After the Hunt Tablescape – Gentlemen’s Winter Retreat

Deer hunting season officially began in the great State of Missouri on November 1. While it’s not my thing (I’d much rather spend time hunting dishes!), I know there are a lot of people – men in particular – who really enjoy hunting for sport. Seems kind of silly to me with Costco just a few miles away. Anyhooooooooo……. 😉

For one of my “Winter Wonderland” tablescaping classes this semester, I created a gentlemen’s tablescape for after the hunt. Whether it’s a hunt for deer, a hunt for that little white ball you hit with a very expensive stick for 18 holes, or a hunt for that perfect Christmas gift from Tiffany’s (hint, hint!), this is a table I think many gentlemen would enjoy to unwind with a hearty meal…in a civilized manner! (This might also work well for a man’s birthday in the winter months!)
(Click on any photo to enhance/enlarge it. Photos by Sheri L. Grant.)

Set up in our little library, this 48-inch round table is dressed in a full-length black linen that is topped with a piece of wonderfully soft and washable black, brown & white plaid fleece from Hobby Lobby. The fleece tablecloth conveys warmth, while the plaid pattern reminds me of the flannel shirts guys often wear under their camouflage jackets.

Each place setting starts with a wood slice charger. These wood slices are sold in the woodworking section at places like Hobby Lobby and Michael’s for about $10 apiece (but use those valuable 40% and 50% off coupons to save $$$!), and they really work well with outdoor themes or rustic tablescapes. Every slice is a little different, and that’s what makes it really cool! The oblong shape allows more of the beautiful wood to show under a round or square plate. I used black ceramic plates – a combo of Dollar Tree and Target – to complement the masculine black under linen.

 A brown leaf-shaped bowl from Pier 1 is perfect for a little venison stew or rib-stickin’ chili. Hampton Silversmith’s “Patriot” flatware has a substantial shape and weight for the masculine hand.

Over the lips, and past the tongue. Look out, stomach! Here it comes!
There’s nothing like a little whiskey on the rocks for sipping before dinner. These miniature bottles of Jack Daniel’s fine Tennessee whiskey are great for individual servings at the table or as a take-home “favor” for the guys. (Believe me, if you gave these as wedding favors, they would NOT be left sitting on the table!!!) While meat-and-potatoes guys aren’t usually given to fancy fixings, the substantial weight and cut of Godinger’s “Dublin” crystal will have them feeling like kings of the hunt or Titans of the boardroom or Gordon Gekko…whatever floats their boat. 🙂

Men tend not to favor a lot of fussiness, so I used a miniature evergreen tree and simply adorned it with this stuff I found that looks kind of like twiggy barbed wire…if that makes any sense at all.  It was just enough on the tree to lend a rugged, wintry feel without making it look too Christmas-y. The base of the tree is finished off with (naturally shed) antlers and a smattering of pine cones. No votives or candlesticks here. Guys don’t care that the amber flame is flattering to their skin tone, and they sure aren’t lookin’ for romance around this table!

The vitrine in the library is a perfect place to set up bar for refills. The deck of the vitrine is very humbly decorated with pine boughs. The urns on either side of the vitrine are topped with huge moss balls for a decidedly pared down masculine look.

On top of the secretary on the wall opposite the vitrine is this great find from a few years back. There is no way an actual deer head was coming into this house!!! This grapevine deer head wreath, however, is perfect for the occasion and lends a sort of lodge look to the room.

“Next it will be brandies in the smoking room. Now they retreat into a cloud of smoke and congratulate each other on being masters of the universe.” (Quote from “Titanic” – Rose to Jack after dinner in the first-class dining room.)

To see 9 more winter tablescapes on this site, visit the “Winter” page.
For additional winter posts on this site, check out:

Sugar High – Payback!
Cranberry Christmas – Squared
Cranberry Christmas
Winter Brunch
Christmas Progressive Dinner 2011
Get Me to the Church On Time
Winter Cardinal

Many, many, many thanks to fellow blogger/super sweetheart Cuisine Kathleen for the wonderful T.J. Maxx/Home Goods gift certificate I won on her site a couple of weeks ago! I am hoarding it for later use at after-Christmas sales. I’ll let you know what I buy!

Join me as I visit Cuisine Kathleen for “Let’s Dish!” on Wednesday anytime after 6:00 p.m. CST, the Style Sisters for “Centerpiece Wednesday“, and Susan for “Tablescape Thursday” anytime after 9:00 a.m. CST on Thursday!

52 thoughts on “After the Hunt Tablescape – Gentlemen’s Winter Retreat

  1. Wonderful job Alycia! I love the whole concept you dreamt up. This look would fit in up north here just fine! The tree is cute- love the woody vine treatment and the antlers! You are right about the weighty drinkware adding to the rugged feeling- I like those wood sliced pieces too- perfect accent! The deer head/wreath piece looks awesome! Great job teach!!


  2. Alycia, this table is just perfect for deer season or any hunting season. Love it. The heavy cut crystal really goes well with the manliness of it all. I, too, think the deer head wreath is great. Send me that link for the chargers…please.


  3. Such a wonderful settings, especially for the Gents. They all love Whiskey and Bourbon. The tablecloth is perfection , along with the wood slices and antlers. How rustic and perfect for the man today. Love the deer head with the wreath dressing. Any man would feel comfortable sitting there.


  4. Alycia,
    You KNOW I love this table! Unfortunately we do have a real deer head in my hubby’s office, but your vine one is so cool. I have been asking my hubby for wood slice chargers since I did my hunting table. I would LOVE to have about 10 of those babies. Please let me know how to contact the person who has them. Dianne


  5. Now what man wouldn’t love this? …or woman who loves the outdoors. Gorgeous…drinks tray on the hutch and the mix of crystal and silver against the beautiful wood. I’m sitting here looking at the wood slices and remembering that I “passed” on them back at the craft store because I didn’t have a coupon. I’m wishing I’d had the forethought to have the tree removal people cut some from the huge trees they took down a couple of years ago…but then they would have probably been too heavy. Oh, great “favors”, too. 🙂
    Anyway… great job Alycia! Love it all!


  6. This is one of my favorite tablescapes ! I’m a fan of the rustic. I would be interested in some of the wood chargers. Please let me know how to get in touch with the lady who has some for sale. There will be some deer hunting going on around my place this week-end ! Thanks for sharing !


  7. I’ve never been in a “gentleman’s club”, however this is how I would imagine it to be. Very tasteful and masculine for the man with class. As for a true “deer hunter” in my neck of the woods…way too fancy. All you need is some camo and safety orange. 😉


  8. This is just awesome Alycia. Even the jughead hunters around here (living in the country I constantly hear the shooting) would appreciate this masculine but elegant setting. Love the little bottles of Jack Daniels….the perfect touch! 🙂


  9. Your manly hunter’s table is just perfect. I bet your hubby really likes it. Love what you did to the tree. And how you added the Jack Daniels. I also like how you also decorate the surroundings in the room when you do tablescapes. I could use 6 more of the wood slices. Maybe they are cheaper than where I got mine, from Z Gallerie….Christine


  10. Alycia~ Your After the Hunt tablescape is wonderfully handsome! I love the flannel plaid fabric, the antlers and the wood slice chargers are ideal! I would love for you to share your student’s source with me if you don’t mind, although with shipping charges I might be better off with a coupon locally. I love the grapevine deer head too 🙂


  11. Oh hon, that JD bottle is what got me, lol..A gorgeous table, so simple and yet with so much class and elegance. I love the tree and the antlers as fabulous elements and with the plaid, just reminded me of some high lands in England or Irland! Now the wood slice chargers are awesome! The dear with the wreath I spotted up there in your buffet-hutch is exquisite..wish I had that style. Great dishes too.
    Luv ya,


  12. I’ll have a shot of that Jack Daniel in a cup of coffee to help me catch up on my lost sleep.


    Senator Yvonne S. Wilson  (Retired)

    >________________________________ > From: Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One >To: >Sent: Wednesday, November 7, 2012 8:59 AM >Subject: [New post] Gentlemen’s Winter Retreat > > >Alycia Nichols posted: “Deer hunting season officially began in the great State of Missouri on November 1. While it’s not my thing (I’d much rather spend time hunting dishes!), I know there are a lot of people – men in particular – who really enjoy hunting for sport. Seems kind ” >


  13. This is a wonderful table Alycia. I wondered what you were up to when I saw “Jack” in the thumbnail photo.;-)
    Deer Season opened one week after we were married in 1983. That is the reason were married the 5th of November. Jim was in the woods on the 12th.


  14. Oh Alycia, I LOVE this table. My hubby would be wild over it! I know it’s a manly design, but I would feel comfy in this setting. I guess I love the woodsy feel to it. Please send info on the chargers. I have an elongated one, but I love these round ones. As always, your design is perfection!


  15. You always slay me with that little something unexpected. Here it’s the Jack Daniels which is so manly and a perfect accompaniment for the cigars which I hope the gentlemen smoke outside. Your students have to leave your class with their mouths hanging open at all the ideas you present. What a girl!


  16. I am with you Alycia! I would much rather hunt dishes and I would rather buy my meat to eat off those dishes, but I do know lots of hunters and they love their meat too. What fun touches. I know lots of men who would feel like kings if this table were set for them. You are always so fun and creative.


  17. What a great creative table you’ve set for the gentlemen, Alycia! I love the deer antlers, and the greenery–I think the guys who got to sit at this table would be very lucky 🙂 It was so nice to hear from you today–hope the post helps if you decide to give paperwhites a go. I’ve been on the run lately with a variety of projects, but it’s good to be busy with things I enjoy doing. I hope you have a fantastic rest of the week!


  18. Wow, you made me sit up and take note when I saw that bottle of Jack’s on your table!! What a fabulous idea to use the fleecy fabric as a tabletopper…but we all know you are full of great ideas! Just perfect as usual. Thanks for stopping by and giving me a laugh!


  19. You had me at the plaid.

    I love the rustic look of this one. Those glasses (which I think I have as well) are elegant while still being hearty. I love the antlers and greens on the table instead of flowers and candles too. I grinned about the amber tones on the face. Men don’t like candles all that much, do they? This was perfect.


  20. So warm and inviting. Have you had Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey? Yummo! By the way, I read your comment on Yvonne’s blog and could not agree with you more. I wrote a post last night about Chris Matthews’ insensitive comment about hurricane Sandy. What is wrong with people?

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley


  21. Love the thumbnail pic you chose! My husband, son, and son-in-law would even click on it, and they are not particularly interested in tablescapes! What a great table, full of wonderful rustic textures — love the plaid topper, too. The wood slice chargers are incredible! I know you had a blast putting this table together. I wish I lived close enough to take one of your classes. I wouldn’t heckle — much.


  22. Alycia,
    I adore your table. It encompasses all of the things that I am into right now! Plaid, antlers, wood chargers and Jack Daniels! Well, substitute a glass of vino please. I am VERY interested in the wood chargers! Email me the info if you could. I have been looking for these but alas, unwilling to pay the steep prices.


  23. Great job Alycia as alway. It is is bold.
    Love the woody touch. Warm and inviting setting with gorgeous brown/black colors. An elegant-rustic table.
    Thanks so much for the inspiration.


  24. Wow Alycia this table is PERFECT for men. I don’t personally drink but those small individual bottles of Jack Daniels are perfect. The whole table just blew me away. And we have those antlers all over the hills around here….(a small herd of deer live in the neighborhood during supper time.) You’ve outdone yourself again girlfriend and I LOVE it. Every single teeny weeny detail!!! This is one table I have to do. So send me the address of the Saw lady for the chargers if you will. 🙂



  25. Oh how pretty! Alycia, you never dissapoint me with your tables. I love the plaid cloth-so perfect for this manly table. That vitrine is absolutely gorgeous, and I’m loving the way you have it decorated for the party. I’ve been wanting some of the wood slice chargers, but you’ve probably already sold that lady out of them. If not, please email me with the info. The little bottles of Jack Daniels are just such a clever idea for an after the hunt table. I’m still smiling about “Costco is just down the road”. Well done, as always. laurie


  26. I love your Gentleman’s Table!!! You are so creative! Please send me the information on purchasing the chargers. They are for unique. Thanks!


  27. When Sweet Mister returns from his bass fishing trip deep inside Mexico, I’m going to show him this tablescape. He’ll love it! Yes, I’d like to know more about the wood slices and maybe the votives….oh you incredible source of wonderful things. Thanks for the opportunity. I love the sheds in twined with your centerpiece. Cherry Kay


  28. That looks so manly! I love the plaid, and you carried out the theme beautifully! I have a pic of a wood slice charger saved on my computer for years, always waiting for the next tree we have to take down! I would love the info, thanks you.
    Your table looks like it is from a gentlemen club, just wonderful.


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