A New Year and A New Me!

Just a quick note to let you know spine surgery #3 went well. I am now the proud owner of 2 rods, 6 screws, a connector piece, and several cadaver bones. All of the previous hardware in my back (2 rods, 4 screws, and a metal plate) had to come out to make room for the new. NOT fun, I assure you! The first 2 weeks post-op were horrifyingly painful – akin to an episode of “The Twilight Zone” – but I made it through.

Back view of spine showing staples


Side view of spine

While still following the BLT Rule (no Bending, Lifting, Twisting), I’m making great strides with each passing day. For instance, I am now able to use the stairs (very slowly, one at a time, with supervision only), get in and out of bed -albeit slowly- without assistance, and sit without fatigue or pain for almost 20 minutes.

Me sitting up in a chair less than 24 hours post-op!

I’ve also ditched the walker in favor of my cane until I’m steady on my feet again. The staples…all 24 of them…came out Thursday. My surgeon doesn’t want me to start PT until 3 months out to ensure the fusion takes hold. (The first fusion apparently didn’t take, PLUS one of the 4 screws had broken in two!) Meanwhile, it’s all about walking, walking, walking and doing squats against the wall to rebuild strength in my legs and maybe drop the 25 lbs. gained pre-op due to inactivity.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart for all the well wishes and prayers. I couldn’t have done it without you and all the family, friends and neighbors who kept a vigilant watch over me and made sure Ramon didn’t have to do too much cooking! I want this 3rd time to be a total success, so I’ll be following doctor’s orders to the letter and won’t be posting again until late Spring. I wish you and yours the very best in this New Year, and once again thank you for hanging in there with me. See you in 2018!!!

With hard work, determination, and your prayers, it’s going to be alright! See you in 2018!!!

39 thoughts on “A New Year and A New Me!

  1. Alycia, you have such a wonderful attitude! I’m praying right now that 2018 will be a year of complete healing for you, and that the downtime will be a blessing to you. Happy New Year to you and all who are nearby caring for you. Hang in there, Ramon!


  2. Lets hope that third time is perfect. With this freezing weather you will have to take up an inside hobby. My oldest son has had the flu and bad cold for over a week and then his wife got it and I decided we call Christmas and celebrate March 3 for my husband’s birthday. We have no small ones, so Christmas is different.

    Wishing you God’s blessings and that this will be a very good year for everyone.


  3. Oh my! Sweet Alycia you’ve gone through the wringer girlfriend! You’re such a strong woman. Keep following the Dr orders and feel better soon! We’ve got things to do!! Keep us posted on your progress.


  4. Wishing you ALL the best in the new year! I’ll be keeping you (and Ramon) in my prayers and look forward to hearing from you in the Spring. Blessings to you, Sweet Alycia!!!


  5. Alycia,
    You are one strong woman!! I enjoy your posts so much and will miss seeing your gorgeous tablescapes. Try to remember this is just a season in your life and I pray it will end before you know it. I also pray that 3s a charm and this will be the last surgery for you. Blessings to you in this new year!


  6. Alycia, I am so glad to hear from you. I cannot tell you how many prayers I have sent for you. I cannot imagine the pain you have endured with this kind of surgery. I wish I was close so I could do something to help. Just keep that great attitude and take care of yourself and 2018 will be a better year. God has great things in store for you. Dianne


  7. I am new to your website, but rest assured, I am in your corner !! Thoughts, prayers, and positive thoughts coming your way !! 2018 will be a Fabulous year !!


  8. Oh Alycia!!!!….You are a trooper!!….Love that smile! … I know that 2018 is going to be a great one for you! …. That x-ray is indeed Twilight Zone! … ouch and ouch! …. Your wonderful attitude will see you through this and I hope and pray for a most successful and very speedy recovery! Please keep us informed on your progress. Happy New Year sweet Alycia!!!!


  9. Had no idea you were still going through this process. My prayers are that you will be pain free very soon and that you have seen the last of back pain and the procedures necessary to eliminate it. Have a very Bless and Happy New Year!


  10. Oh my. You have really been through a rough time. Prayers for a speedy recovery. You are a wonderful decorator. I love following your posts.


  11. Alycia, I’m hoping and praying for your quick recovery. Somehow I spaced it out that you were going to have this surgery. Please take it easy and listen to your doctors. Praying for you and Ramon. Hang in there. You’re such a brave and strong woman.


  12. It’s good to see a post from you, because that means you’re feeling better, if only a tiny bit. I came down with a terrible cold a couple of days ago, and I’m struggling to put together a blog post for tomorrow, but I think I’m going to be able to do it, so that means I’m feeling a bit better. Here’s hoping that 2018 is an uneventful year for you healthwise. You have more than paid your dues, and it’s time for you to have nothing but fun. Happy new year, my friend!


  13. Alycia, I’m sending praise to the Lord that you are on the mend from your last surgery. I’m thankful that you have adopted your “follow doctors’ orders to the T” attitude! I pray that you will feel His mighty loving arms wrapped around you every moment as He shepherds you through to complete recovery and health. I’m sure that you understand that it will take as long as it takes, and I pray that you will rest in His peace and grace for you during what will be a long process. I look forward to hearing from you when you’re stronger. God bless you, sweet and brave friend! CherryKay


  14. Bless your heart! What an ordeal! You are an example to all of a positive attitude, no matter the circumstances! I’m glad to get this update and wish you well as you continue the slow process of recovering.


  15. Yes, Bless your heart! I have been thinking of you sweet Alycia, and hoping things were going well…I can’t imagine the strength you have to go through this, wow, you are Wonder Woman! Thank you for giving us an update, I hope 2018 is full of better health and comfort!


  16. Oh dear girl, I love your attitude. May God protect all those additions and make them work well for you. A very Happy New year to you and yours. Less pain and a good working body in 2018!!


  17. Oh my Alycia, you’ve been through so much, and you always manage to have a smile and to have a positive attitude. You are an inspiration!! My little Mama fell in her kitchen and broke or fractured her right shoulder. I’ll be going to Ohio to help my sister with her care.
    Happy New Year Blessings to you and Ramon!!


  18. Sending all the best wishes for you in 2018. Seeing how you endure such procedures at maintained your warm spirit and beautiful smile is a blessing.. I know you’ll make it your year and just know you have a cheering squad behind you.. peace and good health to you my dear


  19. You poor dear! You have been thru so much!! But, you still have a great attitude and sense of humor! What a way to spend Christmas and New Year’s! Prayers that you will heal quickly and the third time will be the “charm!”

    My company (family, 9 of us) just left yesterday! I miss them too!

    Happy New Year!



  20. Wow, Alycia, I am so glad that your surgery was successful and I send you well wishes for a speedy recovery. I had back surgery last year, although not spinal fusion, and walk, walk, walk is sure right for the recovery! I was pain free from my pinched nerve in my back the day after surgery, but then took a long time to get over the surgery itself. But don’t give up, because I am sure it will be worth it in the end! Your posture will be gorgeous now! Sending you gentle hugs and best wishes!


  21. Oh, Alycia, I had no idea you had to face more surgery. I admire your attitude and strength so very much. Please take good care of yourself and know that there are many fans out there “pulling” for you with prayers and sending virtual hugs from afar!! We’ll be waiting for your return to the blogging world once you get the “OK” from your doctors. Take care. You’re in our hearts.


  22. I have been thinking and praying for you Alycia. You sure have been “through the mill” with that back. I hope and pray this will be the last time. Please take it easy and follow Dr.’s orders. You are strong and will get well soon. Whatever you do, don’t put together a puzzle. I started one as the weather was so cold here in East Texas. Well, I really get into it and before I know it, two hours have passed. The only thing is I asked my hubby for a puzzle for Christmas and he gave me a beautiful “Thomas Kinkade” puzzle called “Seaside Haven”. It is so beautiful and I was elated. The only problem is that it is 2,000 pieces!!! 😦 I only wanted a 500 piece or so. Oh well, I didn’t specify, so what if it takes me 2 years or more to put together. The reason I said not to put one together is because by bending over just a little, my disk in lower lumber is not very happy with me and is really showing out! So, no bending over. I might take some pieces in the box lid and put some together while sitting in my nice, cushy, lounge chair with automatic leg lift. You think that might work 🙂 ? We’ll see.

    Don’t have my glasses on, so please excuse spellings, etc. Take good care and NO PUZZLES!

    Blessings & Hugs,


  23. Blessings to you Alycia. You have been through a lot. You deserve a peaceful and healing new year. That is a lot of hardware. Let’s hope this surgery is the final one and you can finally get on with living your life without pain.


  24. Alycia, I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through all this pain. I do hope your recovery goes well and that you’ll be able to get back to your normal life soon. My mother died before there were blogs, but yours would definitely have been on her blogroll — like you, she was a master of the tablescape.


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