Waking Up to Christmas – Master Bedroom Decor

We’re eagerly counting down the days to the 25th, and I wanted to share our master bedroom Christmas decor. I didn’t do the entire master suite as in years past because of my aching shoulders, but I just couldn’t let the season slip away without a little something-something nice to wake up to! 🙂

IMG_0361WMC’mon upstairs! No running in the house, Kathleen and Liz, or there will be coal in your stocking on Christmas Day! 🙂

IMG_0439WMAt the top of the steps is this little arrangement that lights up the hallway.

IMG_0527WMLet’s head on into the master suite.

IMG_0519WMBefore you ask….no, there are no window treatments up here. There is no fabric on ANY window in the house. If I had my way, there would be no blinds, no nothing…and there’d be a bank of French doors leading to a deck!!! I just like the sunshine to stream in. Ramon, on the other hand, begs to differ on that issue! So…I’m dragging my feet finding just the right drapes. And I’m gonna KEEP draggin’ ’em! 😉


TV Armoire Wreath collage

TV Armoire top collageOur television armoire is decked in shades of gold and cream. The faux pine wreath is on an iron wreath stand from Pier 1 Imports. I applied ornaments of different sizes and hues in a way that would create a bubbly 3-D look. A shimmering gold bow with trailing tails finishes it. Gold-painted reindeer in two sizes prance around the “Merry and Bright” placard, announcing the feeling I wanted to evoke with this vignette. (I used these reindeer in a 2010 tablescape called “Roman Holiday” that you can see HERE.)

Stocking collageI bought these beautiful white lace Christmas stockings years ago while on our honeymoon in New Orleans, LA. I think this is my first year to use them for holiday decorating!


Tree table collage

IMG_0312WMA tabletop Christmas tree (rather than the 6-ft. tree originally planned for this corner) is adorned in the same gold ribbon as the television armoire wreath and lots of soft white lights. Ornamentation includes Christmas bells for a topper and balls similar to those on the wreath with a few vertical ornaments added for visual interest. The bed of greenery beneath the tree is laced with ribbon, pine cones, ornaments, and a string of lights. Gold reindeer prance in the center.


Linen Armoire collageThe glass-front linen armoire on the north wall of the bedroom sports a pretty miniature version of the larger wreath across the room. (Somebody needs to straighten those towels!!!)


IMG_0416WMI don’t suppose there’s any question as to which side of the bed is mine? 🙂

Bedside Table collageA photo of me and my forever love that I keep bedside!

That’s it! That’s all! I couldn’t do anymore!!! Maybe next year I’ll be up to doing the entire master suite which includes our bathroom and my private dressing room (the only room in the house that gets a totally “girly” treatment!) I love waking up throughout the Christmas season to lots of pretty seasonal bling! (Ramon actually asked if we could keep this up year round!!! God bless his silly little heart! :-))

If you missed the living room and kitchen decor for this year, click HERE for “Christmas 2012 – Red, Black & Silver”. And for a glimpse of last year’s Christmas decor, click HERE for “Really Red Christmas”!!!

I hope your decorating is just about finished up and that you are enjoying the merriment and blessings of the season!

I’m linking up with The Tablescaper for “Seasonal Sundays” this week. Join us!