ALS Ice Bucket Challenge!

No, I’m not asking YOU to take the relax!!! 🙂 I was recently called out by my friend Natalie Firman on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, and I accepted against my better judgment. In the end, I got iced TWICE! I hope you enjoy the little 3-minute video my husband and I put together for the challenge. With all the really ugly stuff going on in the world right now, it was nice to take a mental break from it all and just be a little silly. And please notice that – true to form – I used tablescaping etiquette by getting doused with ice from an heirloom silver ice bucket!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

 Enjoy the rest of your week, everyone, and please join me next week for Cuisine Kathleen‘s “Farewell to Summer” tablescape challenge!

36 thoughts on “ALS Ice Bucket Challenge!

  1. YOU ARE ONE BRAVE (CLASSY) LADY, Alycia!!! I was afraid you were going to challenge all your blogging friends, so I was afraid to watch your video! Very clever, very fun! I did think it was a great idea to wear a hat, then you went and got all brave on us! Love it!! (I’d write a check, but ice water???? No, ma’am!! Not this girl!!). Thanks for the fun and the $$ to a good cause! ~Zuni


  2. You are so cute, Alycia, such a lady, lol. My daughter, Tina and SIL did it too and I took Tina’s video while in Cape Coral. She wanted to challenge me but I told her not to cause I would rather donate to Ronald McDonald House and All Children’s Hosp…..Chriatine


  3. You’re a good friend to accept this chilling challenge for a worthy cause. I applaud you!! You deserve a post dousing martini (or two)! Cheers!!


  4. Alycia, that was really, really funny, sincere, and brave. Glad you did not raise your legs too high while having so much fun. 🙂 Ramon was a good sport! How he puts up with your fun and foolishness, I don’t know. It was for a good cause and you were willing to take the challenge as you have been throughout your life. That’s how I’ve known you, raised you, and am therefore very proud of all that you do.


  5. You’re such a doll, Alycia, and such a good sport!! Not only once, but twice, oh my gosh, you were doused with ice water. I loved it when you said that you almost peed your pants. Way to go for a great cause!


  6. I’m glad you said in the first sentence that we weren’t being challenged! Thank you! This was very clever, and the candelabra a nice touch! Thanks for the fun, and the donation!



  7. That was hilarious and only you would use an heirloom ice bucket. Oprah has nothing on you my dear. I, like others that have commented before am so happy that we weren’t challenged. I would have loved to see the look on Ramon’s face when you were being doused, not just once, Twice!!!


  8. hi Alycia, This is a great challenge for a great cause! Good for you and just want to say you missed your calling! Did you ever consider acting?


  9. Alycia – you are awesome! To get iced not once, but twice – my goodness lady you are one heck of a good sport. I should think that Ramon was delighted to be the ice-er (after all it is such a good cause). Bravo! Very well done.


  10. As I have always said, “you crack me up”….so great to see everyone “iced” and supporting the ALS challenge….it is close to our family as my aunt passed away from this horrible disease….Now we want to see Ramon take the challenge and you dump the bucket of ice over him!!…:)


  11. Hi Alycia – Oh my goodness, I was laughing out loud! You are so classy and hilarious at the same time. My Auntie June passed from ALS last year. Thank you.


  12. I wouldn’t have expected you to accept the challenge in any way that didn’t have some fun associated with it! Were there any out takes or was this a one time performance?


  13. You made me laugh twice! In all seriousness, you were a very good sport to get iced twice. Now you should invite your hubby to do the same thing and you can toss the ice bucket on him.


  14. You’re an ice bucket challenge star! A natural too! I just showed my hubby and told him this is my blogger friend Alycia. He thinks you did great too! And all for a good cause. Ice ice baby 🙂


  15. LOVE, LOVE your ALS ice bucket challenge video! You’re awesome for doing it twice and with such style…silver ice bucket and all.
    I giggled and giggled. Y’all made my day.


  16. I am laughing so hard at the end!! This was so creative and so cute, and I just know that if I ever got to meet you in person I would love you to death.
    Wonderful job!


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