Mothers Day Luncheon in Pink

Good grief, Charlie Brown! Mothers Day is less than 3 weeks away now!!! I’m still grappling with what to do for my Mom’s celebration dinner. Too bad I can’t just add a few candles and recreate this table because I really like it! This is more or less an extension of the Springtime In Paris Mothers Day Buffet table I posted last week. It uses some of the same decorative elements and is designed to either work with the buffet (just take away the luncheon plates & put them on the buffet) or stand alone as a sit-down luncheon.
(Click to enhance/enlarge any photo.)





IMG_5937WMA full-length white linen from covers a 6-ft. oblong table set up in our living room to take advantage of the bright southern exposure.









Each place setting starts with a white ceramic charger from Old Time Pottery topped with a light green napkin folded lengthwise twice and tucked underneath. Following are a white Corelle luncheon plate and ceramic rose-rimmed plate I picked up at Tuesday Morning a number of years ago when I was feeling particularly girlie.

Here’s one of those decorative elements from last week: petal pink fabric napkins folded to resemble a rosebud. This time, rather than being tucked tightly and displayed en masse, the napkin is allowed to expand a bit to fill individual cups at each place setting. (Tutorial for this Rosebud Napkin Fold can be found HERE at Table Twenty-One Table Tips. Just scroll down to Tip #33.) I like to use two napkins at each place setting whenever sandwiches are involved!

The handles of the sterling flatware are embellished with a tiny flower to complement the design of the salad plates and cups. A rose-topped sugar cube created by Shawnee, Kansas cake artist Rebekah Foster daintily rests atop each iced tea spoon.

img_5908wm.jpgThese green stems from Dollar Tree are one of the best tabletop investments I’ve ever made. So much bang for the buck! I bought enough to have one for water and one for iced tea at each place setting. If you’re not hip to Dollar Tree yet, you need to check it out. They have some pretty decent tabletop items in there from time to time….all for just $1!!!! There are currently more than 4,000 stores across the 48 contiguous states (every U.S. state except Hawaii and Alaska) and Canada, so chances are there’s one near you! If not, you might try its sister company, Deal$.

Here’s another of those elements from last week that really works well on this table to bring color, texture, and height in a slightly different way: clear 12″ glass gooseneck tower vases filled with reaching faux floral branches that create the illusion of a tiny forest down the table’s center.

I like the idea of creating a buffet table with a dining table in mind and vice versa. It really opens up a lot of entertaining opportunities!

For more pink & green tablescapes on this site:
“Blushing Bridal Shower”
“Showered in Pink”

For more tables in pink suitable for Mothers Day:
Peonies and Pearls
Pink Plaid & Posies

For other posts using the “rosebud napkin fold” on this site:
“Cupcake Colors”
“Springtime in Paris Mother’s Day Buffet”
“Au Revoir”

I’m joining the bunch at Susan’s place for Tablescape Thursday again. C’mon…you know you’re curious about what all the other tablescapers are up to this week! 🙂

47 thoughts on “Mothers Day Luncheon in Pink

  1. Pingback: Springtime In Paris Mother’s Day Buffet « Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  2. Stunning.. And you were feeling very girly that day!! But love those plates.. did the cute cups come with the set? Darling. I love that the pink napkins pick up the color of the branches in the center. Totally enamored with the floor length cloths.. they weren’t at all practical with my boys and their father (ha ha).. Loving your silver too. Perfect with the table.. can’t wait to see what you come up with for Mom’s day! xo marlis


  3. Alycia, this is just beautiful! You know that I am a Delta,whose colors are crimson and creme and the AKA’s have my favorite colors, pink and green. I can’t do anything about that so they just have to suck it up and let this Delta enjoy the beauty of such lovely colors. THEY DON’T HAVE A PATENT ON THOSE COLORS YOU KNOW!


  4. Beautiful table Alycia. It’s funny we both did a pink and green table. I wish I had your napkin tutorial before I did my table. It would have filled up the green bowl. Love it! The Dollar Tree is so great for colored wine glasses. Your tablecloth is so pretty. I love the full length. This is a perfect table for Mother’s Day. Thank you for the sweet comments.


  5. Another great table Alycia! What a great idea to create the illusion of a tiny forest down the table’s center. I’ll be checking out your tutorial for the rosebud napkin fold. I love that idea, especially for my Mother’s Day celebration.


  6. I just love the rose plates. The whole presentation is just so pretty and fresh. The Dollar Tree in my neighborhood has mostly kiddie party stuff. Those goblets are quite nice — they certainly look good in this place setting.


  7. I j’adore the rose fold napkins in the cups! Not only do they complement the rose plates, they look like a sweet treat themselves. The floral branches are the perfect centerpiece touch. Once again pretty in pink! ❤


  8. Just beautiful! What Mom wouldn’t love to be seated at this table! The pink and green are perfect. I have that stemware in green and blue. I get so many compliments on them. I’m really enjoying your spring tables!


  9. Beautiful, Alycia~ I see your mom has already commented, and I’m sure she will be THRILLED to be wined and dined at any table you set! I love your little rosebud napkins, en masse or individually served! I missed those green stems at Dollar Tree, but I have the blue ones 🙂


  10. Beautiful of course!! You had me totally fooled with the rosebud napkins. I saw the cup/cupcake/teapot at each placesetting immediatly and had to swoop right in to see them–beatiful!! No wonder you picked those rose plates up!!–I would’ve been right there with you on those! Have been out of the loop a bit with baby things 🙂 but wanted to reach out to you for a good pat on the back on this one, Alycia!! 🙂 ~Zuni


  11. Absolutely beautiful – as usual!!. Thanks for stopping by……My niece thought I could start a business organising kid’s birthday parties!! Not sure that’s what I want to do (think I’m a bit old for that!) but I sure would love to set tables for intimate dinners like hers. Who knows maybe this is what my purpose in life is. I’ve always wanted to be a marriage celebrant so maybe I could combine the two..haha!


  12. Your tables are always so stunning and I love, love, love your HUGE elements. Then you surprise us with tiny little elements like the sugar cube in the spoon – what a fun surprise that is. I am definitely doing a Mother’s Day table, but I leave the real dinner and table to the fam! It is so nice to be spoiled one day a year!


  13. Love those rose plates and I really like your rose folded napkin, so pretty!
    I love being able to buy stemware at Dollar Tree! Can’t beat a dollar!

    Have a great day!
    Aledia @ Plum Perfect


  14. Hello Lady A,
    Graciousness, I would die for your dinner plates. So unbelievable, very romatic.
    I love every big & small details you shared today.

    So simple but mighty elegant. Perfect for a Mother’s Day luncheon.

    Happy TS,

    Greetings from rainy Stockholm,


  15. Your table makes me think of my mother who I will miss this year at Mother’s Day. She loved dainty things, surprising because she wasn’t dainty, especially when they had pink in them. Your table would have been a surefire hit with her! I’ve been thinking of you as I see so many beautiful things that you could do wonders with.


  16. Hey Alycia!! Sorry I haven’t been around in a while, but I see that you are still on top of your game!! Can’t help but love those girlie plates, and how cute are those napkins folded to resemble the rose bud??? note to self: go back and look at tutorial– your mom would love to sit down at this beautiful table. We have a few weeks, so hopefully I can manage to pull something together. I want to do a post about my mom, if I can bring myself to do it, I will need tissues nearby lol! Well, girl, you always have it together, hope you are feeling better. It appears that your energy level is up!! I’m always amazed at your talents. Take care, have a great weekend!!–Beltsy


  17. Your table is gorgeous! I too a little SIDE TRIP to check out your tips, AND they were wonderful! I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE your rosebud napkin in the cup with the figural rose plates “AND” the green glassware. “I just LOVE pink and green”! I just did a post about that very subject a FEW POSTS back!
    Your Mom will LOVE your table!
    Have a wonderful fun filled weekend,
    If you get a chance PEEK into my world too,


  18. What would we do without our Dollar Tree? Ha! I love those napkin roses even more displayed this way. The flowers look like a fountain to me (that’s a good thing!). Perfect feminine table for a lucky mother!

    Robin Flies South


  19. Another gorgeous table, Alycia! I love the lovely, womanly, romantic feel of this. It will be just gorgeous for Mother’s Day. I love how you used the table in the living room so the light would be just right. I love the pink and green combination. YOU! Thank you!


  20. Oh my goodness! The cupcake napkins are darling! What a charming idea. And I’m loving the green stemware. So springtime!

    And thank you so much for the lovely comment you left on my post. Such a great welcome! Now I’m excited for next Thursday 🙂


  21. Be still my heart! I love all the pink! It is my favorite color…..very girlie. The cupcake napkins are so cute. Love the idea of the towering vases. This is a beautiful table.
    I am late getting around and a little slow about it all. I have so many things to get done before my big news! I think I will shock everyone. I can’t tell because my family back home, doesn’t even know yet! I am getting antsy to share! A few more days and I can tell them. I am surprising them… to you! Blessings My Friend,


  22. Pingback: Pleasant Under Glass – Revisiting for Mother’s Day « Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  23. Pingback: Fairy Tale Wedding Shower – Princess & the Frog « Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  24. Pingback: French Poodle | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  25. Pingback: Patisserie de Paris | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  26. Pingback: Cupcake Colors | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  27. Pingback: Cupcake Colors | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  28. Pingback: Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Pretty in Pink, Wicked in Spurs | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  29. Pingback: Bald Is Beautiful – Breast Cancer Awareness Month | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  30. Pingback: Showered in Pink | Tablescapes at Table 21

  31. Pingback: A White Sport Coat & A Pink Carnation | Tablescapes at Table /Twenty-One

  32. Pingback: The Power of Pink | Tablescapes at Table /Twenty-One

  33. Pingback: Powder Blue Memories on Mother’s Day | Tablescapes at Table /Twenty-One

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