Giveaway & Roses in October

I miss my husband. He’s gone for a whole week to a conference, and I’m miserable without him. To make matters much, much worse….he’s a world away and our “official” wedding anniversary is today. I say “official” because we actually count from the day and time we met, May 3, 1991, 7:41 p.m. CDT. We were married in our hearts, even if we didn’t get Uncle Sam involved until 6-1/2 years later.

Ramon, you are everything to me. I love you with all my heart, and I always will. Our marriage vows are sacrosanct, and I thank God we finally found each other.

With that in mind, I created the table we would be sharing under the stars with special friends and family if you were here.
Happy 14th “Official” Anniversary, Ramon!
(Readers….HUGE giveaway surprise toward the end of this post!!!)

IMG_2515WMAlthough I love color, I have an affinity for clean, white table decor for personal wedding or anniversary celebrations. That’s the “old school” in me shining through. White for weddings is appropriate year-round and according to Billy Idol “It’s a Nice Day for a White Wedding”, so white wedding anniversary dinner party tablescape it is! (This would also make a fabulous New Year’s Eve tablescape!!! Substitute red roses and petals, and this would be a fabulous table for a Kentucky Derby dinner party!!! Make ’em pink, and it’s great for Valentine’s Day!)
(Click here for more wedding-related tablescapes!)

On full-length white cotton linens are shiny silverplate chargers topped with one of the greatest bargains ever. My weekly pilgrimage to the thrift stores finally paid off after more than a year. I’ve never found anything good…ever! My luck changed a couple of weeks ago when I snatched up this pristine 32-pc. set of platinum-rimmed Noritake “Crestmont” china for….drum roll…$10.74!!! SO worth the wait!!!!!!!

IMG_2551WMThe menu…food I will lovingly prepare upon Ramon’s return home.

IMG_2563WMOf course, hemstitch linen napkins with our surname initial.

img_2540wm.jpgThe first flatware I bought for our home at an estate sale. (Note to Entertaining Women’s Cherry Kay and Bill at Affordable Accoutrements, Queen and King of Estate Sales…this is the only good thing I’ve ever found at an estate sale, but I’m not giving up!)

IMG_2510WMWedding crystal, Mikasa’s “Jamestown Platinum”, which complements about half of the formal china sets we own.

Who wouldn’t want a piece of the cake to take home for a midnight snack? Favor boxes adorned with white silk roses are perfect!

IMG_2518WMThe centerpiece is anchored with a frameless mirror from our old house that was headed to the trash pile before I rescued it. It’s the perfect size for these horizontally doubled 6-ft. oblong tables.

Small floral arrangements of white roses, orchids, ranunculus and waxflower in shiny silver tube vases anchor each corner. The profusion of votive candles (26 in all!) adds a lot of drama and is doubled back in the mirror. When it comes to tablescaping, candlelight and mirrors are my friends! 😉

The main centerpiece is a massive Two’s Company silverplate pedestal bowl filled with white rose petals. (I recommend piling something like Styrofoam popcorn on the bottom, then adding a layer of rose petals. Your floral bill will be quite a bit less, AND you don’t risk crushing & bruising the bottom-most layer of petals in case you want to use them to toss in the bath later.) This bowl measures 17-1/2″H and is a full 19″ wide which makes it perfect for all kinds of decorating possibilities like these:

Premiere centerpiece floral WM


Premiere centerpiece buffet WMWhich leads me to the really good part…

I own twenty of these beautiful silver pedestal bowls ($275 retail value). Even though the traditional gift for the 14th anniversary is ivory, to celebrate our “official” anniversary…I am giving one away!!!* If you’d like to have one, here are the rules for eligibility:

  1. Be or become a subscriber to this blog. (To become an official subscriber/follower, click on the “Sign Me Up!” button located in the upper far right-hand column of this page under BECOME A FOLLOWER. You will receive weekly design posts AND be officially entered for the drawing!)
  2. Leave a comment that let’s me know you’d like to have one. (Everyone is welcome to leave a comment, but I need to know you are interested to be eligible for the giveaway.)

That’s pretty much it. You have until October 18, 7:00 a.m. CDT to enter. I’ll have Ramon pick the winner’s name out of the bowl that morning before he leaves for work. Please be sure I have your email address so I can contact you! The winner will be announced on October 18.

Other tablescapes on this site with a mirrored centerpiece include:
Happy Birthday, Barf!
Hooray For Vodka!
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Contemporary Christmas – Fire & Ice
Shake, Rattle, & Roll ‘Em!

Please join me at Susan’s Tablescape Thursday to see what talented tablescapers around the world are up to this week!

*Winner must pay shipping, approximately $20 U.S. only
(overseas shipping costs TBD)

215 thoughts on “Giveaway & Roses in October

  1. I am also missing my hubby of 30 years this week. He is away with his hunting buddies doing the anual male bonding thing. Congratulations on your fourteen years of wedded bliss. Your table is, as usual, absolutely georgous. The Silver is lovely and I would certainly appreciate being considered for your most generous gift.


    • Hello, Charlene, and thank you! I’m sorry your hubby is gone, too. I understand the need for the male bonding getaway thing, but they should clone themselves before they leave like in the movie “Multiplicity” so we’re not so lonesome! Your name is in the bowl, and I thank you for being a follower! Have a wonderful weekend!


  2. This is undoubtedly one of the most breathtaking tablescapes you ever created, and the fact that was done with so much love and longing for your husband shows.

    I would dearly love to have that bowl you are giving away — I have never seen anything quite like it.

    I am pretty sure I am following — I will check to make sure. I had some trouble when I was on another blog platform, but I always read your blog, for sure.

    Your husband will be home before you know it, and you can make up for lost time. ;-0



    • Oh, thank you, Ellen!!! I sat there at that table and cried. I miss him so much. I will be so happy to see him back here tomorrow. I’ve just let myself go in the last few days. 🙂 Yes, ma’am, you are a follower already so your name is now in the bowl!


  3. The range of what you can do continues to amaze me–this is so elegant without being stuffy. LOVE…again! (Of course, the bowl would be gorgeous on my table, too 🙂


    • Hi, Holly! Your name is in the bowl, my dear! What’s even better is that if you win you don’t have to pay shipping charges…just drive around the corner! 🙂 With gas prices as high as they are, though, that may be $20 in gas!!! 😉


    • Hi there, Bella! Thank you so much for being a subscriber these past 6 or so months. I really appreciate it that you take time out of your day to peek in on my blog. That means a lot to me. Your name is in the bowl, and I wish you good luck!!! Thank you for the anniversary wishes, too, and have a peaceful weekend!


  4. Hi Alycia,
    Happy Anniversary! I know you miss your man on this day, how blessed you are to have each other!! Your table is sooo dramatic, your love shines through, too, and the candlelight on that mirror is so lovely! I love the all-white look, it’s just so stunning!! Your comments on my blog today were soo sweet, thanks so much.

    Yes, I am a devoted follower, you’re always at the top of my list. I would love to be entered in your giveaway for the beautiful silver bowl. I was ooohing and aahing over it, before I knew you were giving one away!!

    Hope your reunion is joyful and happy. With such a gorgeous wife, a beautiful table, and a delish menu, he will be ecstatic, I’m sure!


    • Hi, Betsy!!!! Thank you so much! It was a rough day without him here, but he’ll be home tomorrow and all will be right with my world! 🙂 We’ve been through some crazy stuff this year, but as long as we’re together it’s all good. We can make it as long as we’re together! Your name is in that bowl, baby!!! Good luck, and have a wonderful weekend!!!


  5. Well now, Alycia! This table is incredibly beautiful. Your words are sweet!!

    Happy Anniversary, official and otherwise!

    I don’t know if I subscribe, but if I don’t, I will. I keep up with you via facebook.

    I would love one of those bowls!:-)


    • Hi, Pat! Thank you so much! I hope the good Lord sees fit to let us have another 35 or so. We just met so late in life. You never know when your bliss will come. I don’t see you on the subscriber list. Just click on the “Sign Me Up!” button located at the top of the far right-hand column of any page of this blog. After you’ve done that, your name will go in the bowl for the drawing! You’ll also be eligible for future giveaways!!! Thanks so much for stopping in! See you on FB this weekend!


  6. Hi Alycia~ Happy Anniversary wishes to you & Ramon! I hope you have a wonderful celebration feast when he returns~ your menu sounds delicious! I love your sparkling silver and votive lit table! Congratulations on your thrift store Noritake find…what a coup! Please count me in for your generous giveaway for your beautiful silver bowl!


    • Hi, Mary! Thank you for the anniversary wishes! I can’t wait to see his little face tomorrow! I’ve missed him so much!!! On the china….I saw another identical set at a thrift store in Kansas about a week after I bought this. It was priced at $275 as I recall. That’s when I knew without a doubt that I had scored BIG!!! Please be sure that you are signed up as an official follower of this blog so your name goes into the bowl for the drawing! Just click on the little “Sign Me Up!” button at the top of the far right-hand column of any page of the blog. (Right under where it says BECOME A FOLLOWER.) You’ll be good to go after that AND eligible for future giveaways!!!


  7. That is a beautiful pedestal bowl, Alycia, and of course I would love to have one. I am sorry your hubby;’s away on your aaniversary. You created a very pretty and elegant wedding table! What a great deal on those pretty china!…Christine


    • Hi there, Christine! I’m so glad you like the bowl!!! When I first saw them, I was shocked at the size of them!!! I bought 30 of them on the spot! When I sold my business, I didn’t want to sell all of these, though. They’re so pretty and have so many possible uses. Most of them have only been used only once or twice, so they’re all in excellent shape. I keep them stored in plastic in a climate controlled room along with other silver stuff. They’re “my babies.” 😉 Your name is in the bowl for the drawing! Good luck, and have a restful weekend!


  8. Hello Alycia!
    First off- HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and Ramon!! You are so sweet and your love shines!
    I love your tablescape! I am a traditionalist too and love the white- and silver is the perfect look!
    The mirrored centerpiece is awesome! I love the multiple votives and the floral arrangment- it’s perfect!
    I can’t believe you found those dishes for such a bargain price! I’m truly jealous!
    Well of course I would love one of your silver bowl pedestals! What a sweet gesture! I’m already a subscriber so I hope I’m in!! (


    • Thank you, Liz!!! It’s good to be happy!!! 🙂 Your name is in the bowl, sweet lady, and I wish you good luck!!! I’m hope to have more giveaways by the end of the year, too. I love to spread the sunshine!!!!!! Have a wonderful, wonderful, peaceful weekend!!!


  9. Happy Anniversary darling.. and here’s to many many more!
    What a kind and thoughtful thing for you to do.. Yes, I’m a subscriber… and would love to have “anything” you’re giving away… you have such great taste. Your table is to die for…. I know he’ll appreciated each and everything you do for him when he gets home.. I love the large mirror in the center and all the candles.. you talk about romance darling.. he best appreciate you as much as you love him…. hugs ~lynne ~

    oh yes.. great deal on the China!!!


    • Hi, Lynne! Thank you!!! When Ramon leaves, I am so bored and lonesome that I start giving away everything!!! That’ll teach him! 😉 Please be sure to become an official follower of this blog so that you’re in the bowl, baby! Just click on the “Sign Me Up!” button located at the top of the far right-hand column on any page of the blog. Once we receive notification that you’re official, your name goes in. You’ll receive weekly design updates AND be eligible for future giveaways!


  10. You are such an inspiration on so many levels! Thanks so much for sharing your gifts. I would love to enter to win the silver pedestal bowl. What an awesome gift that would be for my 50th birthday on the 19th 🙂


    • Thank you, Paula! Thank you so much!!! Please be sure that you are signed up as an official follower so that your name goes into the bowl. Just click on the “Sign Me Up!” button at the top of the far right-hand column on any page of the blog. Once we receive notification that you are a follower, your name goes in! You’ll get weekly design posts from this blog (I only post once a week because I am lazy!) and you will also be eligible for future giveaways! Thanks again, and have a great weekend! Good luck!!!


  11. Wow! That china is as sweet as my Homer Laughlin Turquoise Melody! (free for helping a friend) Silver BOWL! Are you kidding? Stunning, and so opposite of what I usually place liquor in. Today I found a WWll armory crate in the crawl space of a property. The new tenant and I decided it was perfect to hold tubs of ice for a party!
    Forwarding your link to my mom, who LIVES for a beautifully decorated Thanksgiving table.


    • Hey, Debb! Oooohhh….tell your Mom to leave a comment and let me know she’s your Mom! I would love to say hello! You DID get a sweet deal on the Homer Laughlin (which I haven’t forgotten about, by the way….just slow!). Free trumps everything else!!! The armory crate sounds cool for holding ice! Toss some bullet shell casings on top just for laughs! 🙂 Your name is in the bowl! Good luck!!!


  12. Congratulations on your anniversary! You certainly have set a beautiful table for the occasion! The china was a great find. Please count me in on the silver bowl. I was admiring it while reading your post only to find to my delight the giveaway. May you have many more anniversaries to share with your husband.


    • Hi, Maureen! Thank you so much! Can’t wait ’til he gets home to celebrate!!! You are in on the silver pedestal bowl, my dear! When I get antsy and lonely, I start giving my stuff away. He’d better not travel too much more this year! 🙂 Good luck!!!!!!!!


  13. Alycia, I am so sad that he is missing in action, but what a beautiful tribute you have made to years of marriage. That pedestal bowl is outstanding. I love it filled with the white roses and brilliant idea to fill it with peanuts first. You even went so far as to type up a menu! How fun and how gorgeous too.


    • We’re poor now so what’s that they say about necessity being the mother of invention? Only a top layer of rose petals for me! I actually layered the bottom with a bunch of white hand towels since my Styrofoam peanuts were green. I didn’t want to risk them showing through, so I went with the towels. Worked out great! I’ll use the menus and everything else when I recreate the table upon his return tomorrow. I’m going to set it up indoors, though, since the weather has turned a bit. Have a great weekend!!!


    • Hello, Teresa, and thank you so much for stopping in last night! Glad you like the setting! SO glad I didn’t toss that mirror!!! 🙂 Please be sure you are an official follower of this blog so that your name goes into the bowl. Just click on the “Sign Me Up!” button at the top of the far right-hand column of any page of the blog. Once we receive notification that you are signed up, your name goes in! You’ll receive my weekly designs (I am a lazy blogger…only post once a week!) AND you’ll be eligible for future giveaways! Thank you again for visiting! Have a great weekend, and good luck!


  14. I’ve now looked twice.. Oh this is lovely.. First off.. congrats on the coveted #1 spot! And Happy Anniversary!! So sorry he’s away to miss this lovely table you set. It’s gorgeous.. I too love candlelight and mirrors.. indoors or out. Congrats too on your score of the gawjuss china and flatware!!! Way to go. Perseverance has paid off nicely. Great idea to put the tables side by side.. must remember this trick! Can I just hang around you for a week and try to absorb all your greatness? I cook! Oh and the menu, well that is just spectacular. I know what you mean about not finding anything. I’m right there with you at the thrift stores. I love that center piece.. am a long time follower, and would just love to have one.. would pay double for shipping if necessary and wish everyone good luck! hugs, xo marlis


    • Thank you, Miss Marlis ma’am!!! Kissing the tables side-by-side rather than lengthwise gives you enough space for up to 10 people. Depending on how you set it you might even be able to squeeze in 12. It’s more squared and has similar characteristics afforded by a round table with lots of space for decorating in the center! Your name is in the bowl, baby!!! Good luck!


  15. Alycia, all the white and silver mirroring is lovely. Can’t beat that combination for a luxurious look. Congrats on your anniversary and the china find. I’ve never found anything in our local Goodwill as it is so picked over with high demand. Yes, I’d love a Two’s Company pedestal silverplate bowl. It looks magnificent in your photos. I know how you are feeling alone tonight as my husband works overseas two weeks of each month sometimes longer.


    • Hi there!!! Thank you for stopping in last night! I went to be so early, so I’m just getting a chance to respond this morning. I think our thrift stores must be very picked over, too, but the time I get there. I need to start going early in the morning when they first open. I’m sorry to hear that you, too, have to spend lots of time alone. I’m grateful that this is not a constant thing with us because I would crawl the walls!!! I sleep with his pajama top wrapped around me head. A little OCD, huh? 😉 Please be sure that you are an official follower so your name will go into the bowl! Just click on the little button that says “Sign Me Up!” at the top of the far right-hand column on any page of the blog. (It’s right under where it says BECOME A FOLLOWER.) Once we receive notification that you’re signed up, your name goes into the bowl! Thanks again for stopping in, Summer, and have a great weekend!


  16. Happy Anniversary, Alycia and Ramon! What a beautiful table you’ll enjoy together when you get back together (Fantastic deal on the china!)

    Alycia, your giveaway is very generous. Thank you. I’d love a chance to win one of your versatile centerpiece bowls.


    • Hi, Susan! Thank you so much for coming by! I have told a couple of people that when Ramon is away I lose my mind and start giving all my stuff away! 😉 Please be sure that you are an official follower so that your name will get into the bowl. Just click on the “Sign Me Up!” button located at the top of the far right-hand column on any page of the blog. (Right under where it says BECOME A FOLLOWER.) Once we receive notification that you are an official follower, your name goes in and you’re good to go! I’ll be having another giveaway in the not-too-distant future, I’m sure, so you’ll automatically be ready for that one! Have a great weekend, Susan, and thanks again for visiting!


    • Hi, Jocelyn! Yup…patience is a virtue, I suppose! I saw another set in a flea market in Kansas a week or so later that was like $265!!! That’s when I KNEW I’d gotten the bargain of the century!!!! Thanks for the anniversary wishes! Have a great weekend!


  17. Just love your white table!! I set a piece of mirror and had lots of silver & white candles for my Christmas table last year – it really makes a lovely table.


  18. Alycia, first and foremost, the love you have for your spouse is evident and all of us should aspire to have a love in our lives like yours….Happy Anniversary…you’ve been through so much this year and you’ve weathered the storm. Ramon is so very lucky to have you as his wife and vice versa. Love, love the idea of rose petals in the bath (hopefully it’s big enough for two).
    I would love to have one of your centerpiece bowls and I have a special place to use it really soon. I’ll have a toast to you and Ramon when I open my Rose champagne this weekend.


    • Gooe morning, Jackie! Thank you so much. I think you already knew how much Ramon and I care for and love each other. There’s nothing in this world like finding that one person who you can hold in your heart without fear or trepidation. I honestly thought I would never find it. God is good, though. God is good. Your name is in the drawing bowl! Good luck!!!


  19. Happy Anniversary! I love your tablescape. It’s just beautiful. I found so many great ideas I can copy for my own table. Please include me in the drawing for the silverplate pedestal bowl,


    • Thank you so much, Phyllis! I’m glad you were able to find some ideas from it! That’s what this is all about!!! Please be sure that you are an official follower so that your name can go into the bowl. Just click on the “Sign Me Up!” button located at the top of the far right-hand column on any page of the blog. (Under where it says BECOME A FOLLOWER) Once we receive notification that you are an official follower, your name will go into the bowl plus you’ll get weekly design posts (I only blog once a week…call me lazy!) AND be eligible for future drawings!!! Have a wonderful weekend, and thank you so much for stopping by!


  20. Alycia, that is one gorgeous table…wishing you a very happy anniversary, with many more to follow! You did quite well finding that beautiful china for such a great price. You wanted to know where to find a Savers…not sure exactly where you are but try 95th and Nall Overland Park and 135th and Mur-Len, Olathe.


    • Your name is in the bowl, Marigene!!! Thanks for the information re: Savers. I’m closest to the one on 95th & Nall. I’ll do a Google Street Map search to see what it’s close to. I used to go to the Tuesday Morning over there quite often when I lived about 6 miles from there. Now I have one just about 3 miles away from this house, so…..


  21. Alycia: Happy anniversary to you and Roman.What a beautiful tablesetting and a wonderful dinner you have planned for the love of your life. Love the white and silver and all the candles. Your centerpiece with the rose petals is wonderful.. Your tablescapes are always above and beyond and such an inspiration always look forward to seeing them. Would love one of your bowls!


    • Hi, Cindy! I can’t wait for him to get back. I cried so hard at the airport when I dropped him off. And it wasn’t JUST crying. It was more like the mournful wail of the sea lion right out there on the sidewalk!!! I was mortified that such a sound could come from my body, but I was SO hurt that he was leaving!!! So glad you come to visit, and I’m grateful for you being a follower! Your name is in the bowl for the drawing, my sweet! Have a wonderful weekend, and good luck!!!


  22. I repeat…I’m pretty sure that we were separated at birth in the hospital. Mirrors, silver, white linens, china, and roses….it has my name written all over it. I’m following, and I can think of a zillion ways to use that magnificent bowl…Yes, Yes, I’d be so thankful to have it. Thank you for the opportunity and Happy Anniversary to Ramon and you. There’s NEVER anything BETTER than a true LOVE STORY! Thanks also for the mention. Being in the same sentence with Bill is pretty high praise! Cherry Kay


    • You KNOW you are the reigning Queen and King of eBay and Estate Sales!!! I just don’t know how you do it! I was so happy to find my little stuff recently, but you find it ALL the time! I have got to get it in gear!!! I have always thought that you and I shared similar taste in decor. I remember the first time I saw your blog that I was mystified with the wide range of beautiful things and thought, “Gee, someone is as addicted as I am!!!” Your name is definitely in the bowl for the giveaway. I am so excited to be able to do this! When I get lonesome I tend to start giving things away. I think Ramon is going to find a stand-in for him so he doesn’t return someday to an empty house! 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend, and thank you for your sweet comments!


  23. I have only recently discovered your beautiful blog and gorgeous tables !! You have such an elegant flair. Please enter me in the contest for the beautiful silver pedestal bowl. I’ve had you on my list of favorites… don’t know if that’s the same as subscribing but I will see if I can figure that one out. Thank you for the opportunity and I’m so happy to have found your blog.


    • Hello, Caroline, and thank you so much for visiting!!! I really appreciate it! To subscribe/become a follower, just click on the “Sign Me Up!” button located at the top of the far right-hand column of any page of the blog. (It’s located right below where it says BECOME A FOLLWER.) Once we get notification that you are an official follower, your name will go right into the bowl for the drawing! You’ll also be eligible for future drawings as well as receive weekly design posts! Thank you again so much for stopping, and I’m so glad you found my blog, too! Have a wonderful weekend!


  24. Before I even got to your giveaway, I said (out loud) I gotta get me one of those! You have a nice wide romantic streak in you and I figure Ramon is the reason. We have a special day we celebrate–the day we met. This November we will celebrate eight years of being together. I must be “old school” too, because I love an all white table. And, I could not be happier for you on your very first treasure found at Goodwill! You scored big, my dear!!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful table with us!


    • Yup! That’s us, too! That May 3, 1991, 7:41 p.m. date is so special to us, too! We celebrate it every year! Fun to have 2 days to celebrate, huh? 🙂 Hooray for your upcoming 8 years together!!! You’re over the hump! I’m glad you like the pedestal bowl. It is one of my favorites which explains why I didn’t feel compelled to sell all of them when I sold my company. I keep imagining my stepdaughter’s wedding with these bowls dotting the tables throughout the reception room, but she’s dragging her heels. She’s in no hurry to get married. 😦 Be sure that you are signed up as an official follower. Just click on the “Sign Me Up!” button located at the top of the far right-hand column on any page of the blog. (Right under where it says BECOME A FOLLOWER.) Once you’ve done that, your name goes into the bowl for the drawing! What a deal!!!


  25. How did you do?! You did great AGAIN, Alycia. This is such a sweet post…it’s so sweet to read about sweet love. As always, you have beautiful ideas. Now I remember I have a large frameless mirror in the basement I can put to good use! Thanks for the idea! And yes, yes, yes, I would LOVE to have that silver bowl!! Thanks for such a great giveaway! How generous of you!


    • Hi there, Miss Zuni!!! Thank you for stopping by last night! I went to bed early, so I’m just getting a chance to respond. When I think about all the stuff I actually threw away from our old house that I could be using now…..makes me ill!!! I’m glad that mirror wasn’t broken or cracked. It will come in handy for a lot of future tables! You have been a follower for about a month now, so your name goes into the bowl for the drawing! Good luck, and have a wonderful weekend! I’ll be stopping by your blog later to see what you’re up to this week!!!


  26. Well, Ms. Alycia, you have created quite the tablescape here! This is the most romantic anniversary table that I have seen in quite some time!! The mirrors, candles, silver…pure perfection! The crystal, china, and flatware…stunning!!Happy Anniversary to you and Ramon! That’s it!! Keep the flames alive!!!! This is just exquisite! AND pleaseeeee, count me in for the giveaway!! Be blessed!!


    • Hi, Shenita! Thank you so much! When it comes to Ramon, romance is my middle name! 🙂 He’s my forever/infinity sweetie! Twenty years from now we’ll probably be one of those old couples you see sitting on a park bench holding hands and giggling like schoolchildren! Be sure to become an official follower to be entered into the contest. Just click on the “Sign Me Up!” button located at the top of the far right-hand column of any page of the blog. (It’s under where it says BECOME A FOLLOWER.) Once we receive notification that you are an official follower, your name will go into the bowl! I’m so excited about this giveaway!!! Hey…stopped by your blog earlier, and your entryway is just too pretty for words! I love the brick and the door and the windows and the fall decor you’ve put out. It’s all so pretty!!! I’m a big ornamental cabbage fan, too. They look so cool and last a fair amount of time. Kansas City winters kill ’em off around the 2nd week in December or so, though. I’m guessing they can hang around a bit longer in Texas?


  27. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I share your pain of your husband being away. I am currently preparing to move my Husband to Louisville Ky come December for a job transfer. My children and I will follow six months later if our home in Indianapolis sells quickly and once the kids finish the school year in May, which is also when we will celebrate our 25th Silver Wedding Anniversary So I would love to have one of the silver centerpiece bowls (actually I could use six lol) as I am also in the midst of planning our Speakeasy themed party and these would be great on the guest tables. I want this anniversary to be extra special because my Husband has been told that his once 50% functioning kidneys are now at 30% and he may be looking at dialysis or a kidney transplant due to diabetes. Your table gives me wonderful ideas for my party and your love story .touched my heart. AGAIN HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!


  28. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I share your pain of your husband being away. I am currently preparing to move my Husband to Louisville Ky come December for a job transfer. My children and I will follow six months later if our home in Indianapolis sells quickly and once the kids finish the school year in May, which is also when we will celebrate our 25th Silver Wedding Anniversary So I would love to have one of the silver centerpiece bowls (actually I could use six lol) as I am also in the midst of planning our Speakeasy themed party and these would be great on the guest tables. I want this anniversary to be extra special because my Husband has been told that his once 50% functioning kidneys are now at 30% and he may be looking at dialysis or a kidney transplant due to diabetes. Your table gives me wonderful ideas for my party and your love story .touched my heart.


    • Hi, Sandra, and thank you so much for stopping in last night! Although I hear Louisville, KY is a gorgeous city (who wouldn’t want to live in the home of the Kentucky Derby?), I can only imagine how stressful this move must be for your family. I hope the house in Indianapolis sells licketty split so that you guys can reunite sooner than later. It would be a shame to be apart on such an important anniversary. We’ve had to celebrate the last 2 separately, and it has not been fun. I’m sure his health would benefit greatly from everyone being together under the same roof, too. Sounds like you’re planning one heck of a shindig to celebrate #25!!! A speakeasy theme sounds SO cool!!!! I keep picturing the movies “Lady Sings the Blues” and “The Sting” for decor! Your name is in the bowl for the drawing! Good luck, and have a wonderful weekend!


  29. Wow! The roses are gorgeous. Especially all the petals in the silver bowl. Stunning. One of your bests. I’d love to entered in your giveaway.


    • Hi, Barbara!!! Done, ma’am! Your name’s in the bowl!!! Oh….and if you find white rose petals all over your yard, sorry ’bout that! The wind was blowing in gusts that kept messing up my arrangement as I was photographing it! 🙂


  30. I am a follower. Check.
    I want that bowl. Check.
    Now, there. I’ve entered your fabulous giveaway. Now, please give me Ramon’s cell # so I can bribe him to pull my name.
    Speaking of Ramon, won’t you give that lovely man the best welcome and celebration? This is such a beautiful table and a beautiful tribute to your love. Hugs and blessings.
    Linda @ A Toile Tale


    • You made me spit my pizza all over the desk!!!!!! (Yes, while the cat’s away, the mouse will play and eat nothing but cold pizza for breakfast instead of the healthy Cheerios she’s supposed to have!!!) You are SO funny!!! But since you asked nicely, his cell phone number is 913……….wait…that wouldn’t be fair! 🙂 Your name’s in the bowl, Miss Linda!!!


  31. Your lovely tablescape, the time it took to create it..shows how much you love Ramon. He is a lucky man to have found you. Congratulations to you both and may you have many, many more happy years together.


    • Thank you, Juliet! I’m so glad you stopped by today! Be sure you become an official follower so that your name gets into the bowl! Just click on the “Sign Me Up!” button at the op of the far right-hand column of any page of the blog. (Right under where it says BECOME A FOLLOWER.) You’ll then get weekly design posts, have chances for future giveaways, AND be enrolled for this giveaway. Thanks again for stopping in, and I hope you have a great weekend!


  32. Oh yes….. I would Love to have this bowl. My husband travels for work and is gone for long periods of time so I know what it’s like to really miss him. I am planning a “special” dinner party for our 30th anniversary in November and I would be thrilled to have this beautiful piece for my table. My email is given however, I am having trouble with my server and may not get a message from you IF I am the lucky winner however, I have listed my snail mail address so you could notify me that way and I can send the payment for shipping to you ASAP. What a beautiful tablescape and lovely giveaway. Thank you. Norma L. Wain P.O. Box 879 Columbia Station, Ohio 44028.


    • Hi, Norma, and thank you so much for stopping in today! So you’re a work widow, too, huh? Not much fun. It is so rare that my husband and I are apart for any significant length of time that I don’t handle it very well when it happens. I apparently get so depressed that I start giving all my stuff away!!! 🙂 Be sure that you become an official follower by clicking on the “Sign Me Up!” button located at the top of the far right-hand column of any page of the blog. (Right under where it says BECOME A FOLLOWER.) In doing so you will become an official follower and receive weekly design posts, chances to win future giveaways, AND be enrolled for this giveaway. That 30th anniversary party is right around the corner!!! Keep your fingers crossed, and have a good weekend!


  33. I love this tablescape….I want to enter as well I would like to have one to celebrate my upcoming 25th wedding anniversary in May 2012.
    Thanks in advance for giving me the silver bowl
    ( lol !!)


    • 25 years??? Wow!!! Congratulations “in advance” on that! 😉 That’s a big one!!! The silver anniversary is one of the best, I am told. I know you’ve been a subscriber for several months, so into the bowl your name goes for the drawing! Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for stopping by!


  34. Happy Anniversary to you both. We celebrate both our wedding day and our first date every year. Your tablescape is so lovely. I am following you now and would love a chance to win.

    Susan and Bentley


    • Hooray! Someone else who feels the inclination to celebrate both!!! The anniversary for the day we met is leaps and bounds more important to us than the day we actually tied the knot for some reason. It’s nice to celebrate both! I don’t see you on the follower list yet, but maybe that’s Blogger being slow. Be sure that you click on the “Sign Me Up!” button located on the the upper far right-hand corner of the blog on any page. (Right under where it says “BECOME A FOLLOWER.) Once we have you on the follower’s list, your name goes in the bowl for the drawing! Thank you for stopping by this morning, and have a wonderful weekend!


    • Hi, Barbara! Thank you so much! I’m glad you found us…and just in time! If you want to be entered in the drawing, be sure to become an official follower by clicking on the “Sign Me Up!” button on the upper far right-hand column of any page of the blog. (Right beneath where it says BECOME A FOLLOWER.) Once you’ve done that, you will automatically get weekly design posts (I usually only blog once a week) AND be officially entered in the contest! At any rate, I hope you visit often. I love the chance to share the fun I have with others! Thank you for stopping by, and have a fabulous weekend!


  35. Oh my goodness, girlfriend, I’d say Ramon better hurry on home before anything on that gorgeous table is disturbed. What a lucky man he must consider himself to have you in his life. And, judging from your acknowledgement of him, you are pretty lucky too. You have a good heart.


    • Good morning, Linda! Thank you, my friend. We DO love each other as both friends and spouses. It’s the only way to go as far as we’re concerned. I’ve already torn the table down and will have to recreate it when he gets home, although I think it will be indoors this time. The weather is forecast to be a little cooler, and the wind around here has picked up like nobody’s business!!! We had a few leaves in the yard on Monday, but now you can barely see the grass!!! The yard guy is NOT going to be happy when he comes tomorrow! 😦


  36. This table is SO wonderful! Such classic and elegant beauty! Your talent and amazing love for your family really shines through in your work!!!! Thanks so much for sharing with us!!! Thank you for stopping by my blog last week it was wonderful to hear from you!!!!! Please consider me in your giveaway and good luck to the winner!!!!


    • Hi, Miss Debby!!!!!! How are things going in your country oven this week? I’ll be stopping by a little later to visit and see what cool new ‘scape you’ve dreamed up! I always look forward to it! You are already a follower, so you’re good to go! Keep your fingers and toes crossed!!! Have a great weekend!


  37. I love a white tablescape with candle light. So romantic and beautiful. Your tablescape is breath taking. I absolutely love it. You rock. I would love to win the pedestal bowl. I know exactly what I would do with it. 🙂 You have great taste and I love your style.


    • Hi, Heather! Thanks for visiting today! Please be sure that you are an official follower by clicking on the “Sign Me Up!” button in the far right-hand column of any page of the blog. (It’s right under BECOME A FOLLOWER.) That way you are in the bowl for the drawing!!!! Have a great weekend, and good luck!


    • You ding-dong! We’re not technically related, but I think we’re close enough that I must declare you ineligible! 🙂 Besides, you know you can borrow anything anytime and, if you continue to be nice to me into my old age, you will be in my will! 😉


  38. Happy Anniversary! Beautiful and elegant tribute to your husband! I would love to use the silver bowl for one of my tablescapes, it is gorgeous!


  39. Alycia – I’m your newest “official” follower! I say official because I’ve been logging on to your site for the past few weeks through your linkage at BNOTP and I ALWAYS look forward to your design. But seeing that bowl and the chance to win it made it official today – lol! I can just see that bowl on my new dinning room table for the holidays.
    P.S. I love the idea for the mirror in the middle of the table (swoon). Thank you for the chance to win!


    • Hi, Nicole, and thank you for stopping in! I’m always so happy to hear from readers! I’m glad to hear you’ve been popping in for some time now. Thank you for that! For the contest, be SURE you have actually hit the “Sign Me Up!” button on the upper right-hand column of any page on the blog (right under where it says BECOME A FOLLWER) so that you are officially enrolled. That will send my weekly design post to you every week AND ensure your chance to win! Thank you again for visiting, and good luck on the contest!


  40. This is so wonderful. I am looking for the same look for my 30th wedding anniversary in January. Our decor will be white with diamonds and pearls. I really need that dessert bowl. What else can I say these are always fabulous.


    • I knid of figured this is what you had in mind. We’ll do something somewhat similar, but we’ll add lots of bling and pearls to the mix. Depending on how much space we have, we can use several of these bowls for various things.


  41. Happy Official Wedding Anniversary!! I love that you actually count from the day you met.

    As usual, I am wowed beyond words at the beauty of your table. You are so gifted. I love those plates that you got for ten dollars. I NEVER… and I do mean NEVER get a bargain like that. I haven’t had luck at estate sales either, but I am like the energizer bunny and keep trying.

    This is beautifully “Alycia”.

    And I’m just greedy enough to want to be added to the list.


  42. Hello Missy…

    You always give so much inspiration in the name of tablescaping. I am drooling everytime, I come and visit you, ALWAYS. Wishes am just around your vicinity and grab some of your great treasures §:-)

    Well, how I wish I am eligible but living far beyond might disqualify me.But linking me & a follower.

    Eventhough I am not your follower, I am following your step everytime I am online, just to let you know.

    Happy pre-w/end, pretty Lady & hope you enjoy your day.


    • Hi there, Miss Chie! I received your follower notification this afternoon, so your name is in the bowl! If you win, I’ll let you know what the shipping charges would be and you can make up your mind from there. OK? I’m always so happy when you stop in to visit. You always leave such sweet comments, and I’m glad to be your blogging friend! Thank you so much, and have a great weekend!!!


  43. Very beautiful and elegant tablescape! Wonderful ideas showing how to use a silver bowl in different ways. Would love to have one to give it a try myself. Thanks for the giveaway. You have such talent and inspiration!


    • Thank you, Karla, and welcome aboard!!! I am so delighted that you have become a subscriber! You’ll receive a weekly post (weekly because I’m lazy!) and also be eligible for future giveaways. Good luck to you, and thanks again for dropping in!


  44. My first visit to your blog…now I’m a follower and hoping hoping hoping to win that beautiful bowl! Thank you so much for the great ideas, especially those rose petals…hoping to use some ideas for the dinners to be hosted before formals!


    • Hello, Nettie, and welcome to Table Twenty-One! I’m so glad you stopped by today! I’ve received notification that you are now a follower, so your name is in the bowl! Not only will you receive weekly posts (I only post once a week…busy or lazy? You decide :-)), but you’l be eligible for future giveaways as well! I’m glad you like the idea of the rose petals. In hard financial times like these we have to come up with as many cost-cutting ideas as possible without sacrificing style. I’m constantly wracking my brain for ideas like that. Again, Nettie, welcome aboard and thank you for your subscription. Have a wonderful weekend!


    • Thank you so much, Susan! I appreciate that you stopped by today, and I ALWAYS appreciate the opportunity to join you and the other talented tablescapers around the world each week. Have a wonderful weekend!


  45. Oh Happy Anniversary dear! I LOVE your beautiful bowl and if I were to be the lucky winner….I will use it for our Anniversary table next month! Wishing you and your honey many more years of bliss. We were married on Thanksgiving eve….and we’ve come to celebrate that date every year rather than the 26th which is our “official” one — Thanksgiving eve just feels right to us.


    • Thank you, Martha!!! Thank you so much!!! You are in the bowl for the drawing, and just keep those fingers crossed. It would be great to have that bowl for your upcoming anniversary! I think it’s cool that you celebrate on Thanksgiving Eve regardless of the actual date. MUCH easier to remember and lots more sentimental value I would think. Enjoy your weekend!!!


  46. Beautiful post! I’m sure you missed him on your special day, but your dinner plans sound wonderful (I always read your menus! They sound delicious!!!). Your table is elegant, as always!


    • Thank you so much!!! I did miss him, but he’ll be back tomorrow and I’ll cook the food on Saturday and we can relax. I’m glad you like the menus! I try to prepare food that we both will like AND that our guests will enjoy, but it doesn’t always work out that way. I’m a little picky sometimes. 😉 I’ve never prepared the ginger-scallion crusted salmon, so it will be interesting to see how that turns out. You can only prepare salmon and chicken so many ways, y’know! 🙂 Thank you so much for stopping in. I think I’m going to turn in so I’ll be refreshed and feeling good when I pick him up from the airport tomorrow. Have a good night and a great weekend!


  47. Happy Anniversary! Your table is gorgeous.I think I have signed up to follow twice. Not sure if I succeeded. I enjoy your blog. I woud love a pedelstal bowl to try to create a tablescape as beautiful as yours. Thanks for stopping by my blog also. On another note, I was missing my hubby too last week as he went to Houston for his check up. He was only gone four days but it felt like a month. Our four legged baby missed him too.


    • Hi, Monica, and thank you! Yes…you are signed up, ma’am! Thank you for that! I’m so glad you enjoy the blog. I enjoy doing it each week. Your husband was there, too, huh? Wow! Hope the check up went well. It always seems like forever when they’re gone. Mine comes back tomorrow, thank goodness, and we can get back to normal…whatever that is! 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping in, and your name is in the bowl. Good luck!!!


  48. What a beautiful table. I just found your blog and have enjoyed going back and looking at past posts. I have signed up to follow along so I do not miss out on any posts! I have always loved dishes and am just getting into actually using them to create tablescapes. This beautiful bowl would be a great start of items to have on hand for centerpieces! Have a great weekend and thanks for the giveaway.


    • Hi, Sandra, and thank you so much for following!!! I’m glad you found me here in blog land and that you like the photos. I really enjoy entertaining at home, and this is a way to share that love with others! I’m glad you’re getting into tablescaping, too!!! It’s a marvelous creative outlet, and the possibilities are endless x infinity! Please be sure to let me know if you start blogging so I can join in the fun with you! Your name is in the bowl, and Ramon will be pulling a name on Tuesday morning. He’s almost as excited about this whole thing as I am….weird! 😉 Thank you for your subscription, and I wish you all the best as you begin to explore the wonderful world of tablescaping! Enjoy your weekend!


  49. hi Alycia, How lovely, I love your white table setting and the centerpiece is so pretty. I do on occasion a table similar during the holidays, but mine isn’t even close to being this pretty. I’ve been enjoying all your scapes from the past. All so beautiful. Thanks for having a great giveaway. Hope your weekend is great.


    • Hi, Emily! Thank you for stopping in!!! I’m sure your holiday table is a stunner. You do such pretty work all the time! I had actually thought about doing something like this for a holiday table this year, but decided to go for the anniversary instead. My cousin’s anniversary party is in January, and she wants a similar look so maybe I’ll pull some of these elements again for that. I have a hard time repeating things I’ve done already, but since she likes it….! 😉 Thank you so much for your visit, and I wish you a peaceful weekend.


  50. What an awesome giveaway. I would feel beyond honored if I was awarded this giveaway. My maid of honor and bridesmaids all live in different states, so seeing them and planning this wedding, which is taking 2 and a half years, has been difficult. Having this beautiful bowl would help them when planning any bridal shower I may have in the future. But its versatility will also allow it to be used at the wedding and rehearsal dinner as well!


    • Hi, Elizabeth, and welcome aboard the Table Twenty-One train! 🙂 Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials. Two-and-a-half years of planning??!??!! Wow! You’ve got stamina, girl!!! I would be SO over it after about 6 months or so! Great hangin’ in there!!! Sounds like you and your bridal attendants are all putting forth a great effort to pull this off perfectly! I have received notification that you are an official follower now, so your name is in the bowl, baby!!! You’ll receive weekly posts AND be eligible for future giveaways. My husband will be pulling a name for the pedestal bowl on Tuesday morning as he rushes out the door for work. Have a wonderful weekend, happy planning, good luck, and thanks again for your subscription!


    • Hi there, Rhian, and welcome aboard! First, congratulations on your upcoming wedding!!! I visited your neat blog and saw the FABULOUS, FABULOUS, FABULOUS site for your ceremony. Those trees are awesome, and that will be such a fantastic spot to pledge your love and devotion. As a retired professional wedding planner I have a great appreciation for well-chosen venues. I will be rooting for you and James to be blessed with exceptionally nice weather on your wedding day! You are now officially subscribed to this blog which means you are eligible for the drawing, you will receive weekly design posts, AND you will be eligible for future giveaways. Your name is in the bowl, and my husband will be pulling a name on Tuesday morning. Good luck to you, have a wonderful weekend, and thank you for following Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One!


  51. You never cease to “blow me away”…..such a romantic. To be head over heels after so many years:*~:*~! Love it! Not to many couples stay :*~romantically~:* connected and when I find more couples like my hubby and me I wanted to say YAY!!!!
    Table is…:*~:*~BREATHTAKING:*~:*~ (as always) I am a sucker for silver and white. I am going to give it a try one day….when I get my courage up 😉



    • Hey, Wendy! Thanks for stopping by! So glad you like the table. Yup, Ramon and I are still head over heels after all these years, and it just keeps getting better. I can’t wait ’til his plane arrives this evening!!! I have been giddy all day! We’re kinda on the “old” side, but we’ve got a “teenager’s crush” on each other that just won’t die. Hallelujah for that! 🙂 Your name is officially in the bowl, and Ramon will draw the name on Tuesday morning. I wish we could do a live feed of him doing that. It would make it more fun and dramatic. Oh, well….maybe I’ll just snap a photo! Take care, thanks again for stopping in, and have a beautiful weekend with your sweet Danny! Bye! 🙂


  52. First of all this table is EXQUISITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The mirror in the middle made me gasp! PLease tell me about the 2 tables you ahve put together! GREAT idea, may I ahve the measurements? I would like to do this on our deck for our dinner group! Also you really SCORED on the dishes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gorgeous, and what a deal! Our GW never has a thing!:(:( The menu sounds DELICIOUS! I wish I was a guest for dinner! I would so LOVE to have one of these beautiful pedestals! How versatile and fabulous! Please enter my name too! Have a GREAT weekand, hope your hubby gets home soon! XO, Pinky


    • Thank you so very much!!!!! I can’t believe I was going to toss that mirror out! A little elbow grease (it had been stored in the basement for several years), and it was good as new! I don’t even know why it was down there. Maybe we were going to do something with it once. Who knows? The tables are just standard 6-ft. tables. They are 30″ wide. Pushing them together gives an almost square which works really well. I used two 132″ x 90″ linens on them which are floor-length. Your name is in the bowl, and Ramon will be drawing a name on Tuesday morning. Good luck, and have a great weekend!!!


  53. I love this! Just found your blog today and love what you do! Happy Anniversary (know you’ll enjoy your dinner when your Hubby gets home)!

    I was wondering where you got the pedestal as I looked at your tablescape. And thinking about what I could do with it.

    Thanks for the opportunity to enjoy and learn from you!!!


    • Hello, Lynn, and welcome!!! Thank you so much for your subscription! I am always just tickled pink when new readers join!!! Thank you for the anniversary wishes. I’m counting down the hours and minutes (literally!) until he gets home this evening. I am so excited!!! Your name is in the bowl for the drawing, and now that you are a follower you will be eligible for future giveaways as well. Good luck to you! I bought these bowls back when I owned a hing-end rental shop for weddings and events. I recently retired but wasn’t able to give up everything. I kept about 1/2 the bowls (I think I started with 32 or so) and have just not been able to part with them. It’s time to spread the beauty, though, so I’m having this giveaway to celebrate my own anniversary. Thank you so much again for becoming a subscriber, and I hope I don’t let you down in the months to come. Please drop me a line occasionally to let me know how I’m doing! Have a great weekend, and thanks!


    • Hi there, Carrie! Thank you so much for visiting! I appreciate your kind comment very much. Please be sure that you are an official follower so that we can put your name in the bowl for the drawing. Just click on the “Sign Me Up!” button located at the top of the far right-hand column on any page of the blog. Once we get that, you’re golden! 🙂 Good luck, thank you for stopping by, and have a terrific weekend!!!


  54. Pingback: Wedding Giveaway Roundup 10.14 : Ossai Bridal Accessories

  55. Another beautiful table, Alycia! You really scored on the Noritake china; $10.74 are you kidding! That’s incredible!! Your anniversary menu sounds so delicious; what a wonderful celebration you two will have.


    • Thank you, Tammy! I just picked him up from the airport, and I’m so happy he’s back in one piece! He’s unpacking right now, so I have time to sneak on the computer for a minute! 😉 Have a great weekend, and thanks for coming by to say hello!


    • Hi, Sandra, and thank you for stopping in tonight! I’m glad you like the table! I just picked Ramon up from the airport, and all is right with the world again!!! I hope you’ll stop back by again sometime. I just visited your blog (I am SO slow about getting to all the posts each week because there are just so darned many of them!), and your Halloween table is really cool with the black, silver and purple!!! I think that does give it a very sophisticated look! I don’t remember ever seeing you on Tablescape Thursday before. I try to visit each and every post each week, but somehow you must have slipped through the cracks. I won’t let that happen again. You have a wonderful sense of style, and I will be happy to “get to know you” better! Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks again for popping in!


  56. Abolutely stunning tablescape! And what a wonderful bargain on the beautiful china!

    Happy Anniversary to you and your husband! 🙂

    And Thanks so much for stopping by to visit and leave a kind comment! Come again~~

    And count me in for the give-away. I rarely win anything, but the bowl is gorgeous! 🙂


    • Hi, Rhonda! Thank you for coming by to see me!!! Thanks for the anniversary wishes, too. We are happily and safely back together as of last night, and I couldn’t be happier! Please be sure that you become and official follower to be eligible for the drawing on Tuesday. Just click on the “Sign Me Up!” button located at the top of the far right-hand column of any page of the blog. Once we receive notification that you are following, your name goes in the bowl! Thanks again so much for visiting, and good luck!!!


  57. Hi Alycia, Ramon is soo lucky to have such beautiful , talented and loving wife as you, I truely wish both of you all the happiness and the best of things that life can offer. Iam in love with your table setting style.


  58. WOW Alycia!! This is one of the most beautiful tables I have ever seen!! Happy Anniversary to you both. The silver bowl is gorgeous and I would love you to put my name in to win! Enjoy your special dinner when Ramon returns!


    • Hello, Melissa from Australia! 🙂 Thank you so much for the nice comments and the anniversary wishes. Hubby is home safe and sound now, so I’m good to go! You are an official follower now, so your name is in the bowl and all ready for the drawing on Tuesday morning (Central time, U.S.A.). I’ll be posting the winner’s name that afternoon. You will now also be eligible for future giveaways. Best wishes for a great weekend, and good luck!


  59. Oh Alicia I need this bowl in my life. Please enter me for a chance to win this beuutiful bowl. I have always followed your blog and love your tablescapes. They have truly inspired me.


    • Hi, Pattie!!!!!! Thanks so much for visiting!!! If I returned from a week away, I’m not sure what would be awaiting me beyond a sink full of dishes and a laundry hamper filled to the hilt! 🙂 Your name is in the hat, so good luck and have a fantabulous weekend!


  60. I know how you are feeling. My fiance is gone for just the weekend and the house seems so empty with him gone.

    I just love your tablescapes! Thank you for sharing!!!

    I would love to be entered into the giveaway.


    • Hi there, Susan! I am sorry to hear your sweetheart is gone for the weekend, and I hope the time passes quickly for you. It’s just not a fun feeling at all, is it? 😦 Your name is now in the bowl, and I will be announcing the winner on Tuesday afternoon. Good luck to you, and I hope the weekend gets better. Take good care, and thanks for following! I’m glad to have you on board!


    • Hi, Kristin, and thank you so much for visiting this evening! I really appreciate it! Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials! I know this must be a very busy and exciting time for you, your fiancee, and your families! Please be sure that you are an official follower of my blog. Just click on the the “Sign Me Up!” button located at the top of the far right-hand column on any page of this blog. Once we receive notification that you are an official follower, your name will be dropped into the bowl and you’re good to go! The drawing will take place and be announced on Tuesday, October 18. Thanks again so much for stopping by to say hello, and I wish you the very best as you continue planning your big day! Be sure to become an official follower, and good luck on the giveaway!


  61. Hi Alycia,
    Another beautiful, romantic table setting. I use mirrors on my table often. I love how the candlelight is reflected. I hope you put this lovely table to use when your husband returns. I just purchased some beautiful candlesticks that would look so good with that pedestal bowl so add my name please! Dianne


    • Good morning, Dianne! Mirrors are such a wonderful tool. I love them for tables a lot more than for looking at myself in them these days! 😉 Your name is in the bowl, my dear. Have a wonderful Sunday!!!


  62. Happy Anniversary! I hope you have a wonderful reunion! The table is gorgeous, and what a buy. That china is so pretty!

    I am a subscriber! And I would love to enter your give away, how generous of you!

    1991? You are newly weds! 🙂 Many more happy years. Good health!


    • Thank you, Kathleen!!! We did have a wonderful reunion, and I’m just pleased as punch that he’s back home safe & sound! And you’re right…we are newlweds! We feel that way every day…which is why we act like a couple of punch drunk teenagers!!! Your name is in the bowl. Good luck!!!


  63. Hello Alycia,

    Well I’ve already congratulated you on your spectacular steal-of-a-deal on the Noritake, but WOW — this tablescape is beyond stunning! You just keep raising the bar, week after week … after week! Kudos for that!

    I’m sorry you and Ramon couldn’t be together on your “official” day, but I know you make all your days together special ones.

    Thanks for mentioning me in the post along with super ‘scaper, Cherry Kay. Wouldn’t it be fun if we could all “do lunch” in person someday?

    You know I would have commented anyhow, but if it’s meant to be that the gorgeous silver pedestal bowl comes to reside with me … well, who would I be to say no? 😉

    Have a happy week, sweet friend!


    • Thank you, Bill, but no you didn’t!!! YOU’RE the one who keeps raising the doggone bar. I’m just trying to keep up with the pace car! 🙂 Ramon got in Friday night, and I nearly knocked him to the ground when I hugged him! I was SO happy to see him!!! We have enjoyed the weekend just kind of hanging out together. Nothing fancy, nothing too special. We’re reserving the menu from this post for sometime next weekend when we’re both settled down. That will be fun. Today it was just homemade enchiladas…not exactly the stuff fancy soirees are made of! We ARE going to do lunch in person someday! I am going to muster the nerve to head South again, and it will be so much fun! You KNOW you are in the bowl, baby!!! Ramon and I both are getting super excited about this. It is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Well, off to bed. We start back to reality tomorrow around here. Booooooooooo!!!! Talk to you later!


  64. Alycia, what can I possibly say, except this is absolutely breathtaking.
    I can’t remember if i posted a comment….must be a senior moment….LOL
    You have an eye for beautiful tablescapes and perfect details. This is so beautiful and romantic. Sorry Ramon was away for your special Anniversary. I am sure you and Ramon will have a fantastic time celebrating.
    You really did find a gem of a bargain. I suppose it pays off to stick with it.
    Those plates and the glasses define true elegance.
    I have been busy having dinner parties here at home, so it has kept me occupied.
    I am enjoying a lovely coffee this morning and reading your blog.
    Happy Anniversary Alycia and Ramon. I am a follower already and I would love to have that beautiful pedestal bowl. Enjoy your day.
    My apologies if I posted twice here……


  65. Stunning my sweet friend and for your anniversary even better! I’m sorry you are missing hubby, I hope he’s home by now so you can both celebrate in style as you always do. I love the mirror in the center of the table it reflects the centerpiece, just great, so elegant, you’re a professional my dear. Thank you for coming over and for the new word, it actually means:excessively mournful and it dawn on me the minute my hubby said, (in spanish) lugubre about my table…so I said lugubrious?! Have a great weel. FABBY


  66. Pingback: One Shoe Can Change Your Life! « Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  67. Alycia, Happy Anniversary to you and Ramon. I hope he will be home soon if he isn’t already. Your table is so lovely and what a find with the Noritake china. I love the all white theme for your anniversary and the menu looks wonderful. Wishing your many, many happy years together.


  68. What a glorious tablescape, Alycia! It just sparkles & makes my eyes dance, trying to take it all in.
    Happy Anniversary to you & your sweetie! What a delightful way to let us join in your celebration, too. That pedestal bowl is outstanding & I’m coveting it right now! Oh, the possibilities! Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway.

    My main desktop computer just went BACK into the shop. I fear Santa may have to bring me a new one. I’m on my tiny laptop & I hate using it, thus my lack of both posting & commenting.
    I’m soooo glad I get your blog posts via email though, or I would have missed out on seeing this beautiful table. Well done, Honey!!



  69. I love the table you created for your missed husband. You are a romantic and cudo’s for you to inspire many to follow your steps to keep the blessing new and fresh. I’ve just found your site although I was informed of it a year ago. I love it so much. Too much because I stay on your site for hours and hours. I have redone my dining room table and kitchen table twice over dur to your inspirations. I moved to Kansas one year ago and now I have made a few friends to show of my new found passion. I haven’t shared my magic Genie yet (that’s you) but after seeing all the other persons that wish to have the silver pedistal bowl I am sure to share. I will definately get browniw points! I would love the bowl to not only use in my home but to venture out and make tablescapes for gatherings. I am now a football mom and basketball mom too. I have found that it is great that the team gets to learn to work together but it is important for the parents to get to know each other to cheer and bring enthusiasm to the team. What better way to meet and greet by hosting a basketball mom’s luncheon, or a Dunk breakfast featuring donuts and a variety of beverages to use for the dunking. Of course this is at the top of my head with ideas of a great table scape to awe and encourage the anticipation for great eats.

    Thanks for the inspirations
    Michele Perez


  70. Beautiful! I have had your sight bookmarked for some time your giveaway convinced me to follow you. I create a table scape each year for my church’s Christmas event and can always find inspiration here.


  71. Oh my gosh Alycia how did i miss this post….it is a stunningly beautiful table, my mouth just dropped open and yes i drooled a little 🙂 i felt like i could almost smell the scent of those heavenly flowers. My dear friend I wish you and your husband many many years of happiness…and lots of romance!! Holy cow I am green with envy over your find at Goodwill…it is so pretty and made the most beautiful table! Thanks so much for the giveaway…what a generous heart you have!


    • Thank you, Donna! We are happily back together with Houston just a memory now. Hallelujah! We missed a lot of important dates together this year with all the Savannah hoopla going on, but we will make up for it next year. As long as we’re together…that’s all that matters!

      I’m still grinning over that Goodwill find. It has restored my faith in thrifting! 🙂

      Have a wonderful weekend, my sweet!


  72. Pingback: Cranberry Christmas – Long Table « Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  73. Pingback: Cranberry Christmas – Squared « Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  74. Pingback: Peonies & Pearls « Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  75. Pingback: Days of Wine & Roses « Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  76. Pingback: Derby Day Dining « Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  77. Pingback: Purple & Pastel Tablescape « Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  78. Pingback: Something Blue Bridal Luncheon « Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  79. Pingback: Bling Wedding – Lauren & Darren « Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  80. Pingback: Pumpkins & Peacocks « Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  81. Pingback: Contemporary Christmas Tablescape – Fire & Ice « Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  82. Pingback: Platinum & Pink Valentine Tablescape « Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  83. I love this table!!! I have a frameless mirror in our room that I’m now thinking would work for my TABLE! So excited about this inspiration! Sure wish I would have seen this in time to enter to win that gorgeous pedestal bowl…wow! That is so neat! I’m off to look at yet another of your amazing tables!!! =D


  84. Pingback: Kentucky Derby Buffet | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  85. Pingback: Platinum New Year’s Eve Wedding | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  86. Pingback: New Year’s Eve Tablescape – Hooray for Vodka! | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  87. Pingback: Diamonds Are A Material Girl’s Best Friend | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  88. Pingback: My Sister’s Wedding China | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  89. Pingback: Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Pretty in Pink, Wicked in Spurs | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  90. Pingback: Bald Is Beautiful – Breast Cancer Awareness Month | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  91. Pingback: Run For the Roses | Tablescapes at Table 21

  92. Pingback: Shake, Rattle & Roll ’em! | Tablescapes at Table 21

  93. Pingback: Happy Birthday, Barf! | Tablescapes at Table 21

  94. Pingback: Contemporary Christmas Tablescape – Fire & Ice | Tablescapes at Table 21

  95. Pingback: Dinner For the Ladies In Waiting | Tablescapes at Table 21

  96. Pingback: Finally Fall | Tablescapes at Table 21

  97. Pingback: Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend – My 60th Birthday Ladies Luncheon | Tablescapes at Table 21

  98. Pingback: Kentucky Derby 2021 – Pinstripe Suit | Tablescapes at Table /Twenty-One

  99. Pingback: Celebrating the Return of “Downton Abbey” 2022 with Quotes from the Dowager Countess | Tablescapes at Table /Twenty-One

  100. Pingback: White Glove Service | Tablescapes at Table /Twenty-One

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