Christmas 2020 – Family Room & Doggie Christmas Tree

Time is running out! Five days ’til Christmas!!! Quick…Here are pics of our 2020 family room!!!

Our family room is newly painted a refreshingly bright white, and now decorating is a breeze! The fireplace and built-in bookcase area is adorned with two trees brought over from my Mom’s house that I outfitted in glitzy red ornaments. With the trees and bookcases seeming so busy, I kept the mantel simple with a wood Merry & Bright sign kept merry & bright with a single strand of white lights. (I am BIG on applying a strand of 20 or 50 lights here and there for impact!) Milk & cookies await Santa’s arrival.

The shadow box was a gift from my friend/neighbor, Barbara, after one of my infamous spine surgeries. I LOVE it!

We recently added this spacious metal armoire to the family room. Because it is black, lighter elements show best, and it’s the perfect candidate for lots of twinkle lights. I planted flickering LED candles in the 2 white urns to light it on multiple levels. Next to the armoire is our dog’s tree! Sebastian has been a very good boy this year, so I created his own personal Christmas tree. (Thank goodness he hasn’t hiked his leg and peed on it!) Down front is a moss dog holding a basket filled with berries. I have 2 of these, used first in the post “Celebrating 85 Years of Fabulous” back in 2014.

The bar area always seems dark despite the new coat of white paint and all the reflective glass and mirror there. A simple strand of 20 white lights intertwined among the liquor bottles literally shines a whole new light on the situation. It doesn’t take much…just 20 little lights!

I promise I’ll do better in future posts. I’m just in a time crunch right now with several more rooms to go! Thanks for hanging in there with me as I gingerly wade back into the Land of Blog!

This year’s mantel décor is intentionally spartan, but if you’d like to see past Christmas mantels that are more generously decked for the holidays, check out “Christmas 2012“, “Christmas 2016“, “Cardinal Christmas“, “Contemporary Christmas” (still a teensy bit spartan by comparison to some others), and “Celebrate the Season“. Each has its own unique flavor…a little something for everyone!

See ya tomorrow with Christmas in the Kitchen. I think you’ll like it!