Butterfly Kaleidoscope

This week I’d like to share a casual summer tablescape with you that, with just a bit of tweaking, could work well both indoors or out.

Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One - Butterfly Kaleidoscope: Inspiration piece

INSPIRATION: Melamine dinner plate from Target’s 2010 collection in turquoise, citrus green, brown and white. See how it looks like a butterfly…and a kaleidoscope?

I couldn’t decided whether this reminded me more of a butterfly or an image you might see when looking into one of those old-fashioned kaleidoscopes. I also couldn’t decide whether I wanted to show this inside in the dining room or outside on the deck. So I’m going to show you both in a sort of side-by-side comparison! This might be helpful information as you come up with a Plan A for good weather and a “hope we don’t need it, but just in case we doPlan B to bring it all inside in case of inclement weather conditions.
(Click on any photo to enhance/enlarge it to see details up close.)

Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One - Butterfly Kaleidoscope: Full room in and out collageBoth inside and out, I started with a full-length brown linen. Yes…ye olde brown linen is back in play! Seriously…brown is a great summer neutral. It all depends on how you pair it up!

Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One - Butterfly Kaleidoscope: Full table in and out collage

Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One - Butterfly Kaleidoscope: Multiple place setting in and out collageTop photo – indoors, bottom photo – outdoors. Just look at all that color!!!

Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One - Butterfly Kaleidoscope: Single place setting in and out collageThe elements on the table are a balanced mix of all the colors found in the dinner plate. The charger is a white ceramic from Old Time Pottery. TIP: White chargers may be a little tough to come by, so you might consider buying inexpensive acrylic ones and spray painting them. Great look, great value!

Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One - Butterfly Kaleidoscope: Flatware, rim shot, napkin in and out collageBoth inside and out, a double dose of napkins cascade off the side of the table at each place setting. It’s nice to have two napkins for guests if you’re eating something extra messy like fried chicken or barbecue. One for the lap, one for mouth & fingers. They’ll love you for it! The flatware is a faux bamboo from Home Goods. Notice on the outdoor setting how a butterfly has innocently landed on each salad fork.

Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One - Butterfly Kaleidoscope: Turquoise stemware from Pier 1I LOVE this super chunky turquoise stemware from Pier 1!!! It feels really substantial and holds a lot of whatever beverage is being served.

Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One - Butterfly Kaleidoscope: Full centerpiece in and out collageThe centerpiece indoors is a mix of turned white wood candlesticks from Z Gallerie topped with fun turquoise, green and white striped candles from Pier 1, a trio of florals, and pots of rye grass standing as sentry at each end. The outdoor table loses the rye grass and adds votives to the mix.

Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One - Butterfly Kaleidoscope: Candle collageI get a lot of mileage out of these Z Gallerie candlesticks. Each end of the centerpiece holds a pair in two sizes. Notice the bling on the candle wick. If your dinner party starts early in the evening when the sun is still out, keep the bling on as an added point of interest. When it’s time to light the candles, just snip the wick to about 1/2 inch, pocket the bling, and put it aside for use on something else later.

Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One - Butterfly Kaleidoscope: Floral trio collage

Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One - Butterfly Kaleidoscope: Butterfly collageThe fun floral element comes in a trio of white ceramic canisters filled with acid green roses and rye grass. Fun little turquoise hand-painted butterflies from Beau-coup.com flit about, landing here and there at will.

Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One - Butterfly Kaleidoscope: Deep turquoise square glass votive holder

The outdoor table has an added twist of intermittent votives in deep turquoise blue glass holders.

Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One - Butterfly Kaleidoscope: Buffet table indoors collageThe buffet behind the dining table indoors is smothered with turquoise and citrus green paper lanterns. It’s a simple but effective backdrop to the busy design on the table.

Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One - Butterfly Kaleidoscope: Buffet table outdoors

Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One - Butterfly Kaleidoscope: Outdoor buffet table element collageThe outdoor buffet table is covered from head to toe in a smart fitted white tablecloth from LinenTablecloth.com. The pots of rye grass used on the dining table and around the room indoors have moved to the buffet table to add color there.

Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One - Butterfly Kaleidoscope: Turquoise and citrus green paper lanternsThe sides of the buffet table are festooned with paper lantern “towers” tied to the deck posts. Just loop ribbon through the lanterns to create this fun and colorful look!

Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One - Butterfly Kaleidoscope: Paper lanternsMore paper lantern singles are tied to individual posts around the deck to surround guests in color and movement. If you add lights to the lanterns, just think how pretty that would be at night!!!

Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One - Butterfly Kaleidoscope: Tea cart collageBack inside, a vintage tea cart holds pitchers of ice cold water and lemonade on the bottom and a Ralph Lauren pedestal filled with Granny Smith apples on top.

Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One - Butterfly Kaleidoscope: China cabinet and sconce collageFinally indoors the china cabinet has a complementary treatment of paper lanterns, rye grass and roses. The sconces that flank the buffet are outfitted with pots of rye grass visited by butterflies.

Are ya dizzy now? Sorry ’bout that! My point is that you can use the same elements either indoors or out and achieve a great look that is appropriate to the space. Plan A or Plan B…you decide! 🙂

Other posts on this site using turquoise or blue, green & white:
“Under a Paper Moon”
“Summer Blues & Greens”

Another post on this site using paper lanterns:
“Blue & White 30th Birthday”
“Cupcake Colors”
“Under a Paper Moon”
“Easter Brunch”

I’m joining lots of other talented tablescapers again this week at Cuisine Kathleen’s blog party, “Let’s Dish!” (anytime after 6:00 p.m. CDT Wednesday) and Susan’s party, “Tablescape Thursday” (anytime after 9:00 a.m. CDT Thursday).

50 thoughts on “Butterfly Kaleidoscope

  1. You always come up with the best tablescapes, Alycia! I have lots of brown in my dining room wallpaper, and I find I gravitate in the summer toward the colors you used in your lovely tablescape today. Love turquoise and brown together, and a shot of chartreuse is perfect with it! I wish I could find some of those Target plates–they are so pretty and just say summer. I also love white wood candlesticks–I keep looking for them at thrift stores to paint them myself–and those candles are perfect!


  2. Bright sassy tables both of them. Luv the way the colour bounces off the table cloth. Thse plates scream summer to me!!!
    Beautiful Alycia.
    Hugs, Gee


  3. Alycia, You are the “hostess with the mostess!”. Some of my favorite colors. Actually, one of my guest rooms is decorated in brown, blue and lime green.
    Love, love those dishes and I like the idea of two napkins. We southerners are messy eaters with our fried chicken and barbecue! I gotta get some of that neat flatware cuz it’s so versatile.
    Beautiful tables again.
    Love to all and your Daddy is in my prayers.
    Hugs, Ginger


  4. Stunning!! Such beautiful colors and you brought it all together so perfectly. I like the touch of bling and the butterflies, and well, everything!

    I didn’t know your Dad was doing poorly but I see from some comments he is, so I’ll be praying too.


  5. Sometimes the weather is nice enough for drinks outside, but then we have to go in for dinner. I love this setting because it could work so beautifully for that, the drinks table decorated the same way as the dinner table. Another beautiful setting. I love your blog!


  6. These tablescapes have me so overstimulated that I don’t know where to start with comments. Fantastic designs! The combination of colors is spectacular. Those candlesticks alway catch my eye, and the Japanese lanterns give a phenomenal effect. I love it! Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay


  7. Oh, Alycia! I love the mix of the blues/greens and browns. I never would have thought to combine them back in the day, but the look caught my eye almost immediately when it first started showing up prominently on sites like Pinterest, or in home decor and even fashion. That apple-y green and those vibrant swimming pool-ish blue and turquoise colors just take brown shades to a whole new level. The plates are gorgeous (amazing what they’re doing with melamine these days, eh?) and the accessories you’ve chosen for both A & B are perfection. Those paper lanterns are just awesome! I’ve got to go check out the “30th birthday” post to see if you have a link to the place where you purchased them. You are a total tablescaping rock star, girl! I swear you outdo yourself with each new design! The plates and those striped candles are probably my favorites. (I use the word “probably” because it’s soooo hard to choose!) Can’t wait to see what’s next on your list! xoxo, M.


  8. Wow, how fun both inside and out! The chocolate brown really does help those dishes pop! You have so many intresting accents- I love them all. Those chinese lanterns really give it a party affect and I love all the blue and green. I like the butterflies fluttering around everywhere! Those acrylic stemware pieces look like glass! That’s a good point about the white chargers. I can’t say that I’ve ever seen any except the wood ones I got at Pier 1 and those things were pricey! Another AAA rating!


  9. Love the colors and the paper lanterns are killer!
    Target has some awesome plates…Butterflies are so much fun and a delight to look at. Great inspiration. Painting chargers is a good option. Love the blue chunky stems. xo Linda


  10. What fun. These colors are a perfect summer combination. Love how you used the Chinese lanterns. So many other great touches to enhance the theme. I like it. Once the weather gets warm enough here to have outside parties the sad thing is it doesn’t get dark till 10ish and lights and candles have to wait a long time to go on…after I’m in bed as a matter of fact. **Sigh**


  11. Alycia~ I’m all aflutter of your butterfly kalieidoscope! So many wonderful elements, I don’t know what to comment on first…I love the plan A and plan B tables! So perfect for this time of year with this crazy weather! Brown is such a great color to pair with blue, green or pink! Love your candles and festive lanterns and I’m a big fan of double napkins, messy foods or not!


  12. Alycia, this color scheme is so happy and lively! I just love the two colors together. I have to say, I am going to pick this one over the brown one, but if you weren’t comparing – both are fabulous. It is cloudy and ugly here and was yesterday – whopping 60 degrees – can I just say that I needed this color pick me up! Your centerpieces are so simple and yet so lovely. You are always spot on girl!!!


  13. Alycia,
    I love that you gave us two settings like this….so pretty..these colors just say early summer to me….those little butterflies are a wonderful touch too…you have done an amazing job…again!..and that brown tablecloth..great idea and one that I will be using…getting mine out of the fall decor and making it into summer wear..thanks for the inspiration..
    Love, Mona


  14. How very pretty. Walmart carries some nice Melamine plates now. Great for summer when a breeze could take away your tablescape. 😉


  15. Ok, how much time do you have? I might never stop complimenting you on all the cool things you have done here! The inspiration plates sent you into a wonderful world of table creativity! One of my many favorite things is the paper lanterns and how you bundled them together on the deck and piled them on your buffet inside. I also love the butterflies flitting around in subtle places. The pots of grass and the white cylinders with roses and grass are such fabulous accents. It is also very cool how you contrasted the two settings using the same tableware. Thank you for so much eye candy and so many great tips and ideas!


  16. I love those colors!!…and of course the table…and you have the detail down to the beautiful striped candle…I can list my favorites..and of course the place setting are always the obvious favorite..but I really love the way you used those lanterns!!….a real “wow factor”…I just marvel at all of the many gorgeous items you have on both tables…you are a true inspiration Alycia!!!


  17. I always love to see what your inspiration is for the table, Alycia. I LOVE all those colors together. I can just picture those lanterns lit up at night. The touch of the butterflies on the napkins is the cutest idea. And those striped candles, are they not the best to tie all the colors together?? I want to be a guest at your wonderful table!


  18. Alycia, you amaze me. You are a continuous fountain of beautiful ideas. I like both A and B. Love the color combo and all the details you add to a table. Absolutely perfect for summer inside or out!


  19. I’m always on the lookout for cheap chargers at the thrift store to spray paint but have yet to paint any white! And, I need to dang it LOL! I love both of your tables! The colors are perfect. The inspiration plates and goblets are on my list to find! The paper lanterns take it right over the top, in a good way!


  20. Yes Ma’am I am dizzy with ideas! You sure know how to get the creative juices flowing. Love this color palette and super duper head over heels in love with the lanterns. Now that they’ve become so popular they are popping up all over the place. We have a new $5 and below store and they have several different multipack sizes of lanterns with lights. Winning!!!!


  21. Hello Lady A!

    My heart beats for you, dear friend. I really do. The worries and the sadness is unbearable. Just been through all these few months ago.

    CHeer Up, Lady? After tucking in, dear Mother, go and have some fun §:-) Sorry (just want you to relax).

    Honestly, I gathered some of my things for this color combo this w/end. OMG! great minds think the same? Is that how the saying says?

    Love, love & LOVE the plates. Just drooling here.

    ENjoy your pre-week-end and God Bless You All.

    /CC girl


  22. Alycia, these colors are so pretty together. You’re right. They pop on the brown cloths. I love the way you let the 2 napkins fall over the sides of the tables. It adds such dimension to the tables. And those paper lanterns – how clever of you to use them in such innovative ways. I hope your Dad is doing better. laurie


  23. OK Alycia, now you are a FABULOUS hostess with the mostess!!! I want to be a guest at your houseeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’ve got to be the most creative and talented ever, my friend. I love those paper lanterns and the great detail you put into this magnificent tables and gorgeous china aaaand everything else. What a great summer tablescape outdoors. You got me so inspired for a summer table, that now I need to make one! I’m going to Florida next week, so I will make a table before I go on my trip…wish you were there so I can visit you! Thanks for your sweet and fun comments, which reminded me of that movie and my Chicken Cutlets paprika story of you..hahahaaa…that’s why the guy is ex-hubs, lol!!! I make that recipe with a twist, by adding buttered shrimp on top of it, as I display it like that in an oval platter. I have 3 inlaws who don’t eat red meat, too.
    Big hugs darling,


  24. We just took our daughter to the airport as she is leaving for an International flight. I was blown away at how many people were wearing these same colors of your table!!! Turquoise was everywhere! Your combination really sets the pace for this color and the brown is a great anchor. It is a perfect color choice for that outdoor party. Almost like a breath of fresh air 🙂


  25. Beautiful tablescapes!! I love the green and blue – so vibrant and spunky. The bling on the candles are a nice touch. I love how the double napkins make the colors in the plates so prominent. I love the Target plates and I really like the turquoise stemware, too. I wish we had a Target! They have great stuff! I am happy we at least have Pier 1, though. (I should be thankful for that.) I don’t find chargers often, but now I know to buy whatever I find and paint them white. You’re so talented!!! Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration here. 🙂


  26. Today it finally feels a bit like summer in Maine so I’m thinking your table setting would be great on the porch. I always love turquoise and brown but the Target dishes give it all an extra pinch. Two napkins, yep, practical but here they add a touch of something extra to the table. Good job!!


  27. LOVE the turquoise and citrus green combo, especially in Summer. Great inspiration plates, and the paper lanterns for outdoors are so much fun. Love them! Thanks again for so much inspiration.


  28. Wow, You have thought of EVERYTHING! I love learning your tricks of the trade. You are right the brown tablecloth makes the summer colors pop with a great flair. I love the butterflies and the festive plates. The double napkin is especially nice with the color and function. I am one of those that needs two most times but I would hate to mess yours up. Plan A and Plan B are terrific. Amazing to me how you do it ALL! I could go on and on.

    Have a great weekend!


  29. OH OH OH! I am in love with the colors Alycia! And love that you gave us a plan B. I have had to use my plan B’s several times…. ack! Hope you have had a sweet week and will have an even sweeter weekend. My better half is bringing dinner home tonight so that starts my weekend off just right. xoxoxo


  30. What a fun tablescape. Inside and out!! Those particular shades of green and blue are among my most favorite combinations. Some details that I was captured by….the napkins–how unique and lovely to present in that way…the striped candles–make my heart sing…and the kaleidoscope pattern–I adore kaleidoscopes and this was soo cute….the paper lanterns–add the perfect bit of whimsy….and the goblets–so pretty–they remind me of a seashore.
    Thanks Alycia for all your creative inspiration. You are the tablescape queen!!


  31. That’s Casual. But just in Alycia’s way 😉
    Awesome! Amazing! Unbeatable!
    So fresh and lovely, Dear Friend. All details so touching and sweet.
    I believe I’m going to steal some details for dear daughter’s birthday in August. These colors are so her and if I follow your “c-a-s-u-a-l” steps I might become Mum of the Year.
    Thank you for sharing and inspiring,


  32. Delightful combinations of some of my most favorite colors! I think the lanterns add a great big punch of color & happiness to the scene. I’m in love with those turquoise tumblers from Pier 1. You are a baaaaad influence, you know!

    I wish you would have done a post on where you store it all for The Tablescaper’s Seasonal Sunday although I vaguely remember you showing us an upstairs location with oodles of storage once before.

    I hope your Dad is feeling better now. You & he both have been on my mind & in my heart this week.



  33. Alycia, I am just getting caught up from last week ;o) When you see my next blog post, you’ll think it was inspired by your butterfly kaleidoscope! Love this table, with the lovely candles and festive lanterns. I’ve been thinking of you and your Dad. xo


  34. Pingback: The 19th Hole – Golf & Forever Love | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  35. Pingback: Cupcake Colors | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  36. Pingback: Under a Paper Moon | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  37. Pingback: Casablanca Cool | Tablescapes at Table 21

  38. Pingback: Flashy Flamingos – Navy, White & Pink Tablescape | Tablescapes at Table 21

  39. Pingback: Summer Blues… and Greens! | Tablescapes at Table 21

  40. Pingback: Polly Want a Party! | Tablescapes at Table 21

  41. Pingback: Butterfly Bleu – The Grand Resurgence of Melamine | Tablescapes at Table 21

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