Breast Cancer Awareness Luncheon

Finally! After months of “entertaining drought” I finally got the chance to do something at home again!!! Thanks to two dear friends who so generously provided all the food and libations, I was able to host my most cherished annual
Breast Cancer Awareness Luncheon.

This is always a very intimate event, but one of the very biggest in my heart as the same friends gather each year to celebrate the battle won for one of us.

Again this year we dined out on the deck, basking in the sunny warmth of a perfect 72 degree autumn day.

A generous layering of brown, pink and white linens is the starting point.
I chose to use an 85″ x 85″ square top layer over the round ones beneath to provide a little more visual interest.



Glossy silverplate chargers are topped with deep chocolate brown and white silver-rimmed “Delfina” china from Z Gallerie. (Click here and view “Just Us Girls” to see this china used in another pink, brown & white tablescape.)

Soft pink cotton napkins are fashioned into replicas of the much-recognized pink ribbon that is the international symbol for breast cancer awareness.

Godinger “Dublin” highball glasses are used to serve pink lemonade, while two Cristal D’arques goblets await wines served with the appetizer and entrée.

“Royal Danish” sterling silver flatware.

Pink organza bags of Good & Plenty licorice candies are a sweet treat for each guest.

I used an adjustable height bust form from my dressing room as the foundation for the centerpiece.
I chose to keep her uncovered so as to “expose” us all to breast cancer awareness.

A fragrant combination of fresh roses, hydrangea and Gerbera daisies along with some faux pink wisteria creates a dramatic “head” on the bust form centerpiece that symbolizes flowery, upbeat thoughts! (I wired together the flowers, then just removed the bust form’s cap and stuck the stems down the neck. Easy peasy!)

As many ladies do for luncheon, this bust form is adorned in a triple strand of pearls. The necklace peeks out from beneath a pink ribbon arranged to mimic the international symbol.

Clumps of fresh and faux flowers are arranged on a large silver tray at the bust form’s foot.

To bring a touch of autumn to the table, I bought 4 mini pumpkins from the local grocer (just $.50 each) and spray painted them in Krylon’s “Ballet Slipper.” After a day of drying, I painstakingly (and I do mean painstakingly!!! :-() blinged out the pumpkins by adding tiny pearlescent beads purchased at Hobby Lobby. I used clear Elmer’s Glue for those on top and a great little newly discovered product called Zap-A-Gap on the sides. (I strongly recommend wearing gloves when working with this stuff. Even nail polish remover wouldn’t get it off my fingers!!!)

A small side table dressed in pure white linen offered sweet pink lemonade on a silver tray and two kinds of chocolate dessert cookies on silver beaded edge pedestal trays. A diminutive bouquet of pink roses and a Gerbera daisy was arranged in a tiny Mikasa “Petit Points” crystal vase.

After the luncheon, each guest went home with a pumpkin and this note to remind her to get that all-important mammogram. Additional bling pumpkins were delivered a few days later to beloved neighbors.

Please be sure to schedule that yearly mammogram, ladies! (Guys, encourage the women in your life to go! And as for you fellas, uh….prostate check!!!) It could be – as with my friend who was diagnosed early – a true matter of life and death.
Choose life. Get that mammogram!

More tablescapes on this site using shades of pink that could serve to honor Breast Cancer survivors:
Showered in Pink
Pinky Peter Cottontail
Pleasant Under Glassgo to page & scroll down
Au Revoirgo to page & scroll down
Coming Up Rosesgo to page & scroll down
Just Us Girls
Tea Rosesgo to page & scroll down
Princess Pink Birthday Dinner
Pink Plaid & Posies
Peonies & Pearls
Blushing Bridal Shower
Pretty In Pinkgo to page & scroll down
Peony Power

Join us, won’t you, for Tablescape Thursday at Between Naps on the Porch and Bev’s “Pink Saturday” at How Sweet the Sound! And don’t forget to check us out on!!

Blessings, thanks, peace & love to Liz at Infuse With Liz
for helping me to spread the word!

137 thoughts on “Breast Cancer Awareness Luncheon

  1. Tastefully done and very feminine. And, you were blessed with a beautiful day for outdoor entertaining! It wonderful to see that your mojo has returned. xx


  2. Oh, Alycia…this is BEAUTIFUL! Your details with deep, well-thought-out meaning are so touching! What a beautiful way to remind friends and loved ones. Thanks for sharing.


  3. Alycia, this is a lovely tribute expertly put together. How wonderful you can spend the day with your dear friends. I love the layered cloths and the bust as a centerpiece is ingenious! Your pieces are stunning and the flowers are wonderful. Thanks for sharing the how to on the pumpkins.. they are soo cute. you might see these again from down here! xo marlis


    • Thank you, Marlis! This was the most fun putting a table together that I can remember since…..well, you know! We had such a good time. It’s always such a nice affair I would have been heartbroken had I not been able to do it this year. Making those pumpkins will make you nuts!!! I probably should have primed them first to make the paint dry faster. That glue is no picnic, either!


    • You are too kind, Liz! Thank you! That floral head was a lot easier to make than I first envisioned. The pumpkins, on the other hand…..! 😦 What a pain! It was worth it in the end, though. I’m still peeling that glue off my fingertips!


      • Oh, thank you, Liz!!! Thank you! It’s funny…When I was pitching the idea to my husband and best friend, I think they thought I had finally stepped completely over to the weird side! I tried to explain the concept, but I didn’t do a very good job of it. When they saw the end results, they were blown away…which was what I was hoping for. Made me very happy! 🙂


    • Thank you, Diane! I could hardly sleep because my head kept spinning ideas. I wanted to be sure the guest of honor knew how treasured she is. Mission accomplished! I wish I could share the private photos from the afternoon, but I have to respect her privacy. Believe me, it went over quite well! 🙂


  4. Stunning table as always dear friend. I adore the pink and it’s just right for this feminine occasion. What a FABULOUS idea to use a bust with the head as a flower arrangement! The blinged pumpkins, awesome too! You have put together a spectacular tribute to women and breast cancer. I think someone in the media or magazine should see this somehow, had I lived in the USA i’d know what to do! I think I’m going to share it with Susan at BNOTP as she might have an idea. Congrats on such a talent my dear. Lots of hugs. FABBY


  5. This tablescape is absolutely breathtaking. I love the layered tablecloths, the gorgeous flowers, the color pink, the beautiful china and your sterling is one of my favorite patterns. I love anything with a crown. You created a masterpiece for such an important cause. Those pink pumpkins with a little bling are just the pefect detail to a perfect table. How lucky were your friends to attend this luncheon. Mammograms are so important for women’s health and I just got a reminder from my doctor to schedule mine. I lost a dear friend to breast cancer when she was far too young and I will never forget her.


    • Hi, Bella! I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. That indeed is why it is so important to get those yearly checkups. My hair stylist remarked today that she had hers done yesterday and hated them “pulling and tugging” on her. I told her to just be happy she has something to pull and tug on!!! I had mine done in May, and I’m due for “that other painful thing” now. Ugh! All in the name of good health! Thank you for stopping in tonight. I really appreciate it, and I’m so glad you liked it! Take care!


  6. Alycia, this is so beautiful. What a truly generous heart you have.
    Not only are you a muti-talented designer, you have a heart of gold…so loving and giving. The bust is an awesome idea with the flowers and the pink ribbon. Everything is tied in perfectly, down to the napkins. The bling is so lovely on the pumpkins. This is a very supported cause for women and in need of considerable mention……hugs, Linda


  7. Alycia~ Only you would serve up your dress form on a silver platter~ how clever! I love your pink blooms cascading down the form and painted pink PUMPKINS! What a creative nod to the season~ with a touch of feminine bling, no less. All your details are so perfect for such a worthy cause~ love your napkin fold~ The chocolate is such a wonderful rich color & foundation~ beautifully paired with the pink!


  8. Alycia, I adore all of your tablescapes, but I think this is one of your most beautiful in style and message. I know I’ve said this before, but I’m constantly amazed at your creativity and attention to detail.Your use of the bust form is absolute genius! Love her hat and pearls. Every aspect of your tablescape is perfection including reminders for mammograms. Am I gushing? Yes!
    Hugs, Babs


    • Thank you, Babs. Thank you very much! You know how it is…you’re sittin’ around waiting for your toe polish to dry and just staring at everything in the room. Suddenly it hits you!!! I have 2 dress forms in my dressing room, and I’ve always wondered how I might use them other than for holding my robes! 🙂


    • Good morning, Shenita, and thank you! My husband actually came up with the idea for the “sash” as he called it on the bust form! He is really getting into this…a little too much, I’m afraid! 🙂 Glad you like it!


  9. Alycia: Beautiful! How lucky your friends are to have such a beautiful lunchon served to them by such a wonderful and beautiful friend. Love the bling pumpkins and the message for each.Breast cancer checks are so very important! What a great way to remind your friends. Well done!!


    • Hi, Jacqueline, and thanks for stopping by! It WAS a perfect day. The food was good, the friends were amazing, the wine was flowing (yes, in the middle of the afternoon!), and LIFE just felt a little bit sweeter!


  10. This is such a beautiful reminder. Every detail is gorgeous. The pinks blinged pumpkins are just darling. You’ve thought of everything for a delightful autumn ladies gathering. I do have my card and need to make my appointment for next month.


  11. Once again……just beautiful!! Does your brain work in overdrive??? I wish I lived a little closer so I could see this lovely table for real!


    • Hi, Suzy! My brain doesn’t work at all. That may be the saving grace! 😉 It was all heart going into this one. No brain whatsoever involved! I wish you lived closer, too. I would be so happy to have you at my table!!!!


  12. OOoooh Alycia….Brilliant, KUDOS!!!

    I just adore your blog and ALL the ideas you bring to the table (pun intended) I am always inspired and blown away!
    This is just….Awesome! The bust is the perfect touch, what a fantastic idea….I could give you a standing ovation but, you wouldn’t hear me!



  13. Alycia, this table is absolutely arresting! I love your centerpiece, it really makes you stop and think. The flowers are so gorgeous. I love the blinged out pumpkins. I bought one like that that I used on last week’s table and was thinking of doing it to some larger ones, but listening to you, maybe I won’t! Great idea to mix the fresh and silk. You always have such lovely tables and events.


    • Hi, buddy! Thank you! I saw your beautiful blinged white pumpkins and loved them! As you may know, our money has been so funny around here it is ROTFLMFAO. (I think that is the correct acronym!) 🙂 So…I had to create my own. Only cost about 32 cents per pumpkin. That’s more my billfold’s speed these days! The only thing about making them is that you really have to be careful with that glue, and you have to be very patient with the sides of the pumpkin. It takes about 20 seconds per bling bit for the glue to dry. It wasn’t until way into the process I figured out that it was easier to use some of my husband’s surgical forcep thingies to apply them. Duh! As for the flowers, since we’ve been “poor” I have not been able to just go out and buy all the fresh flowers I want when I want them. My friend had supplied me with a huge box of fresh, but there were no hydrangea or the droopy type that I used on the side. So…faux it was! Thanks for stopping by!


  14. There is a lot of love in this table. What a beautiful way to celebrate life, but not forget how fragile it can be. I can’t tell the faux flowers from the real ones because they are ALL gorgeous. Your little pumpkins look so elegant! Very beautiful (and very girl-y!) table!


    • Good morning, Elaine. LOTS of love in it. Absolutely! I had to use some faux flowers because I couldn’t find any long, droopy ones or hydrangea in the box of “day old” flowers my florist friend gave me to use. I thought these looked pretty good for day olds. Thank you so much for stopping in to see this girlie girl table…and don’t forget your mammogram! 😉


  15. I love all the details you added to your table.It is a beautiful way to encourage us all to have that mammogram.The bling on your tiny pumpkins is so pretty.

    Thank you for sharing,



  16. Celebrating your friend’s victory over breast cancer is a good reason to create such beautiful tables. I love everything you have done, and your guests must have been blown away.


  17. This table is just beautiful! The centerpiece is fabulous. I love the pink pumpkins they are so elegant! A beautifull table for such a worthy cause! You are amazing, my friend! Your guests must have loved your wonderful luncheon.
    Blessings My Friend,


    • Hi, my friend! How are you, Karin!?? Good to hear from you! Thank you so much, and thank you for stopping by. I am slowly making my way through all of this week’s Tablescape Thursday posts. I’m only up to #35, so I hope to see yours soon! Maybe I’ll just pop on over there without going in order like I usually do! 🙂


  18. Alycia,

    Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the exposed chest. We can never, ever stop bringing awareness to this topic. You did an amazing creative display as usual. It is obvious that you put a great deal of time and care into the presentation. I am always so proud to call you a friend because your giving spirit is so evident in all that you do. Thanks for sharing your talents. I will call you soon.

    Linda Dubar


    • LINDA!!! Hi!!!!! So glad to see you here! I’m so glad you like the tablescape. It made me feel good to create it. Love to you and your other half. We’re outta here again this weekend to Pittsburg, KS. Ugh! 😦 But as long as I can be with Ramon, it’s all good.


  19. Oh….FANTASTIC….TRULY FANTASTIC!!!!!!! Love the pink/the dress form/the flowers and THE CAUSE!!!! I can tell that you totally put your heart into this and I think it’s fabulous!!!!!!



    • Hi, Lana! Thank you!!! “The Cause” is what it’s all really all about! Thank you, and welcome back!!! I hope you have had time to catch your breath. I’m still making my way through all the blog posts, but I look forward to reading up on how you’re doing now that you’re back on terra firma!


  20. Great job Alycia. This is a beautiful table. I am sure everyone at the luncheon felt so honored that you put that much attention into every detail. I love the bling pumpkins but after hearing about your poor fingers I won’t give that a try. On a side note, I am so happy that the world is getting to see all of your God given talent. You are such a hidden treasure.


  21. What a great way to honor the survivors and pay tribute to the ones that didn’t. The symbolism is quite amazing, and just stunningly beautiful! Love the blinged out mini pumpkins, and your gorgeous centerpiece. My cousin just walked 60 miles in DC for the cause and to remember her sister who died last year about this time from breast cancer. I believe they raised quite a large sum! I will send her your link, so that she can see your gorgeous table. I believe breast cancer has touched all of our lives in some way, and your post serves as a fitting reminder. I love all the elements here, you are amazing, both talent-wise and giving-wise (wait is that a word???) Anyway, thanks for sharing this!! Beautiful!!!


    • Thank you so much! Hats off to your cousin and all the others who took part in the all-important walk! Breast cancer is such a pervasive and ugly disease, and there has GOT to be a cure sometime soon. Enough sisters, mothers, wives, cousins, and friends have been lost to a disease that makes no sense whatsoever.


    • Good morning, Bonnie, and thank you so much! That is so sweet! Breast cancer is a disease that takes the lives of so many women (and men!), and we have to keep the fight going and the cause in the forefront of everyone’s mind. I can’t stand the idea of losing a friend or family member to this vicious killer. Thank you so much for stopping in this morning, Bonnie, and I wish you a peaceful weekend!


  22. Alycia,

    Thank you so much for your kind words. Your tablescape is beautiful. I found the football s and p shakers at Kroger, believe it or nit. Tuesday Morning also had football items. My hubby went to Miss State so I have to give them equal time next month!!!

    Your pumpkins are beautiful as is everything on your table.



    • Great! Thanks so much for getting back to me so quickly, Cynthia! I really appreciate it! I’ll check out Tuesday Morning since we don’t have Kroger here in the Midwest anymore. (They left the Kansas City area way back in the 60s or early 70s, I think. :-() Bill over at Affordable Accoutrements is always talking about the great bargains he gets at Kroger on flowers. Sounds like you live in “a house divided” with the Ole Miss and Miss State rivalry. 🙂 It will be interesting to see “his” table! Thanks again and have a great evening!


  23. Oh my. This is so stunniing!! I can’t remember ever seeing a table any more beautiful than this one. I loved the centerpiece, both the gorgeous flowers and the take on the theme. Loved the way the napkins were folded like pink ribbons. SInce I’m currently praying two different people through this trial, I love it all the more.


    • OH, Debbie, I’m sorry to hear about your friends’ battle with this awful, awful disease. My prayer is that they are relieved of any pain & suffering and that the cancer will leave soon them. I’m so glad you like the table setting, and I wish you a safe and happy weekend! Take care, and thanks so much for stopping by!


  24. Hi Alycia,
    I’m visiting your blog via Infuse with Liz. This is an OUTSTANDING tablescape. Your attention to detail is amazing. How wonderful that this luncheon takes place each year to celebrate a friend’s victory over breast cancer.
    I’m so glad I stopped by – what an inspiration!
    ~ Wendi ~


  25. Truly amazing, Alycia. This beautifully expresses your unique creative energy and your infallible eye for color and design. I’m glad you were able to do this for your friends and appreciative that you could share it with all of us. The love comes through, along with your oh-so-important message.

    Inspired and inspiring, my friend!


    • Thank you, Bill! Your opinion is always so important to me, and I greatly value it. This is one of the most important events I look forward to each year because it celebrates the defeat of cancer in at least one. One life at a time……….


  26. Stunning table setting Alycia…every detail amazed me. I was so taken by the little slip of pink sticking out from under the tablecloth. The good and plenty were a brilliant touch. The folding of the pink napkins also brilliant. The floral centerpiece is breath taking and the dishware brought up so many notches. You are so creative and your kindness and thoughtfulness really shine through in this post!


  27. Your tablescapes dazzle me everytime, Alycia. Stunning! it feels like I’m turning the pages of a magazine! Such a beautifully elegant table… and I love the dress form centerpiece with the pretty pink flowers and pink pumpkins… adorable! The gorgeous silverware and crystals sparkle and shine beautifully and I love how you folded the napkins to resemble the symbolic pink ribbon. Your attention to detail and your use of color, with silver touches is absolutely gorgeous!Enjoyed my visit here today! Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment on my Tuscan room. Have a great week!Hugs~Poppy


  28. Pingback: Autumn White Wedding « Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One



  30. Pingback: Showered in Pink « Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  31. Pingback: Pink Plaid & Posies « Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  32. Alycia I am so touched yet in such awe at this beautiful table and the meaning and celebration behind it. Both my sister and mother had breast cancer. My sister died from it. My mother had a radical masectamamy (sp?) and lived to 87. My daughter in law is presently in breast cancer remission. And my husband has bone cancer….his second time around. The first was a very rare form of lung cancer (he is a non smoker) and part of his lung and lymph nodes were taken. It came back into the bones last Sept. But he is doing well.

    I applaud you for doing this wonderful luncheon and your table is breathtaking. Once again, you are an inspiration to all!!



  33. Pingback: Bling Wedding – Lauren & Darren « Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  34. Alycia…this is one of my favorite tables….it is simply gorgeous…I love the way you folded the napkins into a pink ribbon…the table is elegant…so fitting of the ones you are honoring…I have many friends that have been affected by this horrible disease….this table just takes my breath away…such a wonderful tribute Alycia…Bravo!!!


  35. Pingback: Caribbean Queen – One Table, Three Looks | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  36. Pingback: Breakfast at Tiffany’s | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  37. Pingback: Diamonds Are A Material Girl’s Best Friend | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  38. Pingback: In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month | Warm Heart Bears by Carolyn Robbins-Blog

  39. Pingback: It’s All About Me! | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  40. Every detail is absolutely gorgeous, Alycia. I absolutely LOVE the ribbon around the torso. Outstanding and thought-provoking.
    You are so talented.
    Hope you stop by this weekend. I have a special weekend assignment. 😉
    Happy pinks!


  41. I havwe been meaning to give this exact thing a try – been a number of years since I have done it….lost my BFF to BC years ago… my sister is a recent survivor. You just inspired me to do this.

    Bless you. Great pink cause!!!! ♥


  42. Pingback: Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Pretty in Pink, Wicked in Spurs | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  43. Oh how creative and beautiful this is. Love the flowers on top of the bust, and the blinged pink pumpkins are so pretty. How clever to make the napkin look like the pink ribbon. I love the browns and p inks together. I’m so sorry your back is giving you trouble. I hope you are doing better. laurie


  44. Pingback: Bald Is Beautiful – Breast Cancer Awareness Month | Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One

  45. Pingback: In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month | At Home with Warm Heart Bears

  46. Pingback: In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month - At Home with Warm Heart Bears

  47. Pingback: In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month | Warm Heart Bears Journal

  48. Pingback: In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Warm Heart Bears Journal

  49. Pingback: Princess Pink Birthday Dinner | Tablescapes at Table 21

  50. Pingback: Pretty In Pink (a re-post from April of 2010) | Tablescapes at Table 21

  51. Pingback: Tea Roses | Tablescapes at Table 21

  52. Pingback: Au Revoir! | Tablescapes at Table 21

  53. Pingback: The Cake Studio | Tablescapes at Table 21

  54. Pingback: Just Us Girls | Tablescapes at Table 21

  55. Pingback: Coming Up Roses | Tablescapes at Table 21

  56. Pingback: Shop ‘Til You Drop – Prepping for Black Friday | Tablescapes at Table 21

  57. Pingback: The Power of Pink | Tablescapes at Table /Twenty-One

  58. Pingback: Sunday Morning Coffee | Tablescapes at Table /Twenty-One

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