Moss & Manzanitas

We’re under a stupid winter storm watch here in the Midwest. Wednesday night into Thursday is supposed to get really ugly. Stock-up-on-supplies-and-pull-out-the-longjohns ugly. (Mine actually have a Dennis the Menace flap in the back! :-)) So as we brace ourselves for a less-than-pleasant end of the week, I’m getting more and more anxious for Spring to arrive.
(Click on any photo to enhance/enlarge it.)

DSCN1448WMThe concept for this table for 8 started back in January when I made an appearance on a local morning show here in Kansas City. (Click HERE to see the post, “Ready for My Close-Up, Mr. DeMille” with video clip and start-to-finish photos.) I set up a buffet table that would work well for this weird in-between stage when the bareness of Winter is still painfully evident, but Spring is just a stone’s throw away. On that buffet, I used a lot of bling along with the moss and manzanitas that would have been great for a bridal luncheon or a 60th wedding anniversary, traditionally dubbed in the U.S. as the “diamond anniversary.” The post with that television appearance does include photos so you can compare that buffet setting to this sit-down one.

DSCN1395WMWhile diamonds are absolutely a girl’s best friend (well…diamonds and Spanx! :-)), for this more casual table I wanted to use “rocks” of a different kind. Hence the abundance of smooth river rock nestled around the manzanita “tree” centerpiece.

DSCN1387WMNothing says Spring like color, and this citrusy green dinner plate really grabs your attention! (Dollar Tree, folks! Dollar Tree!!! If you don’t have one in your area, petition the company to build one there!!!)

Flatware, napkin, menu collageA plain white cotton napkin is wrapped around a tri-color menu and topped with a single stone. The natural look of bamboo in the flatware further complements the setting.


DSCN1428WMUnadorned clear glass stemware gets an upgrade with the addition of individual bottles of chilled wine. I like using these mini bottles from World Market to dress a casual table, but always have plenty of the big boys on hand as well. Some guests take the minis home as a souvenir, others drink it on the spot.



IFThe centerpiece is made up of these cool manzanita branches I bought last year at Gordmans. When I first used them last Halloween I gave them a much more ghastly graveyard look. Here they take on a totally new role, dotted with white orchid blooms as if Spring is making its first appearance. With all the moss (the famous Moss Bridge, not to mention the mossy hillsides) and the stone (stone walls, the Blarney Stone), this would make a great table for St. Patrick’s Day!!!

IFI just love the color and texture and smell of reindeer moss! It’s so…woodsy! I tucked little sprigs of it among the branches as well as loading up on it at the base of the branch structure.

IFI found these fun-shaped ceramic vases at Home Goods about a year ago. They help extend the bright, invigorating color of the lime green plates and reindeer moss from the dining table to the buffet behind it.

Buffet cake, flatware, lg. floral collage



I want to extend a HUGE thank you to The Home Girl for naming my blog as one of her “Five Fabulous Finds” and to Jenna at The Painted Apron for listing me among her picks for “Very Inspiring Blogger”! It’s always uplifting to receive recognition from fellow bloggers, and I appreciate it very much! These ladies both have an enviable array of weekly posts on tablescaping, recipes, home organization & decor…their talents abound! If you’ve not seen their blogs, I most certainly recommend that you treat yourself!

This week I’ll be joining Cuisine Kathleen for her weekly blog party, “Let’s Dish!“, The Style Sisters for “Centerpiece Wednesday“, and Susan for “Tablescape Thursday“. Join me, and you’ll be able to see the work of talented tablescapers from all around the world. It’s really cool to see decor from places like Sweden (Chubby ‘N Chieque), India (Crystal Grandeur), Australia (Desire Empire), and, of course, right here in the good ol’ U.S. of A.!

Other tablescapes on this site to help you prepare to entertain this Spring:
“Spring Has Sprung”
“Welcome Back, Joel!”
“Apple Green Luncheon”
“Mum’s the Word”
“Carousel Colors”
“Springtime in Paris Mother’s Day Brunch”
“Peony Power”
“Taste of Wine Buffet”
“Mikasa Daylight Giveaway”
“Daisy Crazy”

63 thoughts on “Moss & Manzanitas

  1. Pingback: Ready For My Close-Up, Mr. DeMille! « Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  2. Manzanitas…who knew? They are fantastic! The reindeer moss is somehow always kind of magical…brings to mind fairies, and Thumper. This one is very inspirational…the wheels are already turning in my head. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay


  3. Well, I am totally going to copy you. This is your prettiest table yet. I love the simplicity of just using two solids, white and citrus. But I really love the manzanita centerpiece with the reindeer moss, I love both! I have plenty of moss and love to find a reason to use it. Next time I go to the mountains I am going to bring home some manzanita branches. Did you do a tutorial on how it was done, I looked around and couldn’t find it. I am having a party this weekend and won’t have time to implement this, wish I did. But I think I will go with some bare branches for the buffet table, I just love the look.


  4. What a great table! I had to google Manzanitas, I LOVE them i that centerpiece. I remember them from Halloween. What a difference! Those green plates are wonderful – Dollar Tree is fabulous!

    Please take care in the slippery weather!!! Stay warm and dry!


  5. Neato Mosquito! A stupid winter storm as opposed to an intelligent one? You crack me up.

    But seriously, I do love the table. Manzanita is a tree? It looks pretty, whatever it is. I love moss, too. Once I made a “floor” for a powder room in a decorator show house — it would have been great if nobody walked on it.

    I am stealing those green vases. I have been on a green kick for a long time. I must have missed your last performance on TV — I think that might have been the day we left SF and were traveling for the next three days.

    I’ll just put the wine in my purse and take my polite leave!


  6. Even though I am centerpiece challenged I think I could pull this one off. I wish we lived closer so that I could supply all the baked goods for your tables. Also, how did you know Pinot Grigio is my fave????


  7. Beautiful table Alycia. The manzanitas are a great look, especially with the moss and the added rocks. It’s great how you can use them in different seasons. The menu looks wonderful tucked in the napkin. Love the green plates and the green vases you found at Home Goods. Fabulous table for sure.


  8. Wow.. so cool. at first I thought those were the chargers from the Mikasa Daylight. hmm.. dollar tree. Surprising. did you get the vases first or the plates? I do love the green and white. So fresh and invigorating. Makes me want to get up and move and do something. Oh wait.. the wind is blowing, the dust is picking up.. never mind! Gorgeous Alycia.. just gorgeous.


  9. Hi Alycia,
    I love those plates! I am going to have to high-tail it to Dollar Tree. Such a perfect match with the moss. The verdent greens on your table make me wish even more for spring. Hope you aren’t snowed in. Dianne


  10. BEAUTIFUKL table!! Love the centerpiece and all the feel of the moss and rocks, very organic. I ahve the same flatware and I also have green square plates that I love. XO, Pinky


  11. Congrats on your blog nods! Beautiful tablescape, as always. Love the reindeer moss. It’s as if we’re in the springtime forest. We will get through this winter storm. Just stay off the ice and keep warm!! Only 28 days until spring! 🙂 xx


  12. Oh Alycia, this is my favorite tablescape of yours so far, everything is so fresh and I love how you have used the natural rocks and moss. It screams SPRING! The lime green makes everything pop, and the earth toned desserts are the perfect touch on the side board. The individual wines are adorable, what a cute idea! Great post, full of ideas and inspiration. Sorry to hear about your weather, hope you don’t loose power. Thank you for the recognition, I appreciate it very much!


  13. The citrus plates are so uplifting and cheerful and the great with the moss and manzanitas branches with dreamy white orchids.You have such a way with creating a totally different look with elements you used before and knock our socks off all over again.

    Your buffet makes a great statement too. Love that green color!

    Hang in there through this storm. Spring is coming. Your green font makes me think spring too!


  14. I just love this, Alycia! It is totally fabulous on every level! I REALLY wish I could have seen your TV segment! You should put it up on Youtube if you get a copy! I would totally tune in!!! =D Thanks for sharing this awesome post and for mentioning me in it! =D


  15. I see your Winter Storm Warning and raise you a Tornado Warning that we may have by the end of the week…I don’t know which bugs me more…being cold and stuck inside or being blown to Oz. I am ready to skip over Spring (the storms, at least) and head right on into complaining about the Summer heat! 🙂
    Your table is beautiful, as always…and I’m lovin’ the Dollar Tree plates! Our local store is smaller and does not always have the greatest stuff, but there are 432 others within driving distance that I can usually find some cute stuff at. I had bought some Margarita glasses a while back that have a cute little green cactus for a stem and recently used them to serve a Mexican layered dip from…Scott rolled his eyes and said “really?” and then I told him they came from the Dollar Tree and he just smiled…can’t get mad about cheap dishes…well, he doesn’t really get mad about dishes cause I quickly say the word “tools” and the argument is over! 😉

    I am ready to see that beautiful shade of green around here and see our bare branches filled in with leaves.

    Bundle up this week and stay warm. Hopefully it will pass on by!


  16. A nice cheery table…♥♥♥ the lime plates! The manzanita centerpiece is so unique…I am so happy you are adventurous and give me so many ideas!
    I am betting we won’t get much of anything tomorrow…heard it was going to be the worst storm we have had in a couple of years…did they forget that the most snow we have had in that period is only a couple of inches!


  17. Alycia, this has to be one of the top five tables for you! Manzanita branches! I have them in my house right now, as that is the branch of choice for my birds! I am looking at these branches in a whole new light! Fabulous, love your photos. Stay warm and cozy during the storm. xo


  18. Ahh… the idea of Spring sure does sound good! Love the bright green coloring and all the moss and stones with the manzanita trees. I’m glad I got to see the video already. Too bad they don’t keep it live for longer! I’m being snowed in as I write this. More green please!!


  19. Whoo! LOVE LOVE that citrusy green and the reindeer moss. Awesome! Hope the storm passes soon…I think we need a photo of you in your long johns. LOL
    Hugs and stay warm,


  20. I’m trying to find something here not to like, but no can do, at least not on the table. As for $ Store, I have to think about that because every time I go in there I come out empty handed. Well, once I bought some Poppycock and ate the whole box. Hope the storm isn’t as bad as predicted.


  21. I remember the manzanitas on the show…you need your own are a natural…love how you used an abundance of reindeer moss and beautiful rocks at the base of the branches…gorgeous colors Alycia..and you always in addition to the table, set a gorgeous buffet…Stay warm, hunker down…I would send you my Ralphie from Christmas story bunny PJ’s, but I do not think you would get them on time for your “winter event”….


  22. Well this is just jaw dropping beautiful Alycia. Your centerpiece is so creative, I don’t think I could copy it if I had manzanita branches! Love the green of the plates and the reindeer moss. Sounds like you enjoy stormy nights like I do, not much but all comfy at home……..
    You out did yourself today!

    The French Hutch


  23. One of the prettiest tablescape you’ve made, Alycia! I love the manzanitas centerpiece from your show. I adore the moss, I should just get inspired by you to use it. The green dishes look great in the setting. My word, honey, you certainly are a pro at this, I am amazed every time and with every table you do. Your big fan, Fabby. Keep warm and take care.


  24. What a fabulous woodsy table scape. We were just wondering if we would have more moss than grass this year LOL. The mini wine bottles are a fun touch! Hope you persevere with the weather forcast!!


  25. I really like the shade of chartreuse green. It seems so “Springy” ! Where do you find the reindeer moss ? Lets us hope this is our last major storm of the winter ! Be careful !


  26. Oh, my — now I want to run to the Dollar Tree at lunchtime! That centerpiece is stunning, especially with the addition of the orchids. I love the simple placesetting, topped with a river rock. Elegant simplicity!


  27. This is my favorite centerpiece of yours EVER. Considering how many of your creations I have loved, that is really saying something. I love how unique and natural it is. Paired with the mossy green plates, and this table is just perfect.

    And I hope you fared well in your weather. I’m late to this. This is the first day in two weeks that I have given myself permission to sit down and read blogs.

    If I do not get that kitchen done soon, I am going to explode.


  28. Alycia~ How refreshing and appealing your vibrant green plates and reindeer moss are at your table! That shade of green is so energizing and makes it impossible to have the winter blues, even if you have a winter storm blowing your way 🙂 I love the texture of the manzanita branches, bamboo flatware, and moss in contrast to the smooth stones and napkins! I agree with Debbie, this is my favorite table of yours! Hope you weather the storm and stay warm, cozy and have plenty of wine on hand to drink 🙂


  29. Hermoso como siempre,su creatividad es unica!!!!queria pedirle si puede que me diga como hizo las lamps del dia january 29 del 2013.Se lo agradezco ,Norma


  30. Must be ESP Gurl, I’ve thinking of doing some type of “early spring woodsy” theme. Our world class flower Show is coming in early March and they always have a few woodsy exhibits…I rarely miss it,as it is a real reminder that Spring is just around the corner. Now about those Manzanitas..luv them!!
    Entire tablescape makes me “Green with envy”. Enjoy!


  31. Alycia – you are the only person I know who can take a rock and make it look glamorous! This table is over the top with that fantastic centerpiece. I wish I could have seen you on television – you probably need to have your own show. Beautiful job – hope you are not in the middle of that crazy storm!


  32. Your set up is so beautiful and it just reinforces the idea that you don;t have to spend a lot of money to make a tablescape feel like a million bucks, just a good eye for the right pieces…thanks for sharing and letting everyone know they can also do a scape with not much money…


  33. I adore this green! It’s a citrusy-chartreusey-yum-I-can-taste-the-limes-green! I did a Christmas tablescape a coupld of years ago using only white and a very similar green. It’s one of my favorite tablescapes. I am heading over to the Dollar Tree to pick these up TO-DAY! Love this table, Alycia. Remember the family reunion I was telling you about for this July? I’m thinking I might incorporate some of these elements on those tables.


  34. Alycia, I love this tablescape! The fabulous shade of green is perfect for this Winter-turning-to-Spring time of year, and the variety of textures is a visual treat. I’m glad you used Dollar Tree plates. It’s a perfect reminder to us all that $$$ does not a great tablescape make! Nicely done, my friend.


  35. Oh my goodness, do I ever love those branches as the centerpiece!! The plates are from the $ Tree?? I have to check and see if mine has them, as I love that color. The river rock is beautiful and I actually have some in the garage. Woo hoo!! Do you ever sleep, Alycia, or is your mind always going a 100 miles an hour?? Your creativity astounds me!! xo


  36. Alycia, I’m your newest follower. Love your blog and really enjoyed the comments you left on mine. Your use of the manzanita branches gave me a great idea for my Easter table. Wonderful inspiration! I didn’t know to check the dollar stores for plates; the ones you found are such a cool color! It does help reinforce the idea that creating a great tablescape is something we can do with limited funds; however, your creativity is priceless!
    Heather from Friendship, Life and Style


  37. Alycia, I love the springtime green with the wonderful centerpiece of those branches and reindeer moss. Very clever of you. Beautiful table as usually! You are the best! Thanks for sharing and stay warm……..Sarah


  38. Congrats on being recognized by the Home Girl. You are always an inspiration to my and love stopping in every week to see your latest creation. This green certainly makes we want to get ready for Spring, great table, I have never seen those trees before so very interesting for me. We certainly have to think hard today with 10-12 inches of snow on the ground here in the KC area. I haven’t been out since the snow hit but maybe I will tomorrow. Just enjoying some great blogs like yours!!


  39. Hi Alicia, Thank you so much for your lovely comments, Congrats on being recognized by the Home girls.Beautiful table I love green those Mansanitas are so cute, I never seen those tree here in Miami, Im ready for spring It’s ok here in Florida to hot.
    Thank you for sharing stay warm!!!


  40. Alicia, I just adore the colour of those plates…Dollar store??? We don’t have that here in Australia, sadly, but we do have Red Dot stores which I imagine would be similar. I’ll check that out. The trees for the centrepiece are just beautiful. Your blog has been one of my favourite for a long time…just so inspiring!!


  41. Congratulations on the recognition Alicia! Your blog is always filled with inspiration, and you are most deserving of the recognition. You are top notch!

    OK, until today, I have successfully resisted those lime green plates at the Dollar Tree. I love the springtime green with the wonderful centerpiece of branches, moss and orchid blooms. Stay warm! We had to leave NY to warm up ;o)

    In answer to your question, feel free to pin the filled strawberries on my blog. Your guests will LOVE them!


  42. Pingback: The Party She Deserves – Birthday Dinner for My Blog Friend, Vernice | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  43. GORGEOUS! Another work of art~so very unique and earthy-chic. Love your creativity and bargain hunting savvy. Congrats on the recognition! Can’t wait to see you one day on HGTV with your own show. Sandi


  44. Pingback: Upscale Irish | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  45. Pingback: Rolling Fields of Green – St. Patrick’s Day Tablescape | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  46. Pingback: The Bluebird Special – In My Mother’s Honor/My Brother’s Memory | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  47. Pingback: Going Green for Spring | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  48. Pingback: All A’Bloom in Pink for Spring | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  49. Pingback: Spring Green | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  50. Pingback: Easter in Pink & Grey | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  51. Pingback: Pagoda Paradise In Pink & Green | Tablescapes at Table /Twenty-One

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