Mikasa Giveaway

My wife has been sick for several days, so I am filling in for her this week.

I know there is at least one guy on here from Tablescape Thursday (Bill?) who she talks about all the time, so I need your support, man. Check in and let me know you’ve got my back. These are uncharted waters for me. I can’t give color commentary like my wife does, so this will be unedited exactly as she wrote it. I’m sure Alycia will be better in time for the big announcement on Friday, and she will be back to her old self and here next week with a new post.

Mikasa "Daylight"

You still have a chance to win this Mikasa “Daylight” gift set!!!!!!!!!
I blogged about it last week and posted photos of two very different settings I created to showcase its wonderful versatility.
Now YOU can win this fabulous 5-pc. place setting for six!!!
It’s TOO easy! Here’s all you have to do:

  1. Leave a comment and become a follower of this blog, Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One. Both current and new followers will be eligible. Scroll to the bottom of this post, or click here to become a follower.
  2. Post photos of your best spring tablescape on the Mikasa Facebook page. Be sure to mention on their Facebook page that you are a part of this fabulous giveaway!!!

The contest for this incredible Mikasa “Daylight” gift set runs through Wednesday, March 30, 2011, 11:59 p.m. (CDT). I will select and announce the winner here on Friday, April 1, 2011. (No foolin’!) The winning tablescape will then be featured here on Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One the following week with a link to your blog! So design & photograph your best spring tablescape, and enter to win!
Hurry…the clock is ticking!!!

I also invite you to stop by and visit all the amazing tablescapes at Susan’s Tablescape Thursday event at Between Naps on the Porch! Lots and lots of very talented tablescapers there!

29 thoughts on “Mikasa Giveaway

    • Mona! Hi! I am feeling better today. I have a laptop in here now, I’m awake & alert, and I’m about to get dangerous! I am just so glad the worst is over. I should be kickin’ up my heels again by this time next week. Thanks so much for stopping by. Ramon has been an absolute WONDER these last few days!!! He’s my saving grace! 🙂 Have a great weekend!!!


  1. Did you still have on your white jacket and stethoscope while posting? She really works you overtime!!! My wish is that Alycia gets back on her feet, and job of fantastic posting real soon. She’s too talented to be knocked down by a “bug”.


    • Hi, Amy! My wife, Alycia, is out sick today, but because the contest is winding to a close I (her husband) am making sure everyone has taken BOTH steps necessary to be considered in the contest. If you have not already done so, you will need to become a subscriber/follower on her blog. When you subscribe, BE SURE to confirm your subscription via the email that Word Press sends to you; otherwise it doesn’t show up to Alycia that you are a subscriber. Then post your tablescape on the Mikasa Facebook page. Thanks very much and good luck.


    • Hi, Christine! I’m back! Well, sort of. I still can’t get out of bed, but I have a laptop and all my piles of paper in the bed, so it’s better than nothin’! I can’t wait to hop over to Tablescape Thursday!!! Thanks for stopping by. Sorry I didn’t have a real post this week. Ramon did SUCH a good job in my absence, though. Do NOT encourage him to get his own blog…he might take you up on it. He thinks he’s an expert now! We’ll just let him keep sewing people up and WE’LL have all the fun! 🙂


  2. Ramon! Way to go man, take care of my baby sis. I will post my comments but I can’t post a tablescape by midnight. All my spring stuff is in my garage and it is still winter here in Minnesota.!! Good luck to all you others tablescapers. Although I do love those dishes.

    Berishia (Barf)


    • Hi, Betsy! Alycia here! I’m awake and feeling better today than I have in the last 4 or 5 days for sure! Still confined to the bed, but at least I’m awake and aware of what in the world is going on! Ramon has been my rock the last few days (as always!), and I see he has been a very busy boy. I wasn’t aware that he knew so much about how to work my blog. I’m proud of him for picking up the slack! Thanks so much for stopping in, and I see that you entered the Mikasa Giveaway! Hooray! I’ll announce the winner tomorrow. Good luck, and thanks for your well wishes!


  3. I’m so sorry she’s sick! Please tell your darling wife that I hope she’s feeling better soon. I adore her. I can’t figure out how to follow so I guess I’m out of the contest, and I don’t do facebook even though my tablescape tonight has Mikasa dinnerware in it. Sigh. Otherwise, I would love to put my name in the pot for that glorious china. It is just wonderful! As a matter of fact, I saw it recently somewhere and fell in love on sight.

    Please give Alycia my love and tell her I hope she’s better soon. You did great filling in for her!


    Sheila 🙂


    • Hi, Sheila! It’s me! I’m kinda, sorta back! Awake today, able to sit up, and armed with a laptop. Thank you SO much for your sweet note to Ramon and me. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to respond to you earlier. You would have to post your photos on Mikasa’s Facebook page for the contest, but I know there will be future contests that won’t require that. I got a chance to check out your March 30 post with the cute little fuzzy chicks, all the beautifully colored flowers, and the beautiful Mikasa china…fabulous!!! I sure wish you could be on Facebook to have entered!!! I’m sorry you had a hard time figuring out how to follow/subscribe re: my blog. You can call me at home anytime (drop me an email and I’ll send you the number), and I’d be happy to help coach you through the steps! Thank you so much, and I’ll make sure Ramon sees your lovely note! Have a great weekend!!!!!!!


    • Hi, Linda! It’s me!!! I’m feeling a lot better today, but still confined to bed for another day or so. I am awake, though, and that counts for a whole lot!!! I sure do owe Ramon one….more than that!!! He has been such a tropper these last few days picking up the slack for me. I can’t thank him enough! I’m going to hop over to Tablescape Thursday in a little while after I check out all the Mikasa Giveaway entries. I have felt so disconnected, and it will be good to see happy stuff! Thanks for checking in on me, and I’ll talk to you soon! 🙂


  4. You did great! My husband wouldn’t have a clue! Please give your dear wife my get well wishes. Look fwd to her return, not to say you weren’t a wonderful fill in! 🙂
    Southampton, NY


  5. I’m so sorry Alycia is sick! Please let her know that we are asking about her, and hope that she feels better soon. I’d love that gorgeous china. You did great filling in for her!


    • Thank you, Mary! How sweet! Why, oh why, didn’t you enter the Mikasa giveaway??!?!!! Just think of the beautiful dishes for your collection!!! I absolutely love them. They are perfect for spring and summer entertaining. I hope you will check back another time for another great giveaway! Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks so much for stopping by!


  6. Tablescape Thursday guy, Bill, here. Just checking in to offer belated support. I’m really sorry to hear that Alycia’s been under the weather. She DOES give great color commentary. Her talent, warmth, and energy are missed this week, but it’s good to know she has a great hubby who can pick up the ball and run with it in her absence.

    I’m too late to enter the giveaway, but I’ll still try to post a picture and say a few words about the wonderful Alycia on Mikasa’s Facebook page.


    • Hi, Bill! Thanks, man! It’s good to hear from you. Alycia talks about you all the time. She really admires your work. I think you were the 1st person she ever followed on a blog. I might be wrong about that point, but I am pretty sure. This time last year she didn’t even know what a blog was! She is feeling better today. I let her get up for a few minutes last night to go in her office but she didn’t last very long. She has my laptop now, so look out! I see patients all day long, but she is by far my worst patient. Noncompliant, argumentative, resistant to suggestion. I would fire her as a patient if she wasn’t my wife! But she’s my girl. Thanks again for having my back. I’m glad she is making friends on here. Take it easy.


    • Hi, Claudette, and thank you for stopping by! The Mikasa Giveaway contest ended at 11:59 p.m. (CDT) last night, but there will be future giveaways in which I hope you will consider participating. If you become a follower, you can stay in the know! I will announce the winner of this giveaway tomorrow (Friday) here on this blog, and it will also be announced on Mikasa’s Facebook page. Stay tuned, and have a great weekend!


  7. Pingback: Diwali My Way « Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

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