. Wish you were here and could see it! Back in May I was in a tv pilot for Animal Planet called Medieval Monsters–I played a medieval fishmonger wench–so much fun. Take care!


  14. Alycia, I can’t tekk you how happy it makes Mr feel to see a post from you! And you were walking! Goodness, you had me scared since we last communicated. The shoulder? Meh, you can deal with that, right? Been there, done that, you say. Except….it may be just a little while before you get jiggy with any dishes, esp. if you have to reach overhead. But I know you will, in time, and that’s the important thing.
    Happy for you, and it was great to have your update!
    Rita XO


  15. I’ll bet you’ll be back with amazing tablescapes soon! I was thrilled to see your post in my in-box! I’ve been wondering how things are going and was ready to email you and check on you again. It’s great to hear of your progress, but I’m sorry you’ve had to go under the knife again so soon. With all your time away, I know your brain has been working over-time. We will all benefit from it soon, I just know it. You have been so missed, Alycia!!! I look forward to the day when you get back to it and start jigging around the tablescapes again. 🙂 Take care, sweet friend, and follow doctors orders, please!?!? Big, huge hug!


  16. Alycia, I was tickled pink to see a post from you in my mail today!! I have been missing you and your wonderful tablescapes for what has seemed like forever! I was so sorry to hear that you have undergone yet another surgery, I do pray that this will be the end of the surgeries and that you will be recovering and back to your “new” old self. I am looking forward to you getting back to creating tablescapes again as soon as possible!


  17. Awww Alycia, I was so happy to have an email with your post in it!! You sure won’t forget the year of 2015, will you? What a beautiful patient you are, my friend. You’re still in my daily prayers. Love and a (((big hug))) are sent to you.


  18. You KNOW we’ll all be here waiting for you and your wild inspiration!!! I’m praying for you and thinking about what a wonderful support system you must h!ave to pull you through all of this! Work hard, stay positive, and keep planning those future tables. You are missed!
    Linda @ A Toile Tale


  19. Very good to hear your cheery voice even with all you’ve had to go through this past year. Take it easy, and we’ll all be here when you are ready to come back. Best wishes for a super speedy recovery.


  20. It’s so good to hear from you! I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had more complications but you seem to be in good spirits. Know we’re all keeping you in our prayers. Take your time and good luck with the therapy!!! Zenda


  21. Will keep you in my prayers. I bet your holiday tablescapes will be fantastic as you think about them now! Keep the faith. There will be a light at the end of this tunnel.


  22. I could hardly believe my eyes when I looked at my wordpress reader and there was a post from Table Twenty-one! Oh Alycia, I have been worrying and wondering about you so often! I know everyone in blogland misses your funny comment and sassy stylish posts! I can’t believe you have had to have yet another surgery, hunky Dr or not!! I can’t imagine the daily grind you have to endure with all the PT, and how frustrated you must be to be unable to do what you love. I pray that you will be back in your grove soon! Thanks so much for the update!
    Love and prayers,


  23. I know I have ESP….just yesterday, you came to mind & I wondered how you were doing!!! Sounds like it has been a rough road. I hope & pray that your health issues are all on the mend now & you’ll soon be back to doing what you love. Continue to take it easy…the dishes will wait & so will we.


  24. What’s that saying “Can’t keep a good women down” Kick it, whip it and throw it to the side. You’re my Shero! Take your time and get healthy. If he brings you to it and he’ll bring you thru it.
    Love ya girl


  25. I am a little late to this post Alycia as I have been traveling….I am hoping that you recover from this shoulder surgery ASAP. I am so happy to see your smiling face in spite of all of the pain you have been going through and you never lose your sense of humor….you are certainly a trooper Alycia…always smiling…..Please keep us posted on your progress!…Miss you dearly!!!


  26. I like Deborah’s word, “Shero”! You are inspiring girl friend!! Be it scapin’ tables, dancin’ a jig, or pumpin’ iron to get your body back into shape. 🙂 We’re all here patiently awaiting your return sweet friend. She’s like the Phoenix rising from the ashes! (Que the Fight Song) xx


  27. Thanks so much for this update on your status. I think of you often and admire your upbeat attitude in spite of your repeated surgeries. I pray that you are able to continue healing and are on the road to recovery. I can imagine how “full” your brain is with tablescaping ideas just itching to be let out for the world to see! Take your time though and don’t worry, we’ll still be here patiently waiting to admire them.


  28. Good Lord! Poor you! You are such a trooper to still be able to crack jokes after all this! Me, i would be the worst witch to live with right about now. your doctor is so handsome! Well, if we are looking for rainbow, he makes a pretty one. I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to give us an update. We miss you so much! Take good care of yourself so you can come back to us as soon as possible! When you start tablescaping again, the ideas are just going to explode! I’m looking forward to that. Say hello to Ramon.


  29. Thinking of you and stopped to say hello. I pray all is well. Take care and look forward to seeing your beautiful smiles soon!

    Deborah Gooch Keeping in Touch


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