Poking the Sleeping Bear

Hello, Friends! Well, there’s good news and bad news. First, the good news 🙂 : I am still alive, and the January 8 surgery was successful in removing the bone spur from my spine. Now for the bad news 😦 : It was like pulling a thread on a sweater or poking a sleeping bear. The whole thing just unraveled, and it has been a struggle ever since!

Sad sack little me after yet ANOTHER world-rocking procedure.

Sad sack little me after yet ANOTHER world-rocking pre-surgery procedure. But isn’t my motor scooter cool? It’s called a Jazzy! Funny…I don’t FEEL so jazzy!!! 😦 Nonetheless, I shall henceforth until further notice be known as Alycia the Jazzy! 🙂

I will go under the knife again this coming Friday morning, April 10. This time it will involve much, much more. The shockingly deep, painful, and almost constant sensation across my lower back and down the right leg never went away. Why not, you ask? Because when the bone spur was removed it allowed the herniation of the L5 disc to spread its evil little wings. The herniation, however, went into the spinal column rather than out to the sides or in front like normal people’s would. It essentially took the place of the bone spur in compressing a nerve. The neurosurgeon has seen that only ONCE in his 40+ years of practice, and the orthopedic surgeon has NEVER seen it! So…they will work in tandem in a 4-6 hour surgery to remove the affected discs, free up the herniation, perform a fusion using cadaver bones and pedicle screws, and insert an EBI bone stimulator that will be surgically removed at a later date. Rehab will start the day after the surgery, and I will be in the hospital for 3 days if all goes according to plan. I will then have to once again start the long, tough battle to recovery.

God gives you only what you can handle...

I must once again beg both your prayers and your patience. I thought by now I would be back to tablescaping and enjoying the nice Spring weather with you guys, but I have been confined to the bed for a total of FOUR long months. (And I have gained 20+ lbs. and lost a lot of muscle mass in my legs due to inactivity. My right leg in particular feels like a cooked noodle!) I am now keeping the faith that I will be back in time to create a few summertime tablescapes for your enjoyment.

A billion thanks to everyone who has said a prayer, dropped a line, placed a call, stopped by to visit, sent a card or get well gift, or just kept a good thought for me. Those of you who know me know this is SO against type for me. I am more a fan of 24/7/365 when it comes to working my body, my mind, and my God-given creativity. Please hang in there with me a while longer. I thank you for your love and support. I miss you terribly.

Happy Spring, and I’ll try to have my husband publish an update!


56 thoughts on “Poking the Sleeping Bear

  1. Oh my heavens, Alycia…you have truly been put through the wringer. Ern always said if something was going to go wrong, it would happen to a family member or another member of the medical community. Rats!!

    I am SO sorry that you have to have another surgery but thank God it is something that the surgeons feels they can fix. You have been on my mind a great deal (just this morning, in fact) & I knew you had to be in bad shape, when you didn’t stop by for months & months. My Ernie passed away in Feb. & I knew you would have sent condolences had you been able to get online.
    I will pray for you every day until I hear you are back on your feet again….your candy apple red Jazzy is cool but I hope you never need to use it again!!
    Gentle Hugs,


  2. Oh, you poor dear!! I will be praying for you and will cross my fingers that the surgery goes perfectly for you! I have been missing you on Pinterest, so I was afraid that something was not right. Hang in there – this too shall pass!!


  3. I am so sorry you’ve had to go through this! Four months is too long to have to endure pain and I’ll be praying this surgery will put you on the road to recovery. Like Rettabug, I’m sending gentle hugs! Zenda


  4. Well you know I’m praying for you. I’m so sorry you had to go through this and endure such a long and painful period. I am glad they finally figured this out and look forward to hearing that you are feeling much better. I realize it’s going to take time but I’m confident you will be improving quickly. Just getting rid of the nagging pain will make you feel so much better. I’ll be waiting for an update on Friday. XOXO, Liz


  5. So very sorry!!! And Of course I will be praying for you. I miss you. And I know that social you misses us too. LOL.. but they have plan and that is a good thing. So so so sorry. Gentle hugs…


  6. Dear sweet lady, I am so sorry that you have endured this pain for so long. It makes me so sad to know that you have been suffering for all this time. I shall be praying for a successful surgery for you and as rapid recovery as possible. I will be looking forward to updates on your progress. Gentle hugs and many prayers to you…. Candy


  7. You are a bad-ass Ms. Jazzy! You are also loved and missed. We are a patient group and want you to take all the time you need to heal and recuperate. I can only imagine the creations you have in store for us when you return. Sending prayers and hugs.


  8. Hello, Miss Jazzy Pants! I have been thinking about you so much! I wondered if you had had another surgery yet. I will certainly be keeping you in my thoughts. Please tell your husband to let us know what is going on. I don’t have your phone number, or I would have called you. It is eerie, but this sounds exactly like what happened to my FIL. He is doing fine now after a good rehab. I do hope that this will fix the problem, and you will be your badass self again before too long.


  9. Wow, Alycia, you take care and get better soon! I will be thinking of you, and sending you good thoughts for a speedy recovery! You are going to be so ready for fun after all this is over:) And you are Jazzy–I knew that about you before the cute scooter came on the scene!


  10. Good grief! Praying for a complete and swift recovery, and for this to be the LAST time you have to endure this stuff!!


  11. Oh Alycia, these things happen quickly and then take their time to leave….praying for you for a successful surgery and easy rehab. Hope you will be surprised at how easy. Will light a candle while praying on Friday a.m. Please keep us posted as much as you and Ramon can. I have missed you, too. Love ya!


  12. Oh I’m so sorry Alycia. I have been so involved in my own health and getting it together in the new house I had no idea how much you were going through. For that I apologize.

    Good luck and I will be praying for you. You don’t deserve this and I hope and pray this is the answer.

    Praying for you


  13. Alycia, I’m so sorry to hear that you’re “unique”, and that the first surgery didn’t quite do the trick. Cute scooter though. You know you are, and will be, in my prayers. Hugs and stay strong.


  14. Oh Alycia, my heart goes out to you. As things did not go as expected, I hope this next surgery goes much better. It sounds like you are a very special case!! But we all know that! So hang in there, we will all be pulling for you. My prayers will be with you and your surgeons. Wishing you comfort and a smooth recovery.


  15. You have certainly been on such an amazing journey of ups and downs and I know that you have still kept your sense of humor in spite of all the the horrific pain you have been in….My thoughts and prayers will be with you on Friday. Love that Jazzy of yours…I know you are in good hands with Ramon and your family and the wonderful team of surgeons….Alycia, I will truly be thinking and praying on Friday for your most successful surgery and recovery….Take care.


  16. Hello Alycia, I was hoping you were taking some time away from blogging to recover and take it easy, I can’t imagine what you’ve had to go through and still have in front of you. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers until I hear you are better. I know you will do all required to get yourself back on your feet ASAP!
    Sweet friend, please send me your mailing address.



  17. Dear Alycia the Jazzy,
    Once again I ask you to feel the comforting embrace of all of your fans as we send you prayers and best wishes for a successful surgery and a more successful recovery. Please keep your faith, positive attitude and inspirational sense of humor as you face this next challenge. We all miss you and only wish you the best, and you will most assuredly be in our thoughts and prayers this Friday. Remember you are not alone.


  18. Alycia I am so so sorry you have to endure another surgery. I’ll be praying this time is the answer and you recover quickly. Hang in there we all love you !


  19. You know I’ll be praying for you, dear Alycia, as I do every night. I’ll also pray for the doctors as they perform the surgery on you. I’ve been updating my son on your condition. Just think, by summer, you’ll be sharing your beautiful tablescapes with us again. We all will be waiting for Ramon to let us know how you’re doing. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Love, hugs and prayers are sent your way.


  20. Alycia, I am so sorry! All good wishes and prayers coming your way. There are so many people who love and care about you–you have an army of support at your back. You will come through this, and then you will be Bionic Alycia 🙂
    You will always be our sweet, dear and well-loved blogging sister! Promise you will reach out to all of us through your blog if you need help!


  21. I am so sorry for your pain. Be assured there are many christian prayer warriors lifting up your name to our God! We pray this surgery will heal you and you will be doing what you love again soon! I love your work! You really have a God given talent that have blessed many people. Good luck


  22. Alycia. I am so sorry to learn of the bumps in the road in your life journey. You will make it. Take it from someone who has had two back operations. I pray you will be fixed for good on Friday. Prayers will be going up for you and your doctors. You have such a wonderful talent I can’t wait to see your tables again soon. Have your husband let us all know how you are doing. God Bless and hold you tightly.


  23. Dear Alycia,

    I was so excited to see a new post from you then so disappointed it was a medical update. Am keeping you in my prayers and hoping this surgery will be your ticket back to your vibrant, pain free and creative self! Stay strong. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way. Good luck this week.


    Sent from my iPad



  24. I am so sorry you have had this ever present pain. I have lumbar stenosis (narrowing of the column the spinal cord resides in) and it has given me pain for over a year now. So far I am managing it with acupuncture and OTC pain/anti-inflammatory drugs but I don’t know how long those efforts will get good results. I hope your surgery goes well and you will soon be back enjoying mobility and life as you would like to. I enjoy seeing your creativity and copying those ideas that I like with my limited resources. Take care and be good to yourself.



  25. Oh, you poor dear! I want you to know that the entire blogging world awaits your return. I hope your family and friends are caring very well for you. Please feel my arms of friendship around you and my support for your fast recovery. Prayers and wildly optimistic thoughts!
    Linda @ A Toile Tale


  26. Miss you too and sure hope at the end of this steep hill there is a huge rainbow over the hill and you will smile looking back with gratitude for the skill of your medical professionals and God’s healing hand in your life. Will continue to offer prayers for healing, comfort and trust in God for your future. Wish I lived close so I could meat you and stop by to say hello. Keep us posted. Sure do miss you.

    In appreciation for all you’ve done to share with me and others with your postings. You’ll be back to creative work again, I just feel it.



  27. Hey, Ms Jazzy! I’m so glad you still have your wonderful sense of humor through this “horror film!!” I’ll keep you in prayer daily, every time the Lord brings you to mind, and that is often! I’ll also be praying for wisdom and skill for your doctors! Keep trusting!

    Sincere love,



  28. You poor baby, yep he thinks you”re a bad ass and you will be a Bionic Super Woman when he’s finished. It all in his hands now. Will keep praying for your healing and speedy recovery.


  29. Oh dear, dear, Alycia! I’m so sorry to hear this latest update about you back and the pain you are still enduring. Oops, I mean Alycia the Jazzy. You are going to the top of my prayer list dear one! I do hope the the surgeons will bring their best stuff and that will fix your back and the pain it’s causing. So happy that you still have a wonderful sense of humor!!


  30. Alycia, I am SO SORRY you are going through all this, I can not even imagine. I have a “bad back” but have never suffered like you, thank God. God must know you are a bad ass;):) Hang in there, we miss you too but understand. Can’t wait to see you up and healthy and PAIN FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XO, Pinky


  31. I still miss you so much, Alycia! I know from what you’ve shared with me that this has NOT been easy, and I’m so sorry for that. My prayers continue. I’m glad that Ramon is on call to “serve” your blogland friends–we will be anxiously awaiting his updateS (as in plural, please!!). I read many of the comments left thus far, and they HAVE to bring you so much comfort and love, to know that all of us (or most of us) have never met, yet there is this level of concern and friendship and prayer. You have quite the prayer circle going here, so rest assured that all is and will be well, as planned. Prayers and hugs and love to you, dear Alycia. ~Zuni


  32. Alycia the Jazzy! I love it! Thank you for sharing what you’re going through and giving us details so we can pray specifically. I hope you will feel surrounded by love and light as you prepare for this surgery.


  33. Alicia…Iam your biggest fan,so sorry to hear abt your surgery.my prayers are with you. Hope you feel better soon and visit my country India.
    Love you,


  34. Alycia the Jazzy,
    Your PRAYER WARRIOR will be working overtime in your defense, dear friend!!! I’m praying for a miracle!!!
    Looking forward to ONE amazing tablescape in the near future!!!


  35. Oh, my goodness, I am appalled by what is going on with you and the surgeries. I will pray for those doctors…they need help, I think, to do the best for you. We will be waiting to hear. I heap 1000 blessings on you, my friend.


  36. oh Alycia, you have been in my thoughts so often, and I knew that no news [blogs or comments] in your case was NOT good news…I pray that the operation is successful and that you will finally gain relief. I can’t imagine what you have been going through and still have yet to face, but just know I will ALWAYS consider you a Bad Ass and definitely JAZZY! Many prayers and much love


  37. Thank you for the update, Alycia. I’m sorry you’re having to endure another surgery (and worse, I guess, too). Although the words of the graphic are hilarious, there’s truth in it, too. Obviously, your bubbly and friendly exterior has depth of strength! We call women like you Steel Magnolias, remember? I’ll be praying for you tomorrow (and already today), that this will be the final surgery necessary for healing, for skilled surgeons’ hands, that you will soon be pain free and back to your normal level of activity, and that we will soon see a smile on your pretty face again! God loves you, dear friend. Many of us miss you terribly and look forward to our bubbly Alycia to return. Big hug!


  38. Hey There! First, thank you for thinking of your blog buddies to give us an update on your progress. Like many, I am praying for the expert hands of your doctor, by the grace of God to get you back on your feet. Although Jazzy is Sassy 🙂 God will, doctors will and You will. Accept nothing less. Stay positive… God bless!


  39. Alycia, I’m sad to hear that you have been in so much pain and that another surgery is needed. Yes, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I look forward to a good report of your complete recovery. Hugs!


  40. Such trying times for you. I hope the latest surgery fixes everythig and you can get back to your loving, wonderful self. No one needs to go through so much pain and numerous surgeries. Healing thought for you Alycia.


  41. Hi Alycia… I mean… Jazzy! Goodness gracious you have been through a lot. I hope this last surgery was successful and went as according to plan. I know how frustrating it can be to be down for the count and all you want is to be normal and feel better. Many prayers and blessings to you! Hugs, Holly


  42. Oh Alycia! I’m just now seeing this and I’m SO SORRY to hear this!!! I will be praying for you for a fast and COMPLETE recovery, along with peace through the pain!! Please keep us posted on how you’re doing! Much love to you, my friend!


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