Tablescapes – My 10 Favorite Blog Posts

Later this year I will celebrate 9 years of blogging. My dear friend of 53 years, Arthur Brady, came over one night to (with the patience of a billion angels) help me set up for my new venture before retreating to the kitchen where he, Ramon and I made homemade pizzas. Arthur lost his hard-fought battle with cancer last week, and my heart has broken a million times over since. As perfect timing would have it, Susan from Between Naps on the Porch is hosting her 500th Tablescape Thursday this week and has invited participants to include 10 favorite tablescapes. For me that’s like picking my favorite 10 of 265 children. Without Arthur’s help, I wouldn’t have even one to share. So here’s to Arthur – friend, classmate, neighbor, computer nerd, and lover of all things Star Trek – who got me started, and to YOU who have kept me going.

In no particular order, my 10 favorite creations are:

Honey Bee Tea


All A’Bloom for Spring


Celebrating 85 Years of Fabulous


Casablanca Cool


September Wine


The Party She Deserves


All-American Seafood Boil


Ain’t Misbehavin’


Picnic Ants


Polly Wants a Party

Won’t you please join me along with many other bloggers who have participated in Susan’s Tablescape Thursday over the years to help her celebrate her 500th? You’ll get to see some of the best of the best from each blogger, and maybe you’ll pick up some ideas for your next soirée.

I’ll be back in a couple of weeks with an all new post for a Spring into Summer gathering that I think you’ll enjoy!

53 years of friendship. R.I.P. Arthur!

25 thoughts on “Tablescapes – My 10 Favorite Blog Posts

  1. For me it’s a toss up between Casablanca Cool and Polly Wants a Party. I do love those vibrant colors and tropical looks. Your Casablanca table is phenomenal, and will blow my mind until the day I die. I love every piece on that table. Once again, I’m so sorry about your friend Arthur. I know what it’s like to lose a friend, I have lost way too many of them. I missed Susan’s post about choosing top 10 tablescapes, I may end up doing that anyway next week.


  2. I remember so many of these and I clicked the ones I didn’t remember. Love the pretty lavender one you did with Arthur’s assistance. So sorry for your loss- but what a gift to have a friend for so long. I ended up buying some metal ants after I saw that post you did! You are full of creative talent! Glad we met and who would’ve thought friendships could be forged from joining a blog party! XO, Liz


  3. Losing a close friend is like taking part of your heart . I lost a friend over a year ago and every time I look at her picture I miss her a lot. I told a friend that I no longer have someone to spend the special times.
    How’s the back? I’ve been to KCOI for some shots for stenoisis of the spine and am wearing a splint on my left arm for a bone spur. Isn’t aging fun?
    The tables were lovely as usual. I will look for the next post. If it’s after mother’s day may it be a special one.


  4. I’m so very sorry about the loss of your dear friend. What a fabulous photo of the two of you — that hat, OMG I want it (although I lack the ability to carry it off like you do)! Since we’ve only recently become friends, I enjoyed seeing all the tables I missed. I particularly like the great theme tables like Casablanca Cool and Polly Wants a Party. Every single one great!


  5. Oh Alycia…I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend Arthur…we all have to thank him for getting you started on your blog so that we can truly benefit from your creativity and boundless energy. Thanks for the beautiful tables today…and of course we all know how much Susan has influenced the way we dress our tables and home, as you do!


  6. Alicia: No, no, no, no, and no! You have set yourself an impossible goal. How can you narrow so many beautiful tables down to 10 favorites? If we lived close by, I’d invite you over and we’d debate your choices over a bottle of chilled vino, and I would point out the error of your ways, because, my dear, you have posted too many beautiful, drop dead gorgeous tables to count. Having said that, my eyes were immediately drawn to the Honey Bee Tea (I have a thing about bees) and where you had me lusting after that beautiful sterling silver flatware. I’m so very sorry about the loss of your dear friend. His spirit lives in you, however, and you will continue to honor him with every table you prepare for the rest of time. What a treat to have been able to follow you for most of these years. You have an incredible talent, and I have enjoyed your art, your deprecating humor, your mother and Ramon. I feel almost like part of the family. God bless!


  7. Alycia,

    I am so sorry for the loss of your longtime friend. Grief is real . . . and it’s hard work. Know I’m holding you close in prayer.

    How perfect that the tablescape celebration is happening this week! I hope it was therapeutic for you to pull together some of your creations. I remember so many of them, but I can’t choose a favorite either!



  8. Oh Alycia, I’m so sorry to hear about your life long friend Arthur. So glad he was able to help you pick out some of your favorite tablescapes. I love all of them.


  9. Oh Alycia, Arthur looks like he was such a wonderful person. I am so sorry for your loss. Gone too soon at this young age. I haven’t experienced the lost a close friend but I dread the day and know how devastating it must be. 53 years of friendship is a very special friend with whom you have shared most of your life. So glad he encouraged your tablesetting talent! I don’t know HOW you could pick just 10 favorites. I could not have had enough of a critical eye. I remember your dad’s golf party very vividly and loved that one too. The fund raising table with shoes and a dress form comes to mind also. Another with cowboy boots and spurs was a fun one. See what I mean? Love them all but I enjoyed seeing the ones you selected. I can’t wait to hear what your next venture is going to be! Thank you for sharing your great taste, talent and creativity for 9 years. Hugs.


  10. Alycia, what a beautiful tribute to your friend. I’m so sorry for this loss. All your posts are beautiful. I really enjoyed a couple of your outdoor tables. I think my favorite would be “Mis behaving” as your Mom and her friends were having the time of their lives. You made that possible. Love you girlfriend.


  11. Hi Alycia, I’m so sorry for your loss of a dear friend. You can see how close you were. I have been in and out of blog world. Sorry I haven’t been around.

    I am always amazed at how creative you are and you make everything so pretty.



  12. Alycia, I am so very sorry for your loss. What a gift of a long friendship with Arthur, a 53 year friendship is totally amazing. I love all of these ten that you selected, each one is unique and beautiful. I can’t possibly choose a favorite, but I love how you celebrated your Mom in Ain’t Misbehavin’! Picnic Ants is so much fun, just like you! Can’t wait to have you share a new post in a couple of weeks!


  13. Oh, Alicia, I remember most of these! You have always been an inspiration and I’m so glad you are feeling better and are posting again!

    I’m so sorry to hear about your dear friend. RIP, Arthur.


  14. Each one is genuinely unique and seems to allow the person viewing the photo to imagine themselves at the table. You are so talented and you were so lucky to have known Arthur since childhood.


  15. I remember every one of these tablescapes. I am still partial to the parties that you have thrown for your mama’s birthdays! You win ‘Daughter of the Century’ Award. My heart hurts for you with your loss of your dear Arthur. He was blessed to have a lifetime friend like you. Now, I want to know when you are going to do a My Fair Lady tablescape with that glorious hat as the centerpiece? Fabulous, dahling! Thanks for inviting us for a peek. Cherry Kay


  16. Oh Alycia, I’m sorry to hear about your loss. My sincerest condolences to you and family.. (that effen “c” word is a b).. I wish they would hurry and find a cure. It was blessing to have had a dear friend like Arthur in your life, so enjoy the loving memories and cherish them. May God comfort you in your time of grievance. Showing your top ten I’m thinking may have been some of Arthur’s too..I remember each post and loved them all, especially the picnic ants (which i was surprised when you did that ) Sending warm hugs your way.


  17. What a bittersweet story Alycia, I am so sad for your loss! Isn’t it fun, not to mention a challenge, looking back and trying to pick 10 favorites?!?! Of course I love all of your tables, but I especially remember the picnic with the ants! Cheers to tablescapers and the eye candy they give us!! I am looking forward to your next creation!


  18. First of all, I’m so very sorry about the loss of your longtime friend, Arthur. To lose a cherished friend, is so very hard.
    I love each of your tables, Alycia, and remember most of them. You’re so very talented and use your creativity so well.


  19. Wonderful selection, Alycia! I was away last week, so just now catching up, and I saved this one to savor. You definitely included some that were memorable for me – Ain’t Misbehavin’ and the ants just to mention a couple. Thank you for sharing the recap – I loved this!
    I’m sorry for the loss of your friend. That’s such a great photo of you with your friend. ♥


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