Cottages & Bungalows Magazine – Published!!!

Have you ever had one of those incredibly bad days that started out like this:

Water from master bathroom shower leaking through dining room ceiling!

Water from master bathroom shower leaking through dining room ceiling!

Drying process collage

Giant fans and dehumidifiers brought in to dry the bathroom wall, dining room ceiling and floor.

Yes, that’s right. I was setting up a tablescape when I suddenly noticed a single drip…followed by a rapid succession of LOTS of drips…followed by a downpour!!! Not only was I not going to get this very special table done (more on that next post), but I was going to be thrust into a world of insurance claims and deductibles and plumbers and all kinds of stuff I’d prefer to avoid. (The bathroom wall will have to be torn out tomorrow morning to identify the exact cause.) This was NOT good.

THIS, however – after Ramon checked the mailbox – WAS good!!!
(Click on any photo to enhance/enlarge it.)

Cottages & Bungalows Magazine spread, April 2013 issue, front cover

Cottages & Bungalows Magazine spread, April 2013 issue, pg. 84

Cottages & Bungalows Magazine spread, April 2013 issue, pg. 85

Cottages & Bungalows Magazine spread, April 2013 issue, Resources pg. 97

A two-page spread in the April 2013 issue of “Cottages & Bungalows” magazine including 5 of my original photos and 2 pages of my design tips!!! Long story short, I didn’t think it was going to happen. This, therefore, came as a complete and utter shock on a day when a GOOD surprise was needed more than you will ever know!

Photos are from original posts “Tropicana”, “Pleasant Under Glass”, and “Oranges & Blossoms”.

I hope this mess in my dining room is all cleared away in a few days so that I can resume work on that very special tablescape in honor of one of my very special blogger friends who celebrated a birthday today. Better late than never, I suppose!

“Cottages & Bungalows” is printed 10 times a year by Beckett Media, LLC, and is available by subscription or on newsstands. Please pick up the April 2013 issue and scream excitedly to everyone around you, “I KNOW this woman!!!”

I’m linking up with Cuisine Kathleen for “Let’s Dish!” and Susan for “Tablescape Thursday”.

59 thoughts on “Cottages & Bungalows Magazine – Published!!!

  1. Oooooh, ick! I am so sad that you’re having to fight the water damage problem. It’s no fun…but maybe it will be an opportunity to get a new paint job or something. I’m going to go buy the magazine. You’re published! Well deserved. Thanks for letting us know! We’re expecting more snow tomorrow. Cherry Kay


  2. I know this woman, I know this woman!!….EEEECK!!…I am so overwhelmingly happy for you!!!…I shall go out tomorrow and buy my copy!!…Fantastic Alycia…you must be over the moon happy…I am!!…
    Sorry about the leak, but I am sure it was momentarly forgotten when Ramon handed you the magazine with your beautiful feature..and 2 pages!!


  3. I’m so proud of you, Alycia! You deserve such a feature, and it couldn’t have come at a more wonderful time! I’m going to go search for one of those magazines to purchase tomorrow!

    Hope all is sorted out at home. I feel your pain. When I was 9 months pregnant with #2 and about to pop with a 2 year old running around, I discovered a similar leak dripping from the living room ceiling and had to get my giant self up the attic ladder to investigate! Oh, the joys of owning a home!

    Congrats again my lovely tablescaping friend!


  4. Oh no, that leak is something to ruin your day, but on the bright side, you being featured in the magazine is priceless. Congratulations for being featured. You totally deserve it. I will definitely buy this magazine. Job well done….


  5. Oh wow Alycia! This is such an honor and I’m so happy for you. I will buy a copy of Cottages and Bungalows. I do know that lady!!!! Congratulations.
    Sorry about the dining room, what awful luck. You’ll get thought it, it’s something that can be repaired! I bet you’ll get a brand new bath too……….
    Keep Calm and think of Cottages and Bungalows……………



  6. THIS IS SO EXCITING!!! (ok, NOT the part about the bathroom leakage…I’m so sorry to hear about that….I’m actually talking about that magazine spread!) I am SO going to pick up this magazine and read every single one of these tips several times!!! YAY! I’m so happy for you…Sure hope all gets back to normal in your home very soon! I can only imagine the frustration you must have been feeling to see that water leaking down! Hugs to you, girl!


  7. Wow! How exciting! Congrats, Alycia! You are a true celebrity now, first the TV show, now in a magazine. So sorry about the water damage. I’ve been there and it is a lot of work. I do believe that when something bad happened, something good follows. God is good….Christine


  8. Okay, we’re not even going to mention your disaster. Let’s focus on the positive instead. Congratulations on being published in Cottages and Bungalows! Alycia DOES know tabletops!


  9. Oh Alycia…we had the exact same thing happen here!! I even got one of my tablescapes all wet…and you know what a tragedy that would be!!! 😉 LOL!! Congratulations on being featured. You are very well deserving!! Bravo!!


  10. Well darn on the water disaster mess but BIG CONGRATULATIONS on being published in the magazine! Looks like God sent a ray of light to shine on you! Just goes to show you “never loose faith or give up”!
    I will definitely get a copy of it and save it!
    Proud for you and of you!
    Liz 🙂 🙂 🙂


  11. Happy to hear about your magazine article. That is such an accomplishment. Too bad about the water damage. I am so sorry you have to deal with that. Will be thinking of you.

    Thank you for your visits. They are so encouraging and uplifting. You are a fun person.


  12. “I know this woman!!!” Aylcia, WOW! Who cares about your house when you’ve been featured in a magazine!!! Well, I mean it definitely makes it a little easier to swallow anyway. I am so impressed with your article, I hope I can find a copy of the magazine around here, I want to scour every inch of it!
    As for your house, think of it as that old door of opportunity opening, maybe you can do some redecorating or make a change you have wanted to make…Insurance is a major time taker, hope it all works out, keep me posted.
    Congratulations!! So proud of you!


  13. Hello my dear! I am so very, very proud of you!. We here in Cyberspace celebrate your wonderful and very much deserved accomplishment. For this reason alone, I will buy the magazine. You are awesome and this couldn’t happen to a more talented and beautiful person. Congratulations on this incredible achievement. Take care and stay abundantly blessed.



  14. Oh dear me! Look at that water streaming where it shouldn’t! Girl! I’m so glad that magazine came “just at the right time”. Congratulations on such a lovely spread in the magazine. I think I’ll have to hunt one down today. What a fun surprise in the mail for you to brighten your day! Back to the other thing… I do hope they find the problem quickly and resolve it and make everything new again soon! Yikes.


  15. You are so very much deserving of that magazine spread! I’m so happy for you I’m grinning from ear to ear!!!! You are just brimming with talent and this magazine is just the beginning for you, I can’t wait to see where you are going next!!! Where ever it is, I’ll be following you. I’ll pick up a copy as soon as I can. Hope that your water woes will be dried up and done. Much love~ Sandi


  16. When I finished reading I thought God does Open a Window when a Door is closed… also ocurred to me that He could very well have provided a windy breeze to sweep your (amazing) locks and not that “ping, pang, bring the buckets here, and where the heck is Ramon?????” 😀
    I know there’s nothing you can’t handle and can’t overcome of how awfully happy I am for that Feature!!! I Like the Mag in Facebook and had no idea you were inside of it. Congratulations! It’s a Great Magazine that oviously onlu use the Best Talent in there. You rule, Girl!!!!! Buckets and all.


  17. Oh honey, what an awful thing that happened. We went thru something like this 2 years ago, all over our den!! Look at it this way; “you are a famous lady”, with spreads all over the magazines with your stunning tables and the best thing is, I KNOW YOU, FAMOUS ALYCIA NICHOLS!! Wish I could get the magazine, but I’ll try from the mail. Congrats darling, no one deserves this more than you do…since you are real PRO!!! I always said, you should do a book on tablescaping, as you are also such a lovely, talented and generous human being. Love you my friend.


  18. OMW….Alycia… sorry to hear of your troubles! THAT JUST PLAIN STINKS! We are ALWAYS beings tested. On another note, your feature is just down right AWESOME! You rock as usual! So happy for you and I know how much this means to you! Well deserved and a long time coming girlfriend! YOU ROCK! XO

    Hang in there and stay positive girl!


  19. Wow – I am so impressed since I’ve been following your table settings before you we’re famous! You do beautiful work and deserve to be published. Congratulations.

    A fan, Colleen Wolch

    Sent from my iPhone


  20. Oh my goodness Alycia!! All that creativity has paid off for you!! I’m so proud of you and you totally deserve this special recognition!! Hooray and bravo and yippee!!! xo


  21. Oh, Alycia, CONGRATULATIONS on being published!!! I can’t imagine getting that lucky, but you are so talented it was bound to happen eventually. You are indeed a pro at tablescaping. Your tables are lovely and creative, and you always offer such great tips to us novices out here. 😀 I’m very happy for you, and I’ll always remember you were one of my very first followers. You were so welcoming and encouraging when I first started blogging and doing tablescapes.

    I’m really sorry about your water mess — been there done that. I hope you can get it repaired without too much emotional and financial pain.

    Congrats again, my friend!



  22. Girl had that happen to me my fault running dish water went to answer door and forgot. Well when the snow dogs get me out I’ll pick up my copy,


  23. CONGRATUALTIONS!!!!! I am so excited to hear that and am going to go to books a million where they have a good selection of magazines to see if I can find it. You shall be my claim to fame.

    And as for the leak, big old huge hugs to you because it has happened to us too. I nearly freaked out. Our shower leaked into the kitchen instead of the dining room.


  24. Oh my goodness, so sorry about the bathroom and damage but on the other hand congrats to you on being published in the magazine. I would know you work anywhere I think, you have such style. Guess you can post about your bathroom redo now that it is happening! Good luck and keep us posted.


  25. Oh my gosh Alycia. I need to find that magazine! Congratulations! Well deserved!

    So sorry to hear about the bathroom dilemma!! Hope it is all better soon.

    How’s the weather out there.:-) It has snowed here all day,but it didn’t stick. I think we will escape tomorrow. The roads seem to be okay here.


  26. Alycia~ How THRILLING!! I’m heading out to pick up my copy tomorrow, can I mail it and have it signed please ? 🙂 I can’t wait to see it in person! Sorry about your leak…oh the joys of home ownership…but wonderful news and tips from a PRO!


  27. How exciting for you – I will be looking for this magazine tomorrow, and then I will do the appropriate “scream-dance”. Hopefully your leak will not cause to much damage – good luck with that!!


  28. Alycia, I will join you in the dance of joy! How absolutely thrilling to be published in such a wonderful way. I’m going to check out each of those posts….and the magazine too! It’s sooo much fun seeing my blogging friends appearing in magazines these days. You are so well-deserved of the recognition. Congratulations!
    p.s. I’m so sorry for your water damage and will trust with you that in some hidden way it has a wonderful outcome. God really does work all things together for our good.


  29. Alycia, needless to say I’m sick at heart to hear about your leak. What a mess! I hope things go smoothly with the repair and that you didn’t have extensive damage.
    On the brighter note, congratulations on the magazine coverage. I’m going to rush out in the morning and try to find a copy. I love it when I get to read about friends. ‘-)
    Good luck with the leak issue.


  30. Alycia, how exciting for you to have your name up in lights!!! You must be just so thrilled. But the bathroom….well, not so thrilled about that! Hopefully you get it all sorted out very soon but from experience those things all seem to take an unbelievable length of time to get sorted. Wishing you luck,


  31. CONGRATULATIONS, ALYCIA! This is so exciting to have an internet buddy that is published in a major magazine! I can’t wait to get my hands on this issue. I am now waiting for you to write a book on entertaining…please.


  32. I’m so happy for you Alycia. Congrats on your magazine feature. You always have such wonderful tablescapes, so it’s no wonder they picked you.

    Sorry to hear about the leak in your house. that happened at my house right after we moved in. Thankfully it was an easy fix and just one small piece of the ceiling needed to be repaired along. Turns out the plumber left off a piece on the bathtub upstairs. Once it was fixed, everything was fine. I hope your issue is resolved as easily!


  33. Hope all is better at your house!!! I found the magazine on Friday and I was so excited to see your name in it and read all of your tips. Wonderful!! Still so excited for you…


  34. Congrats, Congrats, U ROCK GURL! Will buy the magazine & also, say I know her!! Hope the repairs are done in a timely manner. Having had major leaks and damage on two different occasions in the D.R, Pd. Rm and Kitchen from upstairs baths, I am truly in empathy with you. I’ll stay tuned for other good news.


  35. Are you wondering if Bueller was EVER going to get here and comment?! I’m sorry about my delay, but believe me, Alycia, I could NOT be happier for you! This is such well-deserved recognition, not only for the beautiful work you do, but also for the passion with which you do it and the support and “atta girls” you so generously give to so many of us. It’s karma, I tell you!! I will be looking for the magazine tonight, and will keep it with my treasured magazines that I keep forever. THIS one is special–I KNOW you!

    I’m sorry about the water thing, but wow! What a counterweight to it! Most of us would just have the leak to deal with!! LOL

    My best wishes to you for continued successes and dreams coming true, my friend. ~Zuni


  36. Wow, you are so talented! I love, love your table settings and congrats on the magazine feature! That is amazing! Can’t wait to go pick it up at the store.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Isn’t Shirley the best?!


  37. Alycia, Congratulations!!! That is so exciting. You are the perfect person to get tablscapes published in a magazine. Your tables are always amazing, and I’m so glad the magazine took notice and published you. Sorry about the leak, but Wow, so excited about the publication! laurie


  38. I can see why they chose you! These are so beautiful and I just love, love, love the color. Everything you do could be published in a magazine!
    What a crazy experience with the leak. Water can be such a nasty mess!


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